The Fat God System

Chapter 154: Prison

As soon as they entered the building, they were met with cold air. There were ventilation systems all over the strangely lit room.

There were bald people wearing suits standing around the room and talking. They all had their weapons in their sheets as they relaxed at this time of the night.

The bald guys only took a look at Hugh's group once, and they went back to their business. Hugh looked around the room to assess the danger.

Since the bald guys had weapons around their side, it meant that they did not have any special powers. They could theoretically dispose of these guys without any problem.

Right now, their mission was to locate Miser's daughter and see if it was safe to rescue her. To do that, they need to go to the receptionist.

In the right side corner of the room stood a relatively beautiful group. Of course, being alongside bald men all day automatically increased her looks.

She wore a name tag alongside her uniform which read 'Song'.

As Hugh and his group walked over towards her, she gave a cold smile to them.

"What can I do for you?"

Jane took the lead on this one and answered. "We are here to pay off his debt."

As soon as Jane said the word debt, Song the receptionist brightened her eyes. She became more and more receptive towards the group and treated them like kings and queens.

"Might this humble one know whose debt you are settling?" Song asked.

"It-It's mine!" Miser blurted out. He was too nervous for this, so he stumbled through his words. This behavior gathered some looks from the bald men, but they relaxed soon after.

Hearing the name, Song took out a book from her desk and started to go through it. She used her reading glasses at the side to see better at this time of the night.

"Aha!" Song said as she saw Miser's name in the book. She saw the contents of the debt, and she did not bat an eye. "And how will you be paying for this debt?"

Moser was dumbstruck at her question. He did not have an answer ready because he actually cannot pay the debt. Hugh and the others only planned this so that they could see the inside of the building to scout it out.

"Umm, sir?" Song asked. Miser was fidgeting around like a guilty person, so she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Can we see his daughter first, please?" Hugh interjected. "We need to make sure that no harm had been done to her."

Miser took a big sigh of relief as Hugh answered the question. This was a good excuse to see the prison in which they put his daughter.

Serena gave an unnoticeable nod at Hugh for his commendable quick thinking.

The receptionist was taken aback by Hugh's request, but it was not out of line. It was a reasonable request, so she had to comply with it. Somehow, she felt that there was something amiss with this group.

Song looked towards the bald men in the background and have them three consecutive blinks. This was their secret message to follow her and make sure that nothing bad could happen.

Then, Song turned around and flashed a bright smile at Hugh and his group. She then led them to a hallway in the room.

Miser took a big gulp as they walked deeper and deeper into the lair of the enemy. This was the part where they had to be as calm as steel since there was no turning back now.

Hugh noticed that five bald men accompanied them into the hallway, but he did not give them any heed.

Just as Hugh and his group disappeared into the hallway, a door burst open and a man full of hair entered the room. For a brief second, he got a glimpse of Hugh and his group entering the hallway.

"Who are they?" the man with hair asked.

"They are here to settle a debt, sir Curt" a bald man answered.

The man named Curt took a look back at the hallway, but Hugh and his group already disappeared in the hallway. He furrowed his eyebrows as he was in deep thought.

Curt had a simple polo shirt and tight jeans pants that made him look fashionable in comparison to the bald men in the room.

However, there was nothing next to his body. There was no sheath for his blade, nor a holster for his gun. He was unarmed of any physical weapon.

This could only mean that Curt had a Desire of his own.


Hugh and his group were led deeper into the hallway. Then, they were guided towards a spiral staircase at the end of the hallway that led to the underground.

It was evident that the underground was of a lesser quality than the building. There were no longer any fancy lights, just a simple light blob.

The underground was made of stone, and there were mold growing everywhere even though no water could be seen leaking from the walls.

The temperature also increased as they got deeper into the underground. Without any air ventilation, it was a hot mess in there.

Miser started to sweat from his head to toe. He was palpitating from the heat, and his nervousness did not help the situation at all.

As they reached the end of the spiral staircase, they were met with a manmade cave without sufficient light. They were just at the outskirts, but they could already hear groaning from the caves.

Miser gulped as he positioned himself closer to Hugh and his group. With them, he felt safe and comforted.

"Please follow me," Sing said as she navigated through the caves.

There were multiple openings in the cave, and it was full of prison cells that housed more unfortunate people. These people stuck in here were desolate of any companion.

There were old people, children, adults, and even wild animals imprisoned in these caves.

Some of them had already lost hope of being saved, so they stayed in one corner of their room and let the time pass like a corpse.

Some of them begged for Hugh and his group to save them. They reached towards the steel bars, but they were quickly swatted away by the bald men in the group.

Through the seemingly endless caves, they finally ended up at the very end of it. The prison cell at the very end of the caves was much bigger than the rest and had better lighting than the rest.

From what Hugh could see with his eagle eyes, there were also a bed, a desk, and a toilet with curtains. It was very luxurious compared to the rest of the prison cells inside the cave.

Sleeping on the bed was a beautiful girl who seemed to be at the same age as Hugh and the others. Hugh could only see a piece of her face, but he could already tell that she was beautiful.

As they reached the luxurious room, Song turned around and faced Hugh and his group.

"As you can see, your daughter has been in good care from us."

Miser ignored Song's words and walked closer to the prison cell. He wanted to see a glimpse of his daughter, but the bald men stopped him from going any closer.

"Mia! Mia! It's me. I'm here, Mia!" Miser called out.

Then, Mia opened her eyes raised her head to see the commotion. Under the dim light of the caves, she saw a glimpse of her father's face.

At first, she thought that it was just an illusion, but she heard her father's voice as clear as day. She got up from her bed and slowly walked bare feet towards him.

"Father? Father?! Papa!!"

As soon as she realized that it was realized, she rushed towards the steel bars and tried to reach him. However, they were both separated by the steel bars and the bald men.

Both Mia and Miser started to shed tears at this reunion. Being able to see each other felt like a bittersweet dream that was too good to be true.

"Mia! Mia! Are you okay?!" Miser called out with tears flowing through his face and.

"Un. Un." She replied with a flood of tears spilling out her reddish eyes.

"Hey!" a bald man cried out. He pushed Miser away from Mia at the last second and threw him to the ground.

"No! Papa!" Mia cried out.

"Now, let's get on to business," Song the receptionist said with a cold and calculating voice. "We have shown you proof that she is alive and well. How will you pay your debt?"

"Get off!" Hugh moved and pried the bald man away from Miser.

The bald man was thrown across the room without much effort. Both the receptionist and the bald men were surprised at the tremendous show of strength Hugh.

"How will we pay for it?" Hugh said with sharp eyes looking down at Song. "With your blood."

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