The Fascinated I Only Want Salted Fish

Chapter 62

Chapter 58:

What everyone saw was that the sage was escorted down the city wall by King Jing, and a group of cold-black armors surrounded the two, leaving only a touch of red, which was too eye-catching.

They only said that the holy city wall was injured, and they dared not say more. The cries of the relatives gathered were calmed down, and they spontaneously avoided a road, kneeling and worshiping, but they couldn’t help but silently raised their eyelids and stared at them. The boy with the jade face in red. Obviously, no one has forgotten the imperial order to close the gate on the city wall just now, a thousand arrows.

If King Jing was not escorting, but holding him hostage… One person vaguely guessed that there would be a second person to think about it, and then the subtle disturbance was like a spark entering the field, igniting the crowd.

The man with the back of the bee-waisted ape seemed to have sensed their thoughts, looked back indifferently, his wide and straight body blocked the saint’s upper body more tightly, and there was not a single corner of his clothes left. The main road flew away.

As soon as Ji Zhengfu entered the carriage, his head was covered with a piece of cloth. He was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously he was about to pull away. He was pulled by the loose straps on his hands before he realized it. He has now reached retirement and house arrest. The plot is over, or he was imprisoned willingly, and he was willing to tie a rope for himself.

Not to mention, blindfolded is more like being escorted and imprisoned.

It’s just that Ji Zheng later realized that this piece of cloth was red, square, soft and dense, and everything he saw through it was ambiguous, even the more obvious it was.

The man stayed with him in a narrow compartment without saying a word. He was silent and right. He was so close to breathing that he refused to do anything.

Ji Zheng didn’t have to look up to know that his gaze was open and aboveboard, looking at himself without any cover. The introverted desire in his eyes, Wang Teng, burned up, drying the air between the two.

He swallowed dryly, forcing himself to divert his attention.

This carriage probably drove him to Zhengyue Mansion. He silently recalled that in the book there were very few descriptions of Ji Chaoming after being imprisoned in Zhengyue’s mansion, only a few words about his rich life, and the details of the gifts he often received during Chinese New Year and festivals are all to highlight the generosity and kindness of the protagonist Mingciyue, and read between the lines. It is not difficult to read that this person is still living a comfortable and comfortable life, but correspondingly, in order to make a dramatic contrast, Ji Chaoming must show strong disgust, resist, and smash the chrysanthemums in a courtyard sent from the Mid-Autumn Festival to pieces, with dead branches everywhere. .

But Ji Zheng didn’t plan to do this. Life had to be lived, and he had to live comfortably. The living couldn’t live with him.

Zheng Yue’s mansion is very large, but there is too much dust. The mahogany bed cabinet he sent by the opportunity before can be used after the pots and pans are tidy up.

After that, he will keep the porcelain vase, and he will keep the chrysanthemum. Maybe when he gets excited, he will write a poem for the uncle of the grandfather of the common people, and send it to the palace and in front of the dragon chair. , say it to your most loyal nephew.

At that time, the more likely Ming Ci will come to see him, walk to the forbidden garden of his deposed emperor, face him face to face, and bask in the moonlight in silence. Maybe not at all.

Ji Zheng doesn’t care if he doesn’t come or not, he has only one relative anyway. Mingyu is also more.

But he guessed that there would probably be no more indecent things under the pants. Ming Ci Yue has become an emperor, and will be a great achievement in the history of Dayan. Emperor Yan Ming, who shines through the ages, should only be regarded as a mishap when he was young, and he will not live absurdly with his nephew again.


Ji Zheng thought about it, and felt that the days to come would be very clean and comfortable. In a trance, every pore relaxes, and even a shapeless smile hangs on his face, which is inexplicable and straightforward.

He suddenly saw that Ming Ci Yue was also laughing, followed by his own laughter, outrageous, and stretched the tiredness between his eyebrows.

The cold and rough palm stretched out and straightened the cloth on his head for him.

How could a prisoner be so happy during the escort?

