The Fascinated I Only Want Salted Fish

Chapter 55

Chapter 51:

What can the scratches indicate? Scratches mean nothing!

Ji Zheng swallowed his saliva with a guilty conscience, and wanted to turn his head awkwardly, but his eyes were locked tightly on the thin and powerful shoulder and neck muscles, next to the scars carved into the blood and bones, the four lines were neither long nor short, as if Small traces of cat scratching.

Anyway, he was originally a delusional monarch. At most, it was because he lost his temper after drinking, the overlord forced his bow, and humiliated the first Prince Mingyueguang Jing of Dayan.

Who said that only the lower ranks can scratch people, so can the upper ranks!

Ji Zheng coughed a few times uncomfortably.

Fortunately, no one in the hall dared to mention this again.

I laughed and made trouble just now, and if I accidentally broke it, it was broken. Even if I am shocked by the chaotic and abnormal internal relationship between the emperor and King Jing, as long as this obscure hobby is always hidden underground and does not go too far, the sage has not stated that he will take himself When the uncle was raised as Empress Dayan, it was always just a private matter in the palace. No matter how unbelievable the courtiers were, no matter how shocked their jaws fell, they had to sit still, pretending they didn’t know, didn’t understand, didn’t see it.

They quickly turned their attention to the bright red grosgrain that came in with the long arrow.

As soon as Luo Shenfu was shaken and opened, two letters folded down, one marked “marriage letter” and the other “war letter”. However, this dress was even more peculiar, and it immediately attracted the attention of the audience. The dyeing is extremely bright, and the tailoring is exaggerated. It is obviously like the style of the Western Desert women’s wedding dress, but the size of the length and shoulders is obviously larger than that of ordinary blouses – a Western Desert wedding dress for men.

Who is this Li Ying prepared for?

There was an uproar in the hall, and this was like riding on top of Yan Guo’s head. How could you swallow the shame of the country!

Ji Zheng stared at the wedding dress, and instantly clenched the dragon head armrest beside him.

The more Mingci hesitated, and despite the repeated dissuasion of the officials below, he immediately carried the red shirt, dragged the floor, crossed half of the hall, walked to the bonfire by the side of the hall, and threw it in with a cold expression. The flames jumped up suddenly, swallowing the bright red.

Afterwards, the “marriage letter”, which was several pages thick and filled with rich and generous dowry and dowry, was not opened, and was thrown directly into the brazier.

He only clutched the “war book”, took a few steps back, and knelt under the hall, “Sir, this minister requests to go out for the country…”

“Are you going to go on an expedition or a marriage? Ming Ci Yue, shouldn’t you be holding that marriage letter and begging me to let you go to the Western Border?” The emperor got up from his chair, took a deep breath, and walked down slowly with his hands behind his back. “What good conditions did Xi Mo give you, you burn it without looking at it, and you don’t appreciate the wedding dress, isn’t it a pity?”

Everyone frowned in confusion when they heard the words, and General Xuan whispered: “Your Majesty, that’s not right, isn’t this wedding book and wedding dress for you…”

Ming Ci raised his eyes and looked at the emperor, and then he raised his hand to stop General Xuan’s words.

Ji Zheng squatted in front of Ming Ciyue, as tall as him, reached out to touch his profile, and raised his head.

“What if I said… I won’t let you go to the Western Desert?”

“There are some talented generals in Dayan, I don’t believe it, except for your clear remarks, I can’t even find a candidate to lead the army to fight!”

The corners of his lips have been swept away in despair. It seems that the emperor’s prestige between his brows has been forced out, and the boy has returned to the original boy, fierce and lonely, the light in his eyes is dim, and a few pieces of fox fur The dragon robes were able to suppress him so much that he couldn’t breathe.

“I know Xi Mo… It should be said that Li Ying has always been interested in you. What conditions did he give you, eh?” The restless hand slowly slid to the angular jaw, “I will give you two times, three times.”

