The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 535: The Traitor...

While Reo and Kuroka were busy exploring each other, Hela was taking care of something very important. After dinner, she did have some late-night action with her soon-to-be husband, but after a satisfying romp, she excused herself. She grabbed Yachiru, who was on the bed beside her, and Grayfia, who was in her own room, and a few minutes later, the three of them arrived in the underworld.

"Come on, Ajuka. I know you can do it… you don't need to be shy" Hela said in a low tone and Ajuka gulped in fear and nervousness. His whole body started to shake, his hand clenched tightly around the object he had been holding.

"Come on, Ajuka. Don't disappoint me… and please don't be gentle…" Hela added with a grin and Ajuka raised his shaking hand. He knew that there was no going back now… So, he could do the only thing he could do. Ajuka lifted his hand over his hand, his hand still shaking frantically.

"Hahh!!" Ajuka screamed loudly and slashed his hand downwards. With a loud crack, the whip in his slashed across his brother's back.

"Hnnnnn!!" Diodora Astaroth screamed… or tried to scream loudly, but he was gagged, so he couldn't scream loudly. Hela was disappointed… What is the point of torturing someone is you can't even hear their screams, but Ajuka had made one simple request.

He said that he couldn't hear his beloved screams, so Hela could only allow Ajuka to gag on his brat of a brother. Hela has been very reluctant at the beginning, but a brother was going to torture his own blood brother… That was enough for Hela to accept Ajuka's request.

"What are we going to his Peerage Members?" Grayfia questioned from behind Hela. Ycahiru was standing on Hela's other side with a kind smile on her face.

"Dump them in the ocean for all I care" Hela shrugged dismissively. Then she glanced at Ajuka and once again she was displeased. "You are a Super Devil, you stupid fuck. My mother can hit harder than you and my mother is several millenniums old!!" Hela snapped and Ajuka almost shrieked in fear and started to all his power to whip his dear brother.

'Sorry, brother. You must be sacrificed for the Greater Good of the Astaroth Family. Mom and Dad can have another child if they try hard, but for that, they need to stay happy' Ajuka apologized inside his mind and he hardened his mind.

Hela had told Ajuka that if he is the one to torture his brother then she will spare his Family, but if he refused then Hela would have no other choice. She would have to slaughter his Family to make an example out of the Astaroth Clan to show what was going to happen to the traitors. Obviously, Ajuka decided to torture his brother.

"If you don't want them then can I have them?" Grayfia asked in a neutral tone. Hela turned towards Grayfia and she gave Grayfia a questioning look.

"What do you want with them?" Hela asked curiously, she honestly didn't care what happened to the Peerage members of Diodora Astaroth. True, they were Devils, but they were reincarnated Devils and they were mindless.

Hela wasn't bothered by the fact that all those girls were brainwashed or whatever. She wouldn't care if a Devil killed humans and then resurrected him or her as their Peerage members just for some sick pleasure. Hela would have done the same too, the idea was too appealing, but Hela wasn't happy over the fact that Diodora had dared to betray her.

"They are brainwashed, those types of women would be best for maid training. I will simply remove the training given to them by the traitor and then I will train them to be the perfect maids" Grayfia answered with a straight face.

Hela stared at Grayfia with a blank look on her face, after a few seconds, she started to cackle. Shivers ran down Ajuka's back even though Hela was probably cackling in amusement. Lady Hela was the scariest thing he has ever come across. Even the God of the Bible wasn't scary like her.

"Sure sure… you can have them" Hela waved her hand in a dismissive manner. She should trust Grayfia to train some mindless Devils to become perfect maids.

Diodora continued to howl as best as he could as Ajuka kept lashing his back… His back was completely bloody. Some of Diodora's bones were visible from the back. Hela wasn't a doctor or anything, but even she could understand that the filth was going to die if he wasn't healed. He was losing way too much blood.

"Stop" Hela commanded Ajuka who immediately stopped whipping the sack of mangled flesh hanging in front of him. He has stopped thinking of the sack of mangled flesh as his brother. His brother was sweet and kind, but his brother had died… At least, that is what Ajuka was making himself believe.

"I think he needs your help, Yachiru. Can you heal him, so we can start again?" Hela requested and Yachiru simply inclined her head and started to approach Diodora. She only took a few seconds to completely inspect all damage that has been done to the boy.

