The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 1083 Black Forest Crisis

"Be careful," Li Kang said, pointing to the giant forest in front of him. "There are all kinds of monsters hidden in this forest. The most powerful one is a giant spider. Don't be caught. They will kill you." If you lay eggs on your body, your immortal body won’t be able to save you by then.”

There are many ghosts in the dark forest, and it seems that there are endless dangers. The phrase "Immortal can't save you" is obviously meant for Deadpool. Deadpool's heart sank. The insect he was most afraid of in the past was Spiders, when he was in school, Big John always caught those very ugly big spiders from the park and threw them into his locker. Once, he even threw a big tarantula and bit Deadpool on his arm. One bite almost poisoned him to death.

"How about we take a detour," Deadpool felt itchy all over his body, "I really have no idea about things like spiders."

Li Kang slapped him on the shoulder vigorously and encouraged him, "Don't be like this. It has been 20 years since that incident. A real man must have the courage to surpass his past self and believe in himself. You will have no problem."

Deadpool still felt something was wrong, but with Li Kang's constant encouragement, he still had the courage to follow.

The Nightmare Sheep entered the black forest fearlessly. Although the light in the underground world was very dim, there was actually some glimmer of light. There was a radioactive material on the top of the cave that emitted a faint light, and there was also a device that could emit faint light. Moss brings some very subtle light to the underground world, but these all disappear as soon as you enter the black forest. Like its name, the black forest is a land with a damp and dim atmosphere.

Here, the three top humans in the world are not as useful as the Nightmare Sheep. Out of habit, Deadpool took out a huge flashlight and raised it above his head. Li Kang was startled and quickly jumped over and threw the flashlight aside. in the woods.

"What are you doing?" Deadpool asked with some dissatisfaction.

Li Kang said angrily, "Are you seeking death by shining a light in this place? It's like holding a torch to inspect a gunpowder magazine. I don't understand if you are afraid of trouble finding you. You are still the number one assassin in the world." Well, how do you usually carry out assassinations?"

Deadpool's mind flashed a picture of him usually going for an assassination, usually using a rocket launcher to open the way and blowing open the door. After rushing in, he would use a concussion grenade to stun the people inside, and at the same time use all kinds of dirty words to drive the other person crazy. , killing all moving animals in the melee. Of course, animals other than humans are generally not killed, but sometimes if the opponent has vicious dogs or the like, he will also send them to the West. Once he drove a tank Crash in and kill all the people inside. Of course, the assassination is to kill until the sky is dark and kill all the people on the other side. This is called the most perfect assassination, and no witnesses will be left.

But now that Li Kang is angry, he knows it's better not to talk back now. Otherwise, with Li Kang's character, he will definitely try his best to send him into the tiger's mouth. Only after he has suffered all the hardships will he say proudly, "Look what I did." I've said it before, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer a lot...

Not only does he want to trick you until you can't take care of yourself, but he also wants you to apologize to him. This is simply a scumbag to a certain extent.

So Deadpool pretended to listen, but in fact Li Kang's words were automatically filtered out in his ears. It sounded like a meal, blah blah blah... in fact, it had no meaning.

Bullseye suddenly felt something moving in the forest. He quickly whispered to Li Kang, "Li Kang, please keep your voice down. There is something moving in the forest. Hurry up and listen."

Li Kang was so excited that he didn't even pay attention to Bullseye's words. He hummed

After Ha agreed twice, he continued to point at Deadpool's nose and spray venom wildly.

At this time, Bullseye suddenly heard a hissing sound from the forest side, as well as the sound of scratching the ground. The Nightmare Sheep under his butt took two steps back uneasily, his eyes glaring. Staring deep into the forest.

"There is something really wrong with Li Kang, please listen." Bullseye didn't care much. He pulled out a hard mane from the back of the nightmare sheep. The mane of the nightmare sheep was as sharp as a steel needle. He waved the mane away. Throw it at Li Kang.

The mane flew toward Li Kang in a swish, and suddenly started burning automatically about three centimeters in front of him. It hit Li Kang's automatic defense halo, which attracted Li Kang's attention. He turned around and asked, "Bullseye" , why did you go crazy and attack me?"

Bullseye pointed to the darkness in the distance, revealing little bits of green light, "I've told you many times, there is trouble here."

Li Kang looked up. He snapped his fingers and threw a series of fireballs with no lethality. The fireballs stopped about ten meters in front of the green lights. Under the light of the fire, he could see clearly that it was a There were huge red spiders, each one as big as a cow. They were encircling each other, and they came over little by little, but when they got in front of the fireball, they collectively hesitated. Like all living things, they are also afraid of fire. to fear.

"Damn it, we were surrounded by Deadpool, it's all your fault." Li Kang did not forget to blame Deadpool in the end, "We have to break out of the encirclement immediately, Bullseye, you have the best eyesight, lead us the way."

Bullseye nodded. He gently stroked the Nightmare Sheep and was almost bitten by the Nightmare Sheep's mouth full of acid. After comforting the Nightmare Sheep, he urged his mount and passed through the black forest at high speed. His riding skills were very good. Yes, the Nightmare Sheep are cunning predators, and the cooperation between the two is very efficient. The trees in the Black Forest are unusually tall. Although it looks like an airtight forest from the outside, in fact, at their normal height, The gaps between the trees here are very large, allowing them to pass calmly.

Those giant spiders wanted to run when they saw the prey that had finally come in. They didn't care about fireballs or not. They sprayed out white spider silk to knock down the fireballs and chased after them at high speed from behind.

But even though they had eight legs, they were still no match for the two-legged nightmare sheep, and they were quickly thrown away.

"Hahaha... Damn stupid spider, eat my fart from behind." Deadpool proudly squatted on the Nightmare Sheep, releasing a stench that shrouded the giant spider behind.

"Watch your head," Bullseye shouted.

It turned out that a large group of giant spiders fell from the sky. They caught the tough spider silk and landed from the trees. Some of them started to wander and flew straight towards the three of them.

Li Kang raised his hand and exploded a giant spider into a ball of green slime.

Deadpool also showed off two big guns and fired fiercely at the giant spider, while Bullseye was responsible for warning them of the direction of danger and leading them to break out from the weakest point of the giant spider's enveloping web. He showed what a real assassin should be like. He is professional and has an eye for all directions and an ear for everything. Even the most smiling situation cannot escape his eyes.

Suddenly, Bullseye strangled the Nightmare Sheep and stopped in place. Li Kang was about to ask him why he stopped, but when he looked ahead, he understood that the road ahead had been blocked by a giant spider web. There were eight black spiders that were stronger and uglier than other spiders, sitting on the spider web, like hunters waiting for their arrival.

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