“I know you don’t look down on Dayan, and you hate being imprisoned in the capital. I can’t keep you…”

The hand slammed hard, “No, I don’t need to tell you the conditions, I am the emperor, what can you do if I lock you in the harem?”

Ming Ci frowned more and more, opened his lips to explain something, but finally held back. The courtiers below couldn’t hold it any longer. They were separated by a distance, and they could only hear the first sentence. They wanted to get up and persuade the emperor to let him go, but they were all stopped by Ming Ciyue’s wave.

What Ji Zheng couldn’t say was that Ming Ci Yue was always the bright and beautiful Ming Ci Yue. It was his role as a cannon fodder who changed the script, took advantage of it, and robbed the protagonist.

But in the world of this book, the uncle has so many emotional lines, so many choices, Xuan Qian, Li Ying, Gu Congyun who has been offline, who is not better than him, more suitable?

Ming Ci Yue will always be the only eagle he can’t tame and keep.

As soon as you let go, you will fly away and never come back.

“It’s not that I just said it last night, don’t worry, it will be a long time to come… Uncle Huang, I really believe it.” His voice became lower and lower, and he tried his best to pull out a smile that was uglier than crying. “Forget it, my uncle is so good, it’s normal for so many people to admire him…”

Ming Ciyue’s expression was a little weird, he seemed to want to laugh, and he clenched his lips again, but the corners of his eyes were full of softness that couldn’t be closed.

“No, please don’t…”

“Report—” There was another high-pitched sound from the door of the hall, interrupting the whispering between the two. They got up one after the other, and their expressions became serious.

“The assassin outside the palace just now moved too fast and was rounded up by the Imperial Army. He escaped with minor injuries. We chased outside the palace gate. Right now, there are marriage papers he distributed all over the city…” The guard paused, “Confused. Audio-visual, deceive the people, and create chaos in the capital!”

“The people of the capital ask for orders, and the sage agrees that King Jing Mingci Yue will lead the order to go out to conquer the Western Desert again.”

Several court officials also bowed down, “Please allow King Jing to go out again.”

“Please allow the Holy One.”

It has been more than ten years since King Jing’s last expedition and his triumphant return. During these ten years, the Western Xinjiang has been stable and no war has occurred. He has been deprived of military power. Be a vase king. Ten years later, the West Desert attacked again, and Dayan finally remembered the clanging hoofs of King Jing’s iron cavalry commanding the Western Frontier.

Outside the palace gate, there were a few people who said that King Jing was promiscuous and rambunctious, and the voices of unmatched morality had long been washed away.

It is a foregone conclusion that Ming Ci’s more troops will go on an expedition.

Another spy entered the hall and leaned into Taifu Zhao’s ear and said something.

“Holy.” Mrs. Zhao calmed down and threw the last heavy bomb, “There is an accident in the Western Desert, and the soldiers and people at the bottom all thought that they would go to Dayan with their wolf master to be shameless and expand their territory. Unexpectedly, the news of the marriage letter was spread in the military camp, and the dowry was tens of thousands of gold and tens of thousands of sheep, just to marry a foreigner. They had grown up on horseback, and their temperament was savage and irresponsible, and all of a sudden the group was angry. , scolded their young master for marrying Dayan for a few years, but instead of having merit, he became disgusted.

After he finished speaking, he secretly raised his eyes and glanced at the saint’s reaction.

The implication of Mr. Zhao’s words couldn’t be more obvious.

When Xi Mo sent troops, Dayan responded to the battle for the maximization of his own interests, not just because of the impulse of a marriage letter. But at this moment, the two armies faced each other, the swords were drawn, and the atmosphere was on fire. If it is the slightest ambiguous thing, it will be magnified and magnified infinitely.

In other words, the matter between the Son of Heaven and King Jing, no matter what will happen in the future, must not spread before the war, otherwise they will be the next to be in chaos.

The more Ming Ci must send troops, and the one who sends troops must be Ming Ci Yue.

