The Fat God System

Chapter 150: Excursion

Hugh returned to his room soon after the black cat incident was solved. He escaped before Serena could even try and interrogate him of his secrets.

The next day soon followed and Hugh went back to the classroom. As soon as he stepped into the class, somebody stepped right in front of him.

Hugh kimonoed up and realized that it was Aric who came looking for him.

"We need to talk," Aric said with a serious face. It looked like it was a matter of life and death for him.

"What is it?" Hugh replied.

"What are we doing here? Why aren't we looking for Maverick?" Aric rushed.

Hugh realized that they were still on the precipice of the door, so he pulled Aric to the side and talked to him in a private side in the classroom.

"We're just students. We need to come up with a tight plan to even try to make a move on Maverick. He is a powerful man. We should just focus on finding him first," Hugh said.

There was still a hint of anxiety and impatience in Aric's eyes, but am he seemed to calm down after Hugh said his words.

Aric had seen Hugh's strength, so he knew that Hugh was trustworthy in this matter. Hugh was also the only person that was willing to help him, so he followed Hugh's words for now.

"What are you guys talking about?" Serena butted in. She put herself between the two and looked at them with curious eyes.

"It's nothing," Hugh replied. He assumed that Serena was not part of their plan to kill Maverick, so it was better for everybody if it was kept a secret.

"We plan to kill Mave-" said Aric, but Hugh stopped him just in time before he finished his sentence. However, it seemed too late as Serena already guessed what it was.

"Oh! You guys are too impulsive. Is it worth k-wording your father?" Serena said. She did not seem to understand Aric's hatred since she did not know what Aric went through.

"Whatever, just keep it to the both of you," Serena said as she backed out.

"You were the one who asked!" Aric replied.

The students settled down and professor Kain soon came into the classroom. He looked around the room and took count of the current students in the class.

"We seem to be missing two students right now. Dempsy and Balen, right?" professor Kain asked. He pointed at the two empty seats at the back, and the students affirmed his words.

"Right, we'll deal with that later. Now, onto the next news, I told you guys that you are going on an excursion right?" professor Kain said.

The students' responses were mixed. Some of the studious kids like Jane nodded to professor Kain's words. Some of the slackers tilted their heads in confusion as they already forgot about it.

"It is now time for everyone to test your skills in the real world. In a week, you will all be sent into a dungeon to fend for yourselves," said the professor. "It will test your skills, your stamina, your strength, and your determination."

The students seemed to respond well to the professor's words. The special class was full of egotistic kids who always wanted to test each other's strengths.

Some of them had brute strengths that could be displayed by a simple fight, but some only shined through a real-world application.

This excursion to the dungeon will be a great chance to herd out the weak from the pack.

"For 1 month, you will all be stuck in the dangerous world of the dungeon. Don't worry, you won't go through with it alone." professor Kain explained. "You will all be teamed up in groups of 5."

As soon as the professor said that, many of them already started to talk with each other about forming groups. They were all excited for this field trip like it would be a pleasant experience.

Professor Kain crossed his arms as he saw the reactions of his students. He soon shook his head as he saw that they were not taking the danger of the dungeon seriously.

"Pick your group. Make sure you all get along since you will be stuck in there for one month," Professor Kain said as he walked out of the room to give the students time to pick.

Soon after the professor left, chaos presided in the room. From left to right, the students scrambled to be put in the strong group.

"Serena, let's go together!" a random girl said. "I will protect you, my princess," a random boy said to Serena.

"Yo, Aric. We team up, or what?" Tanner said. Since Tanner was one of Aric's close friends in the class, he already assumed that he would team up with Aric.

Tanner, Brad, and Chip all gathered close to Aric as they smiled at each other. It had been a long time since they had grouped up together, and it felt great to put the band back together.

However, Aric ignored all of them. He did not even look at them in the eyes as he spoke to them. "Sorry, I already have a group."

For Aric, he did not know them at all. With his lost memories, he only knew a few people: Hugh, Serena, and Jane.

For Aric, it was an obvious choice who he would team up with. They were also the people that he had a common bond with since they all share a secret that should never be spoken about.

Aric approached Hugh and said, "We are one person short."

Hugh looked up at Aric, confused at his words.

"You, me, Serena, and Jane. That's four people, and we need one more to complete our group." Aric explained.

Hugh was even more confused as he looked at Tanner, Chip, and Brad behind Aric. Hugh assumed that Aric would go with them, but he only now remembered that Aric lost his memories.

Serena looked at her choices for her group, and she was bored right away. They all looked at her with sparkles in their eyes, like they wanted to worship her.

On a normal day, Serena would like this kind of treatment. However, it would not be a good attribute for an excursion to the dungeon.

She needed to team up with strong people that could keep up with her. She needed someone who could turn the tides of battle with a single breath.

Then, she looked at Hugh. Aric was already by his side, so she assumed that Aric and Hugh were grouped up. She smiled as she decided on who her group should be.

Serena walked up to Aric and Hugh. "Got room for one more?"

Aric was already considered the strongest person in the classroom by everyone. Serena was a close second, but people already argued that Serena was stronger than him.

With Hugh being a powerful hidden card, their group could be considered the greatest team-up ever.

"Great! We just need Jane and one more, and we will be set." Aric exclaimed. He already went to Jane's place and tried to conceive her.

"Are you okay with this?" Hugh asked Serena. "Don't you worry that teaming up with me will ruin your reputation?"

Serena chuckled. "Why not? You're the strongest person here. If they can't see that, then they are blind." she said as she sat down next to Hugh and waited for Jane.

Jane followed Aric back to Hugh's chair. It had been a long time since the four of them were grouped back together since that night.

"Hope to work with all of you," Jane said as she bowed to them. She seemed to be much more reserved than when they met that night.

"Hoho! Don't worry about that. We already kill-" Aric said, but Hugh stopped him from spilling all their secrets with a loud voice.

"Wow! Look at that group!"

"Isn't that a heavy-weight group? Is that even legal? That's Aric, Serena, and Jane all together!"

"Is that fatty joining them? What a waste! I should have been there!"

Hugh ignored all of the remarks by his classmate. However, Aric was mad for Hugh's sake. He almost burst into a black fire, but Hugh calmed him down just in time.

Although the popular opinion was that Hugh would be freeloading, only a select few knew that was not the case. Serena, Jane, and Aric all knew that Hugh's strength would be enough to journey through the dungeon by himself.

Soon after everyone settled in the groups, professor Kain entered the room.

"Everybody done?" he said as he looked around the room. He noticed Hugh's group, but he did not give them more than a second of lingering.

"We have two groups that only have four members right?" professor Kain asked.

"Then Hugh, take Dempsey in your group. He will be present in the dungeon, so don't worry." Professor explained.

Hugh had no choice but to comply with the professor's words. However, he did not have any good memories with Dempsy.

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