The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 514: Ddraig VS Albion (I)...

[Unknown Location, Underworld] 

Ddraig landed in front of a large mansion. He looked around with a bored look on his face, but internally he was very excited. He was about to face his arch-nemesis after a long time and now he had his own body. This body was also way stronger than his original one. 

He was so excited that he didn't even ask for a location, he located them on his own. It took him some time, but it was worth it. He could have located those pesky Witches too, but they weren't worth the effort. So he had left them to do their own thing. 

Ddraig noticed an ignorable alert barrier surrounding the house, but he simply triggered the barrier instead of breaking it. He wanted them to come to him… His plan worked like a charm when a couple of humans, along with a Youkai, and a couple of Devils rushed out of the house, weapons drawn. 

He easily noticed the wielder of Albion among the group. A Devil-human hybrid was in the possession of the Divine Dividing. But before he could indulge himself in a much-awaited clash against his arch-nemesis, he needed to address the Dragon God hiding behind the group. 

Before Ddraig could speak up, Ophis moved everyone standing in front of her and came forward. "Ddraig" Ophis greeted with a blank look on her face, surprising her group. Ddraig was slightly surprised by the avatar Ophis was using, but he still smirked. 

"Ophis. You seemed to have changed your appearance" Ddraig greeted back in a dry tone. Ophis gave a small nod. 

"I wanted to try something new" Ophis answered in her usual expressionless tone. 

"I see… Well, I wanted to tell you that the Destroyer wants to meet you" Ddraig said and once again Ophis gave a small nod. 

"I understand…" Ophis trailed off and then she slowly turned towards Vali, the wielder of Divine Dividing. "I am leaving, I will return after meeting with the Destroyer" Ophis added in a monotone. 

"Wait! How can you trust him?! And what do you mean by Ddraig?" Vali asked hurriedly with a slightly worried look on his face. 

"That is because he is Ddraig" Ophis answered with an obvious look on her face. 

"Come on, Albion. How long are you going to hide inside that hybrid? I know for sure that you can sense me" Ddraig said with a mocking look on his face. As soon as Ddraig finished his words, two blue draconic wings appeared behind his back. 

"It has been some time since we have met and this time you seem to have your own body" Albion's voice was heard from the wings and the wings were blinking along with the voice. 

"The Destroyer had offered you the same, but you denied him" Ddraig retorted with a smug grin on his face and this time Albion didn't have anything to say. Yes, he regretted not accepting Destroyer's offer, but there was nothing he could do now. 

"So, he really resurrected you? Albion, you never mentioned that Ddraig could take a human form" Vali asked Albion. He has heard from Kuroka that Ddraig has been resurrected, but neither Albion nor Vali believed that the Destroyer had done that out of goodwill. 

Both Albion and Vali were quite adamant that Ddraig must have paid a steep price to get resurrected. "So, what did you have to pay to get resurrected?" Albion questioned and Ddraig started to chuckle in amusement. 

"Nothing! That is the thing. He didn't ask me for anything. He simply gave me an offer and I accepted. Do you perhaps… feel jealous?" Ddraig asked with a Cheshire cat-like grin on his face. If Albion had a body then he would have popped a vein in rage and frustration. 

"Can I take the others with me to meet him?" All of a sudden Ophis decided to interrupt their banter. Ddraig simply shrugged dismissively, so Kuroka, who was present among Vali's group, decided to pitch in her opinion. 

"I don't think that would be a problem…" Kuroka said while looking towards Ddraig, who again shrugged dismissively. 

"I don't mind all of you going, but I don't think I am going to allow him to leave. Both of us seemed to have some unfinished business" Ddraig said and pointed towards Vali. 

"Why?" The monkey Youkai questioned curiously as he twirled his staff. 

"We are destined to fight… even though I am reborn and no longer sealed inside a Sacred Gear, we are still destined to fight. We need to see who is the stronger one in between us" Ddraig answered Bikou's question. 

"Arthur… we need to help Vali" the blonde-haired big-boobed Magician requested while tugging at the bespectacled man's clothes with a pleading look on her face. Ddraig wanted to say something, but Vali beat him to the beat. 