“Their military camp is in chaos, and they are in chaos at the door of their own house. This is a good opportunity to go to war, sage!” Zhao Taifu’s voice was a little trembling, and he didn’t need to persuade him a second time. Sage’s childish and determined voice came from above.

“Ming Ci Yue, be my general and sweep the western frontier for me within a hundred days.” The tiger talisman of military power was thrown on the jade ground with a crisp sound, “Remember, I let you go on an expedition, not someone else.”

Just as Ming Ci was about to withdraw his gaze to pick up the tiger talisman, he heard a quiet voice from above, […However, would you like to accompany me to finish the fifteenth? 】

He couldn’t hold back, and by lowering his head, he pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

It is impossible to pass fifteen. One is the emperor, the other is the general, their red line is destined to be involved in the thin lifeline of the national fortune, with the wind and rain, ups and downs, and even the long-term future promised on New Year’s Eve seems to be a ridiculous thing. curse.

On the first night of the new year, Ji Zheng was not in the palace, the palace lanterns in the Zhengshi Hall were bright all night, and Ming Ciyue stayed outside the door for a while, then left the palace and returned to Zhengyue House.

On the second night of the new year, Ming Ciyue was not in the mansion, busy with dispatching troops, familiar with military affairs, Ji Zheng went to the Beida Camp with a food box, did not get off the carriage, went around the camp, and returned to the palace by himself.

On the third night of the new year, at three quarters of Yin Shi, Ming Ciyue hugged the brocade box and hurriedly entered the palace, but the Yanfu Hall had already extinguished the candles, and it was silent, and the door was not left for him.

Ming Ci’s footsteps hesitated for a moment, just about to turn over the palace wall.

“His Royal Highness King Jing.”

“Elder Ge?”

“Exactly.” Mrs. Zhao bowed slightly and walked from the shadow of the corner, “It’s late at night, His Highness will be out of the city to lead troops in less than an hour, the saint is young, and a few talented people who have just entered the palace are here. Well, I went to bed early, it is inconvenient to disturb at this time, I am afraid it will be difficult to send Your Highness for a ride. It is better for this old man to accompany His Highness to the direction of the city gate and talk by the way.”

I don’t see you tonight, I’m afraid it’s hard to predict the next time we see you…

Ming Ciyue finally glanced back in the direction of the hall, and walked out behind Mr. Zhao without saying a word.

There is a curfew in the city, and the usually bustling and lively neighborhoods are silent at this time, leaving only the two of them one behind the other, one big and one small.

“This street is the main street of Chang’an. It runs through the entire city, directly connecting the city gate and the palace gate, and leading to the Qianying Hall in the palace…” Mrs. Zhao stroked the white beard under his jaw, and said neither in a hurry nor slow, “Return to Beijing. The commander-in-chief will pass through this horse and go straight to the Qianying Palace, where they will report their duties and award them rewards, and the canonized queens and even noble concubines of the second rank and above should also pass through this sedan chair and go straight to the Qianying Palace to receive the phoenix seal.”

“I understand.” Ming Ci Yue bowed slightly and returned humbly.

Mrs. Zhao is a veteran of the three dynasties, the most senior official in the dynasty, and one of the few, who does not participate in party battles, and is a prime minister who is truly a good emperor and thinks for the sake of the saint.

Knowing this, it is impossible for Ming Ci to be disrespectful to him.

“Do you really understand?” Mrs. Zhao looked back at the young man who was a head taller than him. The young man lowered his eyes and looked humbly taught. He sighed, “Three dynasties of Dayan, there are four queens, six noble concubines were carried into the palace from this Chang’an road, and even Li Ying from the Western Desert also walked on this road. Well, there are only two in total. Your father, General Ming, has gone twice, and you have gone once… Maybe you will go a second time soon, understand?”

The young man is as beautiful as a jade stone under the moonlight, transparent and moist, but a stone is a stone, and no oil or salt can enter. Hearing this, he just nodded.