"It will take some time to heal him… It would best to give him Phoenix Tears if you want to continue" Yachiru reported in a kind tone. Ajuka shivered in fear when he saw her smile. He simply couldn't understand how such a cruel woman could hide behind the facade of a kind and gentle healer? He had witnessed the cruelty this woman was capable of firsthand, so anyone wasn't going to fool him.

"No… That would be too much wasteful. Can you stop him from dying? And maybe tweak his pain receptors?" Hela questioned and Yachiru simply nodded her head. Yachiru quickly weaved a few hand signs and tapped more than a few points on Diodora's body.

"Done… he won't be dying anytime soon. He has lost a lot of blood, so I would need to give him one of those Blood Replenishing Potions, and this time, he won't be bleeding like a stuck pig and I have also heightened his pain receptors" Yachiru said politely while looking at Hela. Then she turned back towards Ajuka.

"Now… It wouldn't be a problem if you went overboard by mistake or choice. Have fun!" Yachiru tilted her head kindly and returned to her previous spot. Ajuka didn't know how to react to that. He felt sorry for the sack of mangled flesh hanging in front of him. If the boy was looking to offend the cruellest people in the world, then he had succeeded spectacularly.

"Well, go on. What are you waiting for??" Hela snarked and once again Diodora's whole world drowned in pain. Now, he was desperately regretting the decision of accepting the Power of Ophis. Though Diodora had no idea that by the end of it he would be regretting a lot of things… like ever being born…

[A Few Hours Later]

There were still a couple of hours before sunrise and now, Hela has finally decided to ask questions. So, she pulled out the gag from the boy's mouth while grinning. Diodora was barely awake, but he had noticed that he couldn't pass out. No matter how tired he felt, he couldn't pass out. Diodora didn't know, but Yachiru had made it impossible for him to pass out.

"You see, I have some questions. If you answer truthfully without making a fuss, then I will end your misery… if not, then we can continue your whipping therapy" Hela said with an amused grin.

"Please… I will answer all the questions. Just kill me… please kill me" Diodora begged and Hela grabbed his head.

"Yes yes… I will. I am a woman of my word" Hela cooed almost kindly and Diodora felt relieved.

"So, from where did you get the power?" Hela asked.

"Ophis. It is Ophis' Power. I joined the Old Satan Faction and Rizevim Livan Lucifer gave me this Power" Diodora answered almost eagerly. Hela nodded her head in understanding.

"I see… have you killed anybody since you have joined them?" Hela asked, not that she cared exactly, but she still needed to know. After all, if the fool had killed a Devil then she needed to get justice for that said someone. After all, Hela is a magnanimous ruler…

"Yes… I have killed Lucretia Glasya-Labolas" Diodora breathed out and Ajuka closed his eyes with a pained look on his face. Hela didn't have any idea who the fuck Lucretia Glasya-Labolas was, but she was sure Grayfia knew. So she turned towards Grayfia.

Grayfia already knew what Hela wanted to know. "Lucretia Glasya-Labolas was the true Heiress of the Glasya-Labolas Family. Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas became the Heir after the mysterious death of the former" Grayfia answered and Hela clicked her tongue and turned back towards Diodora.

"Why did you kill her and is the Zephdon or whatever was also on the plan?" Hela asked.

"I had to kill her because she found out what I was doing to my Peerage members and how I acquired them and Zephyrdor was completely unaware of my plans" Diodora answered and Hela finally let go of his head. Now, she needed to contact the Glasya-Labolas Family and tell them that she had gained justice for their late daughter.

"Yachiru, you can torture him until he loses his mind" Hela said in a dismissive manner and Diodora immediately started to sputter in protest.

"Bu-but you promised?" Diodora gasped in shock, he had a hint of betrayal in his tone.

"Well, I lied" Hela shrugged and walked out of the room followed by Grayfia. She stopped right outside the door. "You did good, Ajuka. I am very happy with you. You are free to accompany me or stay here" Hela suggested and Ajuka instantly decided to accompany Lady Hela. He didn't want to stay here and watch how his brother lost his mind.

Moments later, the three of them started to hear Diodora's blood-curdling screams as they walked down the hall. Yachiru was going to have a lot of fun… that is until his mind breaks…


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