The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 1088 1 To the outside world

"Come on, strangle me to death, Li Kang. I think you just want to anger me. I understand that there is some unpleasantness between you and Dracula. When we were drinking last time, you said that you killed him several times. , is it six or seven times? Now that Dracula has gained power, you are scared. I can understand that we all need to find an outlet for our fears, but why is it me? I am your friend and will never leave you. Old friend, I know it's a tough time right now, I followed you here and I'm not happy inside, but that's life, life is never easy, you know, why can't you just be like you used to be, let's drink Let's have a drink, chat, and settle everything. Why do you have to blame everything on me? Friends are not like this, friends should..." Deadpool said so much in one breath, he I don't have enough energy, and my eyes are purple from holding it in.

Li Kang grabbed his neck and twisted it hard. With a click, Deadpool's eyes turned white and he fell to the ground. Bullseye, who had been watching the battle next to him, was cracking melon seeds. He was quite happy to see it. He was immediately frightened by this sudden change. A big jump.

After hearing Deadpool's words, Bullseye felt quite touching. He didn't know why Li Kang suddenly killed him and broke Deadpool's neck. He shrank back unconsciously and squatted behind the sheep's head obscenely, continuing While cracking the melon seeds, the Nightmare Sheep suddenly turned to look at him, his eyes stunned for a moment, "Why are you looking at me?"

The Nightmare Sheep stared at the melon seeds in his hand, and blew out a burst of hot air from its nose. Bullseye immediately understood, and stuffed a handful of melon seeds into the sheep's mouth. The Nightmare Sheep nodded with satisfaction, then turned back and followed Bullseye continued watching the show together.

After three or four seconds, Deadpool suddenly twitched violently. He rubbed his neck and sat up, shouting in pain, "It hurts... it hurts... it hurts, it hurts me so much."

Li Kang said mercilessly, "I'll hurt you to death, you idiot."

Deadpool jumped up, took out a big gun and pointed it at Li Kang's head, "You pissed me off, you definitely pissed me off, you actually broke my neck, are you crazy? You have to give I just want to explain, I just did one thing wrong, why do you blame everything on me."

Li Kang took two steps forward and put his head on the muzzle of the gun, "If you have the guts, shoot. You damn coward, your ears are softer than some of yours. I'm still asking why I blame you because Without you stealing the original pale cross from my treasure house and giving it to Xia Kaila, Xia Kaila would not have been able to give this damn toy to Dracula. Without this cross, Dracula would not have been able to use the ancient cross. The black magic, break the curse on the body, the vampires will not be able to overcome the sunlight. The vampires will not be able to overcome the sunlight. They will not be able to attack the world government and control the heads of countries. If they cannot control the heads of countries, they will not be able to control the world. There is no way. By controlling the nuclear warheads, there is no way to attack Genosha and kill the 400 million mutants on Genosha Island. Without the death of these fucking mutants, Wanda would not be overflowing with love. Donate my money. , you also said that it has nothing to do with you. The source of all the things is you. How dare you make a fuss about it? This time we are here, why don’t we save your ex-wife Xia Kaela and ask you to sacrifice a little? What’s wrong? Do you have any opinion? Okay, I’m leaving now, I If you don’t want to wait any longer, I’m going to find Captain America now and confess everything to see if you can continue to be an Avenger.”

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave. Deadpool finally figured it out. He came to Li Kang in two steps and hugged his thigh, "Hero, hero...Brother, I know I was wrong. I am absolutely wrong." It's all my fault. You know I've always had a dream of being a hero. Now my dream has finally come true. My marriage has been shattered. This dream can't be shattered anymore. Please, I know I was wrong. Please forgive me. Me, I don’t dare to do it anymore…”

Bullseye was so shocked that he dropped the melon seeds in his hand. He knew there was a big secret between these two guys. He had always been curious about what it was. He didn't expect the secret to be so powerful. He stood on top of the Nightmare Sheep and pointed. Deadpool laughed loudly, "It turns out... Oh my god, it turns out that the culprit of everything is you, you bastard bastard, tell me, you are usually crazy, everyone thinks you are troublesome, I didn't expect you You are so capable of causing trouble. Dracula's vampires are able to rule the world. It turns out it's all your fault. My God, your energy is really limitless. A person with such energy must be very rich. Brother, I have been recently. a bit tight

, if you don’t give me some hush money, I can pretend that I haven’t heard anything about what happened today, what do you think?”