Mrs. Zhao was anxious, “King Jing’s palace is a man of martial arts, and you are a talented person. You should be very relieved to accompany the saint. You are really caring for the saint, and you will respond to your needs.”

Ming Ci was half a beat slower and replied, “It should be.”

“What if the Holy One wants a child?”

“Child?” Ming Ci Yue repeated.

“Child, the emperor’s heir.” Mrs. Zhao sighed, “There is no precedent for the establishment of male concubines in the previous dynasty, but now the orthodoxy of the royal family is withering, and it adds up to one and a half. I can understand it, but I don’t understand, I don’t understand, he is going to… pass on the phoenix position to you?! You two are going to join hands to make Dayan absolutely…”

Mrs. Zhao spoke more and more anxiously, unable to continue, and coughed while covering her mouth.

Ming Ci Yue hurriedly wanted to back him up, but he clapped his hands away.

“He is an emperor, he is still young, he is ten years younger than you, and he is still inactive, not enlightened… An emperor, an emperor, an emperor has little love, how many queens and concubines will he have in his life? Three thousand beauties in the harem , how many years can you accompany him, how many days and nights can you accompany him?”

“Ming Ciyue, a person like you, Qu Cai.”

“It’s better to be his general and his support, and you may be his only one.”

This time, Ming Ci Yue didn’t respond anymore, and just followed him silently. They walked for almost an hour. The majestic city gate was in front of them, and the sky was blue with crabs, and the light from the side was shining through. come out.

Mrs. Zhao thought that he had persuaded Ming Ciyue hard tonight, so he couldn’t help but feel relieved and secretly happy, so he only heard the young man behind him ask, “The talented person who entered the palace tonight is…”

“The noble girl that this old man has personally chosen to enter the palace has a temperament as meek and gentle as you, and is proficient in poetry, calligraphy and painting as you are.” Mrs. Zhao straightened his chest and cleared his throat, “The sage is very happy, and that talented person turned off the lights early. , in the future, I will invite Master Xuanqian to enter the palace to write a talisman for children, and pray that the saint will have more children and more blessings…”

Women have the advantages of women, Zhao Taifu guessed that Sheng Shang was just too young, and he had been with King Jing for a long time.

The city gate squeaked and opened in front of the two of them. In the distance, thousands of troops and horses were pressing down on the border, ready to go.

In the shadows nearby, a small body that could not be seen stood under the city gate, standing next to a black horse. The man was dressed in black armor and his back was straight.

The first ray of dawn finally fell.

Mrs. Zhao was stunned and rubbed his eyes. Ten years ago, when Ming Ci Yue triumphed, he was standing at the gate of the city. This figure was so resemblance that he thought he was in a dream and had hallucinations until then. side softly.

“…Uncle Royal.”

“…Uncle Huang, eat more. Only when you are full can you lead troops to fight.”

“…Uncle Huang, you have to outrun them if you can’t beat them, do you hear me!”

When Mrs. Zhao heard the words, he regained his senses. This is a cowardly and arrogant style, and there is no one else except his little saint.

He looked at Ming Ciyue from the corner of his eye and stood silently aside, listening silently, clenching his fists to his lips in an attempt to hide the smile.

As soon as he saw that tender look, he knew that it was broken. King Jing probably didn’t hear a word of this tonight.

This is the effect of him staying up all night and arranging the two people properly! Mrs. Zhao couldn’t bear it because of his old age and frailty, so he was so angry that he turned his back, waved his hand, and went home by himself.

Ming Ci Yue still stood still, listening with his hands behind his back.

“Uncle Huang, if you are hooked and run away by the little wild horse in the Western Desert, I will…” The emperor suddenly became fierce along the action of the horse’s mane, and the horse whined innocently.

Just when he thought that the Son of Heaven was going to say something cruel, he only heard the voice weaken, “…what else can I do? I’ll give you a generous dowry, so that you can’t be embarrassed.”

The more Mingci was dissatisfied with this sentence, just as he was about to walk over, he heard the little sage move his footsteps, “quietly, don’t tell him, I hid first, see you later.”