Ji Zheng was stunned, and quickly restrained, the corners of his mouth drooped down, bitter and resentful, he sat upright, and stood at the last post with a correct attitude.

The carriage went all the way to the door, and stopped close to the door. A waiter lifted the curtain, and a waiter put down a tripod. Thinking that this was the last time in his life he had set foot on the ground outside the courtyard, Ji Zheng sighed and stepped out, his legs softened, his body was light, and he was volleyed by one arm to his shoulders. , unable to resist, and even was deprived of the last chance to go out.

Ming Ci said in a low voice, “Your feet can’t touch the ground.”

Ji Zheng: …? Is house arrest so strict? Rice bugs don’t have feet?

The lights in the room were dim, and the field of vision was narrow. I guess it was because the Zheng Yue Mansion was neglected, and there were too many sundries that blocked half of the sunlight. He was placed on a soft couch, Ming Ciyue turned around and left for a moment. When he came back, Ji Zheng heard a tinkling sound of a hard object like a jade, slashing across the ground.

You don’t have to think about it, it’s the Moon Chasing Sword, which is only passed down to the prince, and the Moon Chase Sword that supervises the dynasty and protects the country. A great hall, the sword points to the dragon head, the one that forced the palace to take the throne.

Ji Zheng couldn’t see clearly, only closed his eyes, trembling slightly when the cool object was close to his neck. The blade is sharp and cuts iron like mud, and it takes no effort at all to cut an inch of his black hair.

His hand was gently squeezed again. After the tingling of the finger, there was a hot flash, and blood droplets fell. Then his hand was gently wrapped and pressed down. It was a silk book, about the exact size of the book. The purpose of Zen.

Ji Zheng didn’t resist, the countless similar nightmares had diminished the panic of being forced, and he allowed himself to be manipulated back and forth. He had to sigh again, Ming Ci Yue is the natural protagonist, the protagonist born for the throne – perseverance, restraint, action, ambition and patience. He didn’t even know when Ming Ciyue prepared these things, or when that brilliant edge broke through the skin of Yin Forbearance and emerged from the chrysalis.

The old edict was established, and the new emperor was born.

With the last step of that sword edge, he lifted the piece of cloth that had been covering his head and face. The light in front of his eyes recovered a little bit, and Ji Zheng was speechless.

This is not Zhengyue House at all. On the carved beams of Yanfu Hall, there are all the fiery red cloth and silk hanging all over the sky. The sundries on the ground are half-opened red boxes. The candlelight is deliberately dimmed. There are jade swords hanging at the feet, and two strands of blue silk are placed in front of the table. A marriage certificate, a man kneeling beside his knees, kissing the unhealed wound on his finger.

A pair of embroidered pillows are placed on the dragon couch, one on the left and one on the right, one next to the other, one half stacked on the other.

In this atmosphere, the rags used to cover the eyes during the **** should probably be called hijabs.

Ji Zheng was at a loss.

The ambitious protagonist approached him step by step as in the book, bullying himself down, not for the throne, just to ask for a kiss?

His uncle pressed his cheeks, his ears rubbed together, and the scent of male animals hunted him down. He listened to the calm and self-controlled man asking repeatedly in his ear. He prepared in a hurry, worried that he would be frightened and abrupt to the sage. Does the sage like it, do you like it, do you agree.

Ji Zheng had no choice but to answer him, surprise, of course, surprise, Uncle Huang always makes me… unexpected.

Ming Ci Yue was like a beast of distress, he bent down, buried his head in his neck, and whispered to himself, how unreal the beauty in front of him was, it was not like he Ming Ci Yue was this lonely luan. The bad life of Ke Qin can have it.

It’s beautiful, but not real.

Ji Zheng didn’t dare to look him in the eye, for fear that his inner voice would disturb the big dream he had been preparing for for a long time.

Those who knew him, respected him, cared for his details, and gently and politely let him make his own decisions, but they all made calculations early on the premise of being able to read his mind. In fact, he didn’t wear a dragon robe, he still wore a wedding dress, whether he was a king or a husband. The uncle had already prepared for the big wedding on the day he returned to the city as early as the day he left the city.

