The Fat God System

Chapter 152: Desperate

Will you help me kill somebody,' were the words that everybody in their group heard. Jane, Serena, Dempsy, and Hugh all stopped in their tracks as Aric blurted it out.

Hugh shook his head and slapped his head. He could not believe that Aric would blurt out that taboo so easily.

Jane did not know anything about Maverick, so she was confused about the whole situation. She even thought that Aric was kidding, but the whole vibe that time told her a different story.

Serena had already heard it from Aric and Hugh, so she was not that surprised. Dempsy only looked at Aric with a serious expression.

"No. Why would I? I'm too lazy to do that," Dempsy replied. Then, he continued to walk away from Aric without even missing a beat.

"Come on! Help me out this one time!" Aric shouted out. He knew that he should gather as much power as he could so that he could stand a chance against his father.

Aric and Dempsy continued to bicker with each other as they walked alongside each other. Aric was unrelenting in his wish for Dempsy to help his mission. Dempsy just disregarded Aric's words like it was nothing.

Jane, Hugh, and Serena were left at the back wondering about the weirdness of the situation. Dempsy was not rejecting Aric's plead due to patricide being a crime, but because he felt too lazy to do it.

This implied that if Dempsy did not feel lazy, then he would have helped Aric kill his father.

"We will pay you back! Please, don't hurt my daughter!" a desperate voice said. The man gathered a lot of attention, but no one came to his help.

"We already heard that a million times already. I only want results. We gave you a month, but you still came in short," a bald man shouted. It seemed that this guy and the desperate guy were in a disagreement.

"Please! I'll do anything!" the desperate guy said as he kneeled on the ground and hit his head on the ground.

"I don't want anything from you. However, your daughter will fetch us a nice price," the bald man said as he looked up at the sky and salivated at the thought.

"No! Please! Anything but that!" the desperate man said as he clung to the bald man's legs.

"What's going on over there?" Serena said. She seemed very interested in the commotion happening in the streets.

Dempsy and Aric also stopped bickering with each other as they looked over at the commotion.

"I'll take a look," Serena said as she started to walk over towards the bald man.

"I'll go with you," Jane said as she followed Serena. They both had angry eyes as they went to confront the bald man.

"Ey! You're annoying!" the bald man shouted as he kicked the desperate man in the head. Only then did the desperate man closed his eyes. However, he still kept his grip on the bald man's shoulder.

Seeing the desperate man clinging onto him, the bald man got angrier. He took out a bat from his back and swung it at the desperate man's head.

"Stop!" Serena shouted as she activated her pink smoke and covered herself with it.

She intercepted the bat and grabbed it in one hand, stopping it completely. The bald man was caught off guard as he did not expect someone to interrupt his business.

"You! How insolent!" the bald man shouted as he tried to pry the bat out of Serena's hand.

However, he soon realized that Serena was no weakling. He could not take back control of his own bat with Serena grabbing it. He could even see that his bat got a handprint dent where Serena grabbed it.

"What? You have anything more to say?" Serena said as she gripped the bat even harder and crushed it into pieces.

"Yie!" the bald man shrieked. He was completely terrified of the beautiful yet ridiculously strong girl in front of him.

"This is not the end of this!" the bald man shouted as he ran away from the scene stumbling on his steps.

With the bald man gone, the scene soon turned quiet and the spectators all got bored. They left the place and got back into their business.

"Uhuhuhuhhu" the desperate man cried. He stayed on the ground as tears left his eyes. He could not help but hold his knees to console himself.

Serena felt sorry for the man. She squatted down and patted his back. "It's okay now. I already made him go away."

With her help, Serena thought that the man would be thankful, but nothing of the sort happened. The man stopped crying and looked Serena in the eyes.

"What have you done?! You should have let him hit me!!!" the man cried. His eyes were red, magnifying his anger at Serena.

Serena took a step back as she did not expect this type of reaction. She was only trying to help, but now he made it look like she was in the wrong.

"Ayy!!! Is she new here?"

"Of course she is. Only newbies go out of their way like this."

"I pity her, but she will soon learn the ways of this place."

Hugh stood next to Serena and faced the desperate man. He took the man by the collars and lifted him in the air.

"Hey. Don't be ungrateful. We just helped you with your problem," Hugh said.

"What? Helped?! You only made things worse!" the man shouted as he looked and pointed at Serena. He was completely ignoring Hugh.

"How did we make things worse?" Hugh asked.

"You should have just left me alone! You should have just let him kill me!" the man said. At the very end of his sentence, he seemed to have lost energy as he broke down crying.

Hugh frowned at the man and threw him to the ground. "If you have a death wish, don't do it out here. Don't blame us if you don't want to live."

Hugh was angry at the desperate man's attitude. He realized that his anger got the best of him, so he stepped back a bit.

"Excuse me, sir. Can you tell us why you should have not interfered?" Jane stepped forward and asked.

The man continued to cry on the ground. He ignored Jane's words and became more and more miserable by himself.

"Is it because of your daughter?" Jane asked.

As soon as her daughter was mentioned, the desperate man stopped crying and looked up at Jane. "Yes! They are going to sell her off!"

The man grabbed Jane's shoulders and his eyes pleaded with Jane. There was desperation in his eyes, but also despair in the face of hardships.

"I should have died. Then, I wouldn't have to watch my daughter getting sold off!" the desperate man once again cried.

"Aish…stop crying, old man!" Dempsy said as he scratched his head.

"Wow…don't all sons and daughters hate their fathers?" Aric asked as he tilted his head with a confused expression.

"Then, we just have to save your daughter!" Serena exclaimed. She took the desperate man's hands and looked at his eyes in a promise.

The desperate man felt Serena's genuine desire to help, but he knew that it would not be enough. Even though Serena's words gave him a tiny bit of hope, it was quickly crushed by his previous experiences.

"It's impossible. Nobody can defy them." the man said as he looked at the ground and shivered.

Serena saw the trauma in the desperate man's eyes. It told her that, whoever took his daughter, was a terrifying existence.

"Tsk, nobody? They haven't met me," Dempsy said. He was quite angry at the description, and it fired up his competitive side.

"Yeah, we can take care of anyone," Serena said.

She almost forgot who she was with. Aric was a genius fighter, Jane was a smart cookie, Dempsy was a wild card, and Hugh was their ace in the hole. With all of them working together, she was sure that they would not lose.

"No. You don't know about them. You are still youngsters, don't waste your life like this," the desperate man said. At first, he considered Serena's offer, but he still had a reasonable side that told him the right thing.

"There! There they are!" an angry voice shouted.

Everybody looked towards who shouted, and the desperate man quickly recognized him. It was the bald man from before, and he had reinforcement behind him.

"It's over. I'm done. You all run away now!" the desperate man shouted. As soon as he saw the bald man, he panicked and tried to push Serena and the others away.

"Just wait over there! I'm going to teach you a lesson!" the bald man shouted as he ran towards Serena.

There were four other bald men behind him who each had a nasty look on their faces. They held metal bats in their hand as they attacked Serena and the others.

The desperate man closed his eyes as he was afraid of the outcome. He only heard five consecutive smacks, and he knew that it was over.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Serena and the others standing over the unconscious bodies of the bald men.

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