The more Mingci suddenly wanted to understand, why did the saint see him off and put on the set of black armor he gave him when he was young.


Ji Zheng’s head turned back little by little, and nodded stiffly with a straight face, “Zhen, come, send, send, you.”

The reason why he passed on the servants to the bed according to Mrs. Zhao’s intention is precisely to facilitate the cover, go to bed early, set aside the palace guards, and join the ranks outside the city before Ming Ciyue. Tens of thousands of horses, and it was dark in the early morning in winter. When Ming Ci found out that he was also on the expedition with the army, I am afraid that he was halfway there.

How much time to say goodbye, how many things to do?

The two hadn’t seen each other for three days. At this time, they stood side by side in the shadows in front of the morning sun. They kept silent, watching the deputy general, General Xuan, order his troops and horses, and organize the queue.

The three armies were divided, the front army, the middle army, and the rear army, in order to the northwest, advancing in an orderly manner. Only then did General Xuan notice the little sage in front of the city gate, and he approached him to say hello, and then gave a brief report on the military affairs. He rode on his horse and walked on the spot with great interest.

The little sage froze, nodded perfunctorily, refused to even give a smile, and yawned after a long while. The whole person was extremely tired, but he did not return to the city.

Ming Ciyue also stood aside with a bad expression on his face. He checked the bridle, saddle, stirrup, and spurs, but he still refused to set off.

The two were very close to each other the whole time, but they had zero communication.

Ji Zheng was in a hurry, getting more and more anxious. He was full of thoughts about how far the army had gone, and it was too late for him to catch up.

When are these two going? !

“when are you leaving?”

The more Mingci spoke in unison with his heart, Ji Zheng was startled, turned his head to see Mingci’s colder face, and pointed to the distance, “The army is almost finished, aren’t you in a hurry to follow?”

“What’s the hurry! Let’s break up!” General Xuan frowned and gave him a wink, “The saint is still here to see him off, what does it look like if we leave first?!”

His Royal Highness King Jing is really… an old bachelor. At first glance, he doesn’t know how to look at people and how to coax people.

Xuan Chifeng is really kind. Seeing that the atmosphere between the two of them is not right, he wants to create more opportunities for him to talk before leaving.

“Since the sage is here in order to boost morale, or else…” He scratched his head, “the sage will pass Yueyun Pass with us, and then send soldiers to take you back, the journey is not far, the scenery there… ”

Ji Zhengqiang smiled and waved his hand, without saying a word, holding his breath, turned his head and walked back to the city.

General Xuan was still behind him: “Don’t leave in a hurry, sage, I haven’t said a few words yet… Hey, you should stop the sage, the sage is gone, he’s gone, he’s gone, he’s really gone! ”

Ming Ciyue didn’t say anything, he got on his horse, passed by Xuan Chifeng, and slapped the old brown **** under his crotch with a whip.

The old horse couldn’t stand the fright, suddenly stomped his hoof, neighed, and ran out to the northwest.

“Ming Ci Yue, I’m…!” Xuan Chifeng pulled the reins in a panic, and the scolding was scattered by the north wind.

Before Ji Zheng could turn around, a gust of wind flashed around him, and he was robbed and mounted on his horse.

“Ming Ci Yue!” He sat sideways on the horse, and could only wrap his arms around the neck of the person behind him and barely hang himself.

Even though the two were close to each other, Ji Zheng still felt that his voice was scattered in the cold wind, he pressed against Ming Ciyue’s neck, shouted, and his white air fell on the black shiny iron armor, “What, what, what, go!”

“Do something that you can’t do in public.” Ming Ciyue held the reins in one hand and put his arm around him, his voice still steady, and slapped his ears as the horse’s back rose and fell.

With half a stick of incense, Ji Zheng was trembling on tiptoe, with his back against a tree trunk, and hung on Ming Ciyue’s body. The little cheek exposed between his neck and collar was pink. He opened his mouth and gasped. Melted into the cold air, it became a cloud of white mist.

