The Fat God System

Chapter 166: Kidnap

Serena told everyone what she saw with the bandit's memories. She embellished it a little bit with her guesses, but everyone got the gist.

"Hmm…," Hugh said as he scratched his chin. "They seem to be connected with someone who collects debts."

Miser immediately raised his head as soon as he heard that. He connected it with the one company that had kidnapped Mia before, the Shark Loan Company.

"They attacked again, didn't they?" Hugh said to the whole room.

Everyone immediately knew who was the suspect in this kidnapping case. Hugh found it weird that the Shark Loan company had let Hugh and the others go so easily.

It turned out that they were planning something in the meanwhile. Now, they have Mia in their hands. Hugh was just worried that the company would sell Mia to the commander.

"Let's go now!" Miser said with the urgency of an impatient man. "We must rescue Mia at once!"

Hugh understood the impatience that Miser experienced. However, it was not at easy as that. They were not even sure that the Shark Loan Company truly kidnapped Mia or it was somebody else.

"It's not that easy. We need to know where they are first," Jane argued. She thought about this situation, and all she could think about was how to find Mia as soon as possible.

"Darren, do you know of a company called the Shark Loan company?" Hugh asked Darren.

Darren was an older guy that was stationed in the Cheroque kingdom. Hugh guessed that he was the one who knew stuff like this in the city.

Darren closed his eyes and focused on his memories. It was not long after that he remembered something from the recesses of his mind.

"Ah!" Darren exclaimed. "I remember something like that. From what I could recall when I was active in the military, there was a rogue company settled on the outskirts of the Cheroque kingdom. They may be the ones who you are talking about."

"We are wasting time here," Miser said as he paced back and forth all over the room. "We must turn back and search for Mia!"

Hugh shook his head at Miser's suggestion. They did not know for sure where they took Mia.

"Is that near us? Or is the one in the town nearer?" Jane asked.

"We are almost at the Cheroque kingdom. It's nearer there," Darren answered.

Hugh nodded his head as he decided on the best way to find Mia. He looked at Miser in the eyes and held his shoulders.

"Don't worry. We'll find Mia no matter what it takes," Hugh consoled Miser.

"Since that it closer, it is safe to assume that the kidnapper went there. Even if they did not, then we could threaten them for information," Jane said as she also agreed with what Hugh said.

Miser was comforted by the fact that Hugh and the others knew what they were doing. If he were to experience this by himself, he was not sure if he could pull it off.

"Let's go," Hugh said as he pulled the reigns on the horses and set off into the Cheroque kingdom.

The group continued on their journey. Miser could not relax on the carriage as his daughter was still in grave danger.

With the commander on the way, they were close to being caught. Mia had a lot of enemies and she was all alone at the moment.

Miser could only imagine the anxiety and worry that Kia was currently feeling right now. Miser just hoped that Mia was okay.


Mia's eyes were closed as she just regained her consciousness. She could feel she was traveling at Hugh's speeds.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that she was currently riding a horse. She was at the back seat with her arms and legs wrapped in rope to prevent her fork from moving.

She could not see who was riding the horse. However, it was safe to assume that he was the one who had kidnapped her.

It felt uncomfortable riding a horse, but she could not speak nor move. She was helpless as she was being transported into another location.

She tried struggling, but she could not get the ropes out of her. When she tried to move excessively, she almost fell from the horse.

Mia also felt that it was better to fall off a horse than he abducted. However, her kidnapper grabbed her in midair and prevented her from being dropped.

"Stay still!" the kidnapper shouted. He seemed to be very irritated at Mia's attempt at escaping.

The man wore a mask all over his face, and Mia could only see his eyes. She was sure that she had not seen this person ever before.

"Tsk. You should have stayed asleep!" the kidnapper said as he carried Mia by one hand and moved her to the front of the horse.

This way, there would not be any more accidents. Mia could never fall off because he could monitor her actions at any time.

Mia frowned as she realized that she could not do anything. She was forced to look ahead.

Up ahead, she could see a beautiful and grand kingdom in the distance. It was big, and it seemed to be bustling with many types of people.

There was one gigantic castle in the middle of the kingdom surrounded by streets and streets of houses and buildings.

It was easy to guess that this was the Cheroque kingdom. Mia had never been here before, but she felt connected with it.

It was not strange to feel this way since her mother was a queen to the kingdom. She was also of royal blood, which meant that she could become queen of this big kingdom.

Throughout her life, Miser and she lived a humble life. They only got what they needed, and it was enough for them.

It was only when the debts got transferred to them when they had any problems.

It was weird to think that she could change her whole life in a blink. It was surreal to even think about it.

Mia and her kidnapper continued their journey towards the Cheroque kingdom. However, the horse went into a detour and did not enter the kingdom.

They went towards the outskirts of town and stopped at a remote location where a building was constructed.

As soon as they got near the building, multiple guards pointed their weapons at them. She could see a lot of wary eyes directed at them.

However, as soon as her kidnapper signaled his hands towards the guards, they let down their weapons and allowed them to approach the building.

As they got closer, Mia observed the building and its people. Then, she noticed one small detail in the building that gave her a hit of nostalgia.

There was a sign in the middle of the building that stated,

'Shark Loan Company'

This was the company that had pressured Miser to pay off the debt. When Miser could not make do with the debt, they resorted to kidnapping Mia.

She was in captivity for a couple of days until Hugh and his friends freed her.

Now, she was back to where she started. It turned out that she was being kidnapped by the Shark Loan Company once again.

As they reached the building, the kidnapper dismounted from the horse and carried Mia inside.

As Mia was forcefully entered the building, she could see that the design of the building was similar to the one back in her hometown.

Bald guards were surveying the area with weapons sheathed by their side. They eyed Mia, but they could not do anything since Mia was a prized prisoner.

Her kidnapper talked to a bald guy to the side and instructed him to leave a message. The bald guy hurried inside and transported the message.

After a minute, the door burst open and a sturdy and clean man appeared in front of Mia. He was wearing silk coats all over him with different colors.

"Apologies about your journey through here, miss Mia," the man said as he bowed towards Mia.

Mia was surprised at the man's attitude. She did not think that the man would welcome her like this. She did not know why the man seemed nice to her.

"Why am I here?" Mia said with a glare in her eyes.

The man smiled. "Let me first introduce myself. My name is James, and I manage this branch of the company."

The man performed a gentleman's bow as he introduced himself. Mia would have thought that James was a gentleman if not for the fact that she was kidnapped here.

"What do you want from me?" Mia reiterated. She was tired of being kidnapped and treated like a piece of object.

"We know your true identity, miss Mia. You are a descendant of the throne, and the rightful heir to the kingdom," James said with a disarming smile on his face.

Mia was silent at James' words. It was true, but she did not want to agree with it.

"What we want from you is easy. We want you to be the queen."

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