The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 508: Inviting Friends (END)...

[POV Reo]

"I hope that I am not interrupting the two of you" I said in an amused tone as I sat down at the table uninvited. The couple sitting at the table gave me incredulous and offended looks for a moment until realization finally dawned on their faces.

The auburn-haired woman squealed in joy and jumped into my arms, she would have knocked me off if I was a normal human. Right now, her powers were sealed, so catching her was pretty easy. I hugged the woman with a smile on my face. Then I looked towards the blonde-haired man sitting at the table. The man was looking at me with an amused look on his face. 

"Sorry… I have been so busy that I didn't get the time to visit you. I did get to meet two of your lovers though" the woman said in an apologetic tone when she finally separated herself from my body. Even the man gave me an apologetic look and he was about to apologize too, but I cut him off.

"I know and I don't blame you. I am Omnipresent if you remember. So, I have been keeping an eye on both of you and I know that the two of you have been very busy" I tried to placate the two of them. "Fuck! I would have visited the two of you myself if the two of you weren't that busy" I added with a grin on my face. The couple released a relieved sigh after hearing my words.

"By the way, why don't you start dating each other? The two of you would make a pretty good couple" I continued and after hearing my words, the woman blushed and the man started to sputter.

"We have thought about it, but we have decided not to make a commitment. We think we are good with what we have right now… Neither of us wants to rush into anything and Gotzone agrees with me" the man said while giving a side-long glance towards the woman now known as Gotzone.

"Yep… I agree with Lars. You might think that we are being stupid and insecure, but neither of us are ready for a relationship. We are content with going on dates like friends and you also know the rest" Gotzone explained making several hand gestures as she spoke. In the end, she blushed brightly… Well, she is still the same Gotzone I knew.

"I see… As long as the two of you are happy with it and it is not my place to complain" I smiled softly as I spoke.

"Yes, we are very happy with what we have. So, what have you been up to?" The man now recognized as Lars asked curiously. Before I could answer his question, Gotzone raised her hand and interrupted the conversation.

"Wait… It is completely unfair that you don't have anything in front of you" Gotzone said with a meaningful look on her face as she glanced towards their food and drinks. "And I don't know about Lars, but I am really hungry. So, I won't be sharing my food" Gotzone added in mock haughtiness.

I gave a questioning look towards Lars and he also shook his head. Gotzone burst out laughing and called a waiter. I decided to order some fried chicken along with a glass of coke. The waiter left after taking the order.

"Well, you know how I am, but I have changed a lot after being reincarnated. I have been creating some chaos and discord here and there… it is pretty amusing" I smirked and Gotzone gave me an annoyed look.

" Why can't you guys leave alone the innocents?" Gotzone questioned me in an irritated tone.

"Don't mind her… You know how she gets whenever innocents are involved" Lars added and Gotzone gave him a dirty look. I started to chuckle after watching their interaction.

"I do know how she gets whenever innocents are involved, it is nothing new. Well, most of the affected by the chaos I caused aren't innocents, at least I don't think so" I said with a thoughtful look on my face. Technically, I wasn't lying so it was alright.

"How about we avoid this topic?" Gotzone suggested and both Lars and I immediately agreed with her suggestion. "Now leaving all of that aside, what should I call you? Nemesis or Reo?" Gotzone asked curiously and I simply shrugged.

"Even though I have all the memories and experience of Nemesis inside my head, I can clearly say that I am not Nemesis. I have changed a lot and some of my morals have also changed, so I would prefer it if the two of you called me Reo" I said with a serious look on my face and both Gotzone and Lars nodded their heads in understanding. 

Before we could talk anymore, the waiter returned with my order. After placing the plate and the glass on the table, the waiter walked away. I immediately ate a few pieces of fried chicken and took a small sip of coke. 

"Before I forget, let me tell you why I decided to pay the two of you a visit. I am getting married next month, and the ceremony would be incomplete if all of my friends aren't there" I said with a grin and both Lars and Gotzone smiled brightly after hearing my words. 