Li Kang and Deadpool glanced at each other. They were so busy fighting each other that they forgot that there was a third person here. The two of them were making trouble. It was a conflict among the people, but Bullseye was different. This It can completely escalate to a conflict between ourselves and the enemy.

Deadpool wiped his gun and said to Li Kang, "I didn't expect the secret to be leaked. What should I do now?"

Li Kang's fingertips burst out with hellish flames, and he said in a fierce tone, "What can we do now to kill people and silence them? If we join forces, he won't have the slightest chance."

Deadpool nodded, pointed the gun at the bullseye with one hand, and pulled out the vibranium knife with the other hand. The blade was like autumn water, illuminated by the blazing fire, like a legendary magic weapon. Even Deadpool His murderous aura was sublimated.

Bullseye's laughter stopped suddenly, and he finally realized the seriousness of the problem. Indeed, he had conflicts with Kingpin. He was the more outspoken of the two, and sometimes he would reveal some shocking things. Secrets, such as Kingpin's people infiltrated the FBI, Kingpin's people infiltrated SHIELD, Kingpin's people infiltrated Hydra... In short, Kingpin's people are everywhere. Method, this is how he made his fortune, inserting nails everywhere, so his information is so well-informed to such a perverted level.

Once this happens, he and Kingpin will immediately put aside their differences and have to silence the person. Now it is just a replica of those situations, but the problem is that now he has become the target of silence, Deadpool This is the real reason why Dracula came to power. If this news gets out, the little status that Deadpool has finally established in the world will be gone. There will be no such figure in the superhero team from now on. .

To Bullseye, this is nothing, but Deadpool takes all this very seriously. He spent a lot of money, worked hard, and shed blood to get this opportunity. Anyone who dares to ruin his good deeds will be punished by him. Death-defying.

"Hey, I'm from your group. Don't mess around." Bullseye took two steps back, but the Nightmare Sheep who sat down stopped moving back. No matter how much he urged, it was useless.

Li Kang said with a smirk on his face, "Don't be busy. The nightmare sheep ate the talisman meatballs I gave you. In fact, it was me who made it listen to you. The real control lies with me." In hand."

As soon as he finished speaking, the tail of the Nightmare Sheep that Bullseye was sitting on suddenly swung up and wrapped around Bullseye tightly, and a snake head hissed at Bullseye.

Bullseye had a lot of skills that he couldn't use, so he immediately got hit and couldn't move.

Deadpool jumped to his side with a swish, and put the vibranium knife on his neck. "You are very brave. You dare to threaten me. I am the founder of this field. Wow, you must be dizzy. Otherwise, I can’t figure out whether you have something in your head that would make you threaten me like this.”

Bullseye nodded hurriedly, "Yes, my brain is filled with water. You, sir, have a lot of them. Please let the younger ones go. I won't take the hush money, okay?"

Li Kang took out a check, painfully wrote a number, and waved it in front of Bullseye, "The hush money must be paid, otherwise the silence will be silenced, but you have to accept the money, and you also have to accept the insurance. It’s up to my subordinates.”

He took out a black pill and performed a series of very strict black magic in front of Bullseye. Finally, he sealed the cursed black magic in the pill and "opened his mouth." He said to Deadpool said.

Deadpool was so familiar with it that he immediately pinched Bullseye's nose and asked him to open his mouth. Li Kang raised his hand and threw the pill in. "There is a curse in it. My Li Kang's curse is not a joke. What you heard today , no matter who you tell it, your mouth will start to rot, and in three days, you will become a piece of stinky meat, believe it or not?"

Bullseye believed it, of course he believed it. Li Kang had cursed people in Hell's Kitchen. These things could be hidden from others, but not from Jin Bin's eyes. He had too many spies, and he knew all the deals Li Kang had done.

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