Are you angry? Can’t tell.

Ji Zheng sighed helplessly and seemed to admit defeat. He did not resist the primitive agitation that was aroused by his body. He obeyed his instinct, opened his lips, and responded to kisses that were all too familiar, only when the tide surged to the extreme. , asked him vaguely, leaning against his neck, “In your arrangement, is it that I will fall in love with you step by step, just like letting the Marquis of Wu’an’s mansion die step by step, it’s all easy and a matter of course.”

He asked casually and confusedly, but the waves crashed on the shore. The more Mingci was like a stranded withered fish, it quickly cooled down, stepped back from him, opened the distance between the two, and habitually wanted to catch it again. look.

Ji Zheng will not give him this opportunity again, with the back of his feet and his legs bent, he easily pulled the man’s waist back, turned his face to the side and bit his ears to discuss: “Uncle, uncle, uncle… I’m not angry. , not to resist, just to lock me up first, accept Chan as the emperor, and in the future, I will wait for you in Zhengyue Mansion, and I will not go anywhere.”

The protagonist has ambition and patience, but these seem to be used in the wrong place, and all the energy has gone to him.

Ji Zheng is only worried about whether Ming Ci Yue can successfully ascend to the throne, and other matters can be discussed after laying flat. He repeated silently, enjoying such a simple and happy thing as the body, which shouldn’t have been confused with love, it was because he thought too much and offended.

He clearly felt that when he was called Uncle, the body in his arms became hot and jumped, but he still pushed himself away.

Ming Ci’s face sank more and more: “Give me a little more time, I can handle it.”

“What else do you have to do?” Ji Zheng sat up and let out a breath, “Every step is for the camp, every step is difficult, until today, the family feud is gone, the frontier has been set, the throne is in front of you, and everything in the world is what you want. They are all vassals of this son, what is there to hesitate about, Zhengyue Mansion is more comfortable than Yanfu Palace, so let me be a favored man.”

Xiaozhi moved with reason and emotion, and he persuaded him bitterly, saying that handing over the throne to his uncle was the greatest good deed he had ever done.

Mingci Yue was originally taciturn and stupid, and at this time he just stood before the couch with his head down and insisted: “On the wedding day of the sage, let’s not talk about anything else.”

The two stood and sat facing each other, standing upright, confronting each other in silence, neither of them willing to retreat half an inch.

Ji Zheng turned his face away for a moment, and pulled his hair together, “Then come tonight, bring your own troops, I want 3,000 elites from the Ming clan as betrothal gifts, and none of them are allowed to pass through the door.”

This request is sudden and strange, yet effortlessly simple. Ming Ci pursed his lips more and more, raised his eyebrows suspiciously, and a knock on the door rang just in time.

The person who came was Yuan Ming. He knocked on the door eagerly, and his expression was also irritable. King Jing pulled the door in front of him from the inside. Please… let me, let me kill that sissy with a knife! There are still so many slaves who are caught alive, specializing in refining medicine, why can’t I ask why!”

Ming Ci interrupted him more: “What did he say?”

Ji Zheng pricked up his ears.

Yuan Ming cursed a few times in a high-pitched voice, and finally stopped: “That mad dog in the West Desert just said a word repeatedly, asking you to gouge out your eyes and feed it to the person with Lianxin, and Gu will naturally be able to…”

Ming Ci slammed his face towards the door more violently, forcibly blocking his voice from outside the door.

The voice of the saint came from the couch in the distance, “What’s the matter, who is outside the door? I called the little doctor from the Tai Hospital before, let him in first.”

The more Ming Ci turned back to look at him, the young man was sitting under the cutting candle, his face was like a jade, his mouth was like a cherry blossom, and he was like a fairy in a painting. His vision was slowly blurred under the lights, scattered and blurred, and he didn’t dare to focus.

“Uncle, what’s wrong?”

He returned to his senses and said indifferently: “It’s not that little doctor, the minister will send someone to urge him.”