"That's great!! Of course, we would be there. There is nothing that would stop me from attending your marriage… Even Ardat's presence isn't going to make me change my mind" Gotzone beamed at me with a bright smile on her face.

"It is the same for me… Well, except for the Ardat part" Lars said with a smirk on his face and all three of us spend the next hour talking about some mundane stuff and their mission. The two of them weren't on a date, they were simply taking a break from their mission.

That is why I didn't want to keep them occupied for too long and before I left, I also gave them some clues and ideas about their mission. It was clear that they didn't want my help with their mission or they would have asked for my help, so I simply gave them some clues and some ideas…

After that, I decided to visit Ikkagen. So, I directly teleported inside his office. He was fighting his arch-nemesis, the bane of his existence… Paperwork. He obviously noticed my arrival, so he stopped for a moment and looked up from his paperwork.

"I am surprised that you decided to visit me… So, what can I do for you?" Ikkagen asked in a polite tone and leaned back in his seat. 

"For starters, you can attend my wedding" I said and Ikkagen dismissively nodded his head and went back to sign his paperwork. I looked at him weirdly, to be honest, I was expecting a more explosive reaction from him. At least, I didn't expect him to completely dismiss the matter.

Then all of a sudden, Ikkagen froze and raised his head to look at me in complete horror. "Did you just say that you are getting married?" Ikkagen gasped in shock, horror, and disbelief. Ah… I see what is happening. Either he is making fun of me or he is having a late reaction. Either way, I don't mind much… but that doesn't mean that I am not going to tease him.

"Haha… very funny, Ikkagen and yes, I am getting married" I added dryly while giving him a blank look. Once again Ikkagen gasped and started to sputter indignantly.

"I wasn't making fun of you… I was genuinely shocked and surprised. For a moment, I thought that my ears were malfunctioning or maybe I was simply high!" Ikkagen blurted out and once again, I gave him an annoyed look. Looks like my joke backfired on me… I never thought that the fact I am getting married would be so met by so much scepticism.

"Well, I am really happy for you even though the whole thing took me by complete surprise. So, are you sure that you want me to be there? It is going to be your special day" Ikkagen spoke in with a worried look on his face.

"I understand, and I really want you to be there… You are one of my friends, well… more like a friendly rival, but I am serious. I want you to be present there" I said with a serious look on my face. Ikkagen smiled brightly after hearing my words.

"Sure… I would be there" Ikkagen said with a bright smile on his face. 

"Good, then I won't keep you away from your work any longer. Good luck" I said with a grin and disappeared while waving at him. Before I completely disappeared, I heard a frustrated groan from the man…

After that, I found myself standing in Death's Realm. At first, I thought that it would be appropriate for Hela to invite her, but then I decided to go ahead and invite her even though Hela might be inviting her. 

I found Death watching something on a screen, but like Ikkagen she easily noticed my arrival. The scene playing out on the screen froze and she turned towards me. "My my… isn't this is a surprise" Death seemed to be in a really cheerful mood. 

"Yeah… that is why I decided to drop by" I grinned as I made my way towards Death. "So, what were you watching?" I asked curiously and Death turned the screen towards me with a flick of her hand. 

"I find her interesting" Death said cryptically. Death was watching a crimson-haired and a crimson-eyed young woman. If Death finds her interesting then the woman must be interesting. I have seen her before, but I have never paid her any attention. The woman is like a speck of dust in this Omniverse. 

"So, what brings you here?" Death asked as she dispersed the screen with a wave of her hand. 

"I am getting married next month, so I decided to pay you a visit to extend an invitation" I said with a smile and Death's grin widened after hearing my words. 

"Of course, I will be there. I have never been invited to a wedding ceremony" Death said while looking pretty amused. I stayed in Death's Realm for nearly an hour, the two of us kept talking about various topics. 

"Death, I gotta go. I need to invite a few more Gods" I said and teleported out of her Realm. 

After leaving Death's Realm I went to invite Extinction and a few other Gods and Goddesses from the Dark Faction and after that, I went to invite some Gods and Goddesses from the Light Faction… Obviously, they were quite shocked, but they still accepted the offer with bright smiles on their faces… 


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