"No… you can't interfere. This is something we must do. I am destined to fight the Red Dragon Emperor" Vali said in a firm tone, leaving no room for argument. 

The rest of the group except for Kuroka and Ophis reluctantly agreed to leave. Kuroka quickly prepared a Teleportation Circle, and the whole group sans Vali disappeared after a bright purple flash. For a moment, Ddraig kept intently staring at Vali. 

"Let's change our location… I don't want to destroy the mansion" Vali suggested and Ddraig gave him a stiff nod. Two red bony draconic wings appeared behind his back and moments later, both Vali and Ddraig were flying away from the mansion at breakneck speed. 

After some time, Vali and Ddraig landed at a remote location. The place was completely desolate, so neither of them could destroy anything except for their desolate surroundings with their fight. 

"Balance Breaker: Divine Dividing Scale Mail!!" Vali exclaimed loudly as he activated he went straight into his Balance Breaker. Both Vali and Ddraig knew that they couldn't play around. Vali has been crushed by Hela effortlessly, he desperately wanted to avoid a result like that. 

"Unfortunately, I don't have a Balance Breaker… I suppose I had to do with what I have" Ddraig said in a mocking tone and two red metallic gauntlets formed on his arms while shins were covered by a similar type of metallic armour. 

Neither Vali nor Albion tried to humour Ddraig with a reply. They simply lunged towards Ddraig cracking the ground beneath them and Ddraig also lunged towards Albion in a similar manner, cracking the ground underneath him… 

[Knox, Kuoh Forest] 

Kuroka along with the others arrived right outside Knox. For a moment, everyone beside Kuroka and Ophis looked around to see where they were. They knew that the Destroyer had staked a claim on the Kuoh Forest, but this was the first time they were visiting this place. 

"Are you sure that we did the right thing by leaving Vali to face Ddraig?" Bikou asked in a saddened tone. 

"The Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor are destined to fight each other. It happens every generation, they won't stop until one of them dies or the loser submits to the winner" Ophis explained with a blank look on her face. 

"But I still feel bad for leaving him…" Le Fay said in a saddened tone while shaking her head. 

"Even if we had decided to stay, we couldn't have helped Vali. Ddraig is a Heavenly Dragon, while Vali can also tap into the power of another Heavenly Dragon. We would simply have been in the way" Kuroka said while shaking her head, but unlike the others, she had a hardened look on her face. 

"I have seen Crom Cruach and Ddraig fight in the training area and their fight was devastating" Kuroka admitted with a sombre look on her face. 

"Crom Cruach? Where did you find him? The Khaos Brigade had been looking for him for quite some time… or whatever is left of Khaos Brigade" Arthur blurted out hurriedly. 

Kuroka started to chuckle nervously while rubbing the back of her head. "Sorry sorry… I forgot to tell you guys about him. He lives in the mansion, but sometimes he is out. He has been staying here since Itsuki Reo appeared in this world" Kuroka said in a sheepish tone and Arthur nodded his head in understanding. 

Kuroka wasn't worried about revealing Crom Cruach's location because it wouldn't matter. Even though Vali's group was a part of the Khaos Brigade, they maintained a lot of distance from Rizevim's Faction who were the core group of the Khaos Brigade. 

"Kuroka, are you sure that it is fine that all of us decided to accompany Ophis?" Le Fay asked in a worried tone. She didn't want to get on the shit list of the Destroyer. 

"Don't worry. It will be fine… All of you are my friends, so I decided to bring you here to show you around. None of them care about being spied on or anything, because all of them could kill you before you could actually hurt anyone in his family" Kuroka reassured the whole group. 

Kuroka was about to lead them inside the house, but she stopped when a house-elf appeared in front with a soft pop, freaking out everyone beside Ophis and Kuroka. Thankfully nobody was startled enough to attack the little creature. 

"Master Reo be waiting for all of you in the backyard" the house-elf said and popped away leaving behind a gobsmacked Arthur, Le Fay, and Bikou while Kuroka and Ophis seemed to be completely fine… 


1635 words in this chapter.

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