The Fat God System

Chapter 137: Party

Hugh woke up with a heavy heart after he slept in the due night. This was the day where he had to deal with Maverick, the day where he would have to fight a man several magnitudes stronger than him.

However, Hugh still got up out of bed and prepared his suit for the party tonight. There was no school today, so Hugh was free to do anything he wanted.

He had already gotten the suit he had picked out from the store and had it dry cleaned. He had to look his best so as not to seem out of place in the prestigious party.

There were still a lot of hours left until the start of the party, but he was still anxious. He had to stop his leg from tapping the ground too much.

Hugh decided to spend the rest of his free time going over his plans for the party. He went over scenarios that might happen, and how he would respond in those crises.

The time quickly passed as the night soon turned into the night. Hugh was already out in the open and waited by the door in a house that was not his.

After waiting for a few minutes, Hugh looked at his watch and got impatient. He needed to get to the party before Aric could even confront Maverick.

Hugh knocked on the doorbell once again to announce his presence at the door. It did not take long for a feminine voice to respond to him.

"I'm coming, just a moment."

After a few seconds, the door in front of him opened and revealed the person that he was waiting for, Jane. She was wearing a low-cut light blue dress that accentuated her surprisingly curvy body.

"You…look good," said Hugh as he inevitably looked at her body. He could not his the surprise on his face and said, "Wow."

Jane did not seem to mind Hugh's surprise as she just smiled and performed a little turnaround that showcased her whole body.

"Like it?" Jane said as she smiled at Hugh. It was clear that she was enjoying the unbreakable state that Hugh had on her body.

"You don't seem like yourself," blurted out Hugh. It was not until he said it that he regretted it. It was rude to say that, and he got embarrassed for saying so.

"Don't worry," shrugged Jane. "Even I'm surprised at myself."

Hugh was speechless that he forgot the rush that he was in before. It was only after Jane snapped her fingers at Hugh's face that he got control of himself again.

"Let's go. We don't want to be late," said Jane as she took Hugh's arm and started to walk.

Hugh was left speechless and just went with the flow. Her movements were too fluid for him to try and reject her, so he just accepted it.

Under the bright lamps of the street, they both walked and admired the view. Hugh had already seen the magnificent nature of the school at night, but this experience seemed different.

"It looks beautiful," exclaimed Jane as she let go of Hugh's hand and squatted on the ground as she inspected the luminescent blue rose on the sidewalk.

"Yeah," agreed Hugh even though he, himself, did not realize that he was not looking at the blue rose, but at Jane.

"I wish every day could be as peaceful as this," stated Jane with a bit of sentimentality on her tone.

"Is it not?" questioned Hugh as he walked closer to her. He could not see her face, so he did not know what she was currently feeling.

"How would you feel if you were pressured every day of your life to be the best?"

Hugh went silent at her hypothetical question. It made him think of his lackluster life before he acquired his system. He would not have achieved anything in life.

"Let me tell you, it's not a lot of fun," said Jane as she stood up and walked forward. She put her hands behind her back and looked at the stars.

Hugh looked at Jane's back and remembered the times that he had seen Jane. In all of their classes, Jane would always listen closely in class.

She would be buried in her notes, and she would not have any time for herself. Back then, Hugh just thought of her as a workaholic. It turned out that she was involuntarily pressured to excel in her studies.

Jane turned around and face Hugh as she realized that he had stopped walking. "What are you doing? Let's go," said Jane with a smile on her face. There was not a tinge of sadness in her face, which Hugh guessed to be a lie.

Both of them walked in silence as they finally reached the central area. The place was filled with not many people walking around, which was not common.

"They rented the whole central area so that it would be private," explained Jane.

As they got closer and closer, Hugh realized that the whole party was not in a certain building. It was held outside in the central area itself.

Magnificent tents were placed around one big tent that was supposed to be the main stage. It was beautiful and elegant even though it was held outside.

As they reached the entrance, Jane took out her handbag and searched for the tickets. After she found it, she flashed it to Hugh with a big smile.

She then gave the two tickets to a Student Council officer that was guarding the entrance. The officer looked at the tickets and shined them under a special violet light to confirm their authenticity.

"You may enter," said the officer. The man let Jane inside but stopped Hugh from entering the premises. "Not you, sir."

Jane frowned as she heard the officer. "He's with me. We have a ticket," protested Jane with a slightly irritated voice.

"Our list only indicated that you will be alone, miss Jane," replied the officer. He had a resolute voice and he was not willing to relent.

"Fine, wait here. I'll go talk to the organizer," said Jane and left Hugh all by himself.

Hugh waited patiently by the side as he watched other guests enter the premises. They all wore expensive suits and dresses that were in line with unique gems and pieces of jewelry.

"Going to a party?"

A voice suddenly appeared right beside Hugh and spooked him. He quickly turned around and revealed his sharp claws to the intruder.

As he saw who it was, Hugh let down his fists, but he still kept the claws in place.

"Ace," Hugh said with a begrudging tone. Nothing good ever came out of Ace talking to him, so Hugh braced for the bad news to come.

"Why are you here?" Hugh said with a hushed and rushed voice. "Nothing good, I assume."

"Alright, I'll get to the chase," said Ace. He then moved closer to Hugh's ears and whispered, "An extraterrestrial threat appeared again."

Hugh frowned as he heard the news. "I can't do it right now, I have to go to the party," Hugh protested. There was only one chance that he could get close to Maverick, so he could not waste it.

"Lucky for you, this particular threat loves to create chaos, especially in big parties like this," explained Ace with an arrogant tone.

Hugh did not know what to feel with that information. On one hand, he was glad that he was not pulled out of the party. On the other hand, he had another thing to think about at the party.

"What you'll be looking for is a black cat. It's called an omen, and in under no circumstance are you to touch it. Exterminate on sight."

Hugh closed his eyes as he absorbed the information from Ace. This was an unforeseen circumstance that he had to deal with in the plan.

He was thinking up of a last-minute adjustment in case he had to deal with the black cat called omen.

"Hugh? Are you okay?" Jane said as she looked at Hugh who had closed his eyes. Hugh opened his eyes and realized that Ace had left him already.

"Yeah…fine," replied Hugh who had worried eyes.

With things sorted out on Jane's end, they were both able to enter the party together. Inside, they saw a myriad of middle-aged men and women mingling with each other.

Since this was a gathering of influential families, there was bound to be some clout chasing. Hugh and Jane ignored all of them as they navigated the party.

"Thanks for letting me in," said Hugh who started to separate from Jane. "I have some things to deal with," Hugh said as he waved to Jane without giving her a chance to catch up.

Hugh walked around the party with his eyes out for Aric or Maverick. It seemed that he was out of luck since he could not see either of them.

"What are you doing here?"

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