Ming Ci Yue’s breathing has stabilized, quiet as usual, only looking down, staring at the undulating lower abdomen of the person in front of him for a while, thoughtfully. After a long while, he stated without any tone of voice, “Sage like this, probably can’t hold a woman.”

Ji Zheng was so angry that he could not wait to bite on his shoulder, and when he opened his mouth, he found that the man was still wearing black armor.

He only thought that the more he could make jokes, he didn’t realize that his emotions were wrong.

The brocade box has always been placed in his arms by Ming Ci Yue. At this time, he took it out with his body temperature. When he opened it, it was also a dark red brocade robe with a mysterious edge, with narrow sleeves and a right hem, made of big swallows. A men’s wedding dress, low-key and ordinary but extravagant.

“This is…?” Ji Zheng reached out and touched it.

“It was the wedding dress that was originally given to the minister by the sage. I asked Chang Qing to make a small piece, and it was completed late last night.” Mingci nodded, he closed his eyes slightly, and Mrs. Zhao’s words just came into his. in mind.

[“It’s better to be his general and his support, you may be his only one.”

“He is an emperor, still young, how many queens, how many concubines, and how many heirs will he have in his lifetime?”]

The word “unique” is full of too much allure and uncertainty.

His little sage is so good, it’s normal for so many people to covet it… But he didn’t dare to think that he wouldn’t accept it, so it would be better to lock it up and imprison him on the Fengqi Terrace, to be his own little phoenix.

Ming Ci Yue raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, “The sage said that Li Ying’s marriage book gave the minister twice as many conditions as you promised to give to the minister?”

Ji Zheng swallowed, suddenly feeling uneasy, “Yes… ah.”

“Li Ying promised to give the minister a child.”

Ji Zheng almost killed himself by biting his tongue.

“Just kidding.” Ming Ci smiled faintly, dispelling the tiredness on his face a little.

He looked sideways and saw that the sun had climbed over the hillside and hung high, so he started the topic, “The day the minister returned to Beijing, how about the sage standing on the city gate? The minister can see it from a distance, if he Dragon robe, the sage is still the sage of the minister, if you wear a wedding dress…the minister will take you to the bridal chamber.”

So be it, leave the choice to his holy lord.

The three words “entering the bridal chamber” came out of Ming Ci’s mouth and turned into a hazy white mist, sprayed in front of Ji Zheng’s eyes, hazy his vision, and wet his lips.

Before he could come back to his senses, Ming Ci stretched out his hand and began to peel down from his shoulder armor, layer by layer, to the breastplate, waist and plastron, and slowly, turning his whole person like a well-cooked shrimp, Peel out a little bit.

“Uncle Huang…” Ji Zheng panicked, blushing, biting his lips, “This place… can’t be done.” This is still the wild.

Mingci raised his eyes to look at him, met his gaze, hooked his lips, and asked calmly, “What doesn’t work, where can’t work, please ask the sage to make it clear.”

He continued to peel off the black armor in his hands.

“Nothing…nowhere.” Ji Zheng felt his face pale with familiarity.

When Ming Ciyue finally stripped off all his armor, leaving only the inner brocade, and wrapped him with the animal skin cloak on his body, Ji Zheng realized.

Uncle Huang has seen through his plan early, to prevent him from wearing black armor and sneaking into the military camp!

“These, I will take them away first!” Ming Ci crossed the horse and smiled.

Ji Zheng quickly got up to grab it, but Ming Ciyue suddenly bent down from the horse, sealed it with a kiss, rubbed his calloused fingers over his tender lips, still with a plain and gentle gaze, opened and closed his mouth, spit out two words.

Ji Zheng couldn’t struggle any longer, leaning on the tree trunk in a trance, watching the black horse galloping away with soft legs and feet in the hazy white fog.

After a long while, I realized what the uncle said.

“I owe my dear.”

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