“Just now, can it be true?” The more rare it is for Ming Ci to look down on the saint from a high position, with a needle hidden in his eyes, he slowly peels him away.

“Jun Wu is joking, is it serious?” He didn’t get the reply he wanted, so he bent over to kiss him wickedly, kissing until his lover’s lips and teeth were slack, and there was a humming sound, and that was the meaning of approval.

Mingci stretched his brows and rubbed his lips for him: “Then wait, don’t go, the minister will come at night.” He walked in a hurry, took out his robe, carried his saber, and made two steps in three steps. Leave quickly.

When the door closed again, Ji Zheng quickly took his eyes out of the dark, raised his heels, and the two black armored guards on the left and right outside the door immediately blocked each other, saying that King Jing would return immediately, and the hall would be safer. Of course, The inferiors are by no means forcing the saints to ascend, but the uncle still wants to catch up with the juniors.

Crazy, really crazy!

Looking out from the gap between the two guards, he could only see the back of the man hurriedly getting on the horse, and the team guarding the palace in the distance was crowded.

Where did Ming Ci Yue tell him not to go, it made him have nowhere to go! This place is already a solid fortress, but also a seamless cage, and no living fly can leave alone.

Ji Zheng retreated with a cold face, secretly scolding the protagonist for being paranoid of control, and then scolding Li Ying more and more after scolding Ming Ci. Feudal superstition killed people. Li Ying did not forget to add fuel to the fire and make waves when he died.

Mingming will wait a little longer.

When the new dynasty is established, when he has a busy schedule, night clothes and food, and daily schedules, when he forgets his old man, and even the family banquet of his uncle and nephew during the full moon festival is exempted, what will he solve if he does not meet when he is old and dead? What eyes!

Ji Zheng rubbed between his brows, without pausing for a second, he quickly turned around to pack the luggage to be taken to the nursing home, he took out all the clothes at the bottom of the press box, and turned them upside down. There are some gorgeous clothes that can be worn in Zheng Yue’s house in the future. , and the rest of the embroidered dragons have to be taken away even if they are not needed.

This Yanfu Palace should not leave a trace of his aura.

“Sacred!” The little healer came in, looking at the mess and the saint who was kneeling in the mess, choked up, and tears welled up in his eyes, “What are you doing, this beautiful dress, pick embroidery and return it how to wear…”

The little doctor also smelled the wind outside the palace today. Seeing the situation, he asked tremblingly, “Who is the soldier outside the gate?”

Ji Zheng said half-falsely and half-truth: “The new emperor’s faction, special care and strict protection.”

The little healer asked again, “Is this a red box with wolf heads in animal skins?”

Ji Zheng didn’t lift his eyelids: “The new emperor moved the luggage into this palace.”

Hearing the words, the little doctor let out a wow, “As long as the green mountains are here, Wei Chen will go with you, and we will leave! As long as the saint is still there for one day, Dayan will be able to pass on his blood and make a comeback!”

“Does the little doctor really want to carry me away?” Ji Zheng was amused by him.

Unexpectedly, the little doctor sniffed and sniffed, and he really came over to scramble to clean up the clothes in his hands, “The upper sage is tall and handsome, and he is really the emperor of the dragon! We will take all the robes and robes, even if they are burned, it will not be cheap for others to wear! ”

Ji Zheng: “…don’t worry, no one else can wear this shape.”

“Hey, wait!” The two picked up the same robe at the same time, one holding the collar and the other holding the right sleeve. Ji Zheng’s eyes and hands quickly identified this piece of gold flashing at the bottom of the profound, thick and luxurious, it was the piece that Ming Ci Yue Shi had seen for the first time in the winter moon, “Don’t—”

There was a crisp clanging sound, followed by a few clanging clangs, and the spherical object even fell on the jade ground with bright candlelight, as if wrapped in a fire, falling into the undersea abyss with clear reflections.

Little Physician:…

Ji Zheng: …

The water ripple-like jade slab violently stimulated his cerebral cortex, reminding him of the winter moon night a long time ago.

“Fake death medicine!”

“…My, good stuff…”

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