The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 9 Heading to Hogwarts

"Fred! George! Where are you?"

Fred poked his head out of the open car window, "Here, mom, we are here!"

Mrs. Weasley came over with the little boy and the little girl, "Have you seen Percy?"

"He went to find Charlie," said Fred.

"Following in the footsteps of prefect Charlie," George continued.

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley." Ada greeted the fat Mrs. Weasley.

"My dear, you are here too. If you need help with anything at school, you can go to my son Charlie, who is a prefect." Mrs. Weasley said, and then told the twins, "You two Be obedient and behave yourself in school. If I receive an owl message saying that you are causing trouble in school, I will ask your father to take you back in person!"

"Will not."

"Absolutely not."

Ada did not believe what the twins said. Ada believed that they would not be caught.

"I'll let Charlie and Percy keep an eye on you two." Apparently Mrs. Weasley didn't believe this either.

"Charlie has a lot of school work, Mom."

"Percy is also very busy, both studying and admiring Charlie."

"And I have been envious for a long time..."

"It started when Charlie first got the prefect badge..."

The twins spoke one sentence at a time, and they seemed to like this way of speaking.

The clock was soon reaching eleven o'clock, and the steam locomotive also started to whistle. Some children who were still saying goodbye to their parents hurriedly jumped on the train. The parents also retreated to the safe area and waved goodbye to the children.

At eleven o'clock sharp, the train finally started slowly.

Ada saw Mrs. Weasley waving, the twins' little brother secretly wiping tears behind his mother, and their little sister crying and laughing, running forward with the train until the train accelerated and she was left behind, Still waving to them.

Real name envy, what a wonderful thing it is to have a family that cares for you and loves you.

"That's our little brother Ron, he'll be coming to school in two years."

"Our little sister Ginny is a year behind Ron."

"A very enviable family." Ada said sincerely.

"If you really had three brothers," Fred said, holding up three fingers.

"Plus a younger brother and a younger sister," George held out two fingers.

"Maybe you won't be envious." The twins said in unison.

The huge Weasley family, a family of nine, is full of loyal people!

It's a pleasure to chat with the twins. They talk very funny and tell little jokes from time to time.The three of them talked a lot about the wizarding world. Fred was the one who made fun of them, George was the one who praised them, and Ada was responsible for listening to them and making them laugh.

"Tell me about you,"

"We were the ones saying it all the time."

"I am an orphan and grew up in an orphanage." Ada said. After hearing this, the twins began to express their apologies. Ada signaled the two brothers not to care, "It doesn't matter. Look, don't I live a good life?" ?Grow up healthy and go to Hogwarts to study..."

A loud noise came from the aisle, interrupting Ada's words. A woman with a nice smile and dimples pushed open the box door and asked, "Honey, do you want to buy some food on the car?"

"No, thank you," Fred and George said, then opened a cardboard box with several sandwiches inside.

Ada also had a sandwich, which was specially given to her by Lady Mary when she went out, but Ada still stood up and asked, "Is there anything to drink?"

In the end, Ada bought three cups of fruit-flavored milk and some chocolate for the twin brothers to share.The two of them had done themselves a favor, and it was only right that they should be treated to a glass of fruity milk, and the sandwich was still a bit dry just to eat.

The fields passing by outside the car window have become more and more deserted, and a neat farmland has disappeared.What follows is a forest, a meandering river and dark green hills.

Outside the window is the ever-changing scenery, and the three people inside the window are eating quietly.The twin brothers wanted to say something, but they didn't know how to say it. For the first time, the two brothers felt that they were a little clumsy.

After the three of them had eaten and cleared the table, Ada discovered that there was a stain on the clothes of George, who was sitting on the outside of the chair. It must have been accidentally rubbed when the train was bumpy.

"Cleaned up." Ada took out her wand and cast a cleaning spell on George, and the stain disappeared.Ada also practiced this spell for a long time during the holidays. It is a must-have spell for lazy people.

"That's awesome!" George said in surprise.

"The way you looked just now reminds me of mom." Fred said, and the two brothers gave Ada a thumbs up.

Do I look that kind?Ada thought to herself, "I did some exercises during the holidays at the orphanage. You know, I grew up in the Muggle world. I need to prepare more and hope I won't fall behind too much."

"No, you're already great!"

George stood up, opened his box, then took out a deck of cards and shook them at Fred and Ada, "Let's play cards!"

"You're like a bug in my belly." Fred and George high-fived, then continued, "Come on!"

George took out a deck of cards. Ada did not expect that the two brothers would have a deck of cards in their pockets and follow whoever they caught.Ada has never played cards with the children in the orphanage. She doesn't know how children in the UK play cards, let alone how the wizarding world plays cards.Ada can play Landlord and a little bit of bridge.

"I won't." He said it so simply that Ada's face didn't even turn red.

"We teach you."

Then the two brothers began to explain the gameplay to Ada. The gameplay and scoring methods were a bit complicated, which made Ada look confused.Ada also learned that this deck of cards is called crackling explosive cards, the kind that really explode.

Is the wizarding world so dangerous?Are you going to get bombed while playing cards?After explaining the rules for a while, the twins decided to take Ada to play a few games first, so that she could play with them.

Fred began shuffling the cards. After shuffling the cards, George dealt the cards.Ada is really tough when it comes to playing cards with the twins.After the cards were dealt, Ada picked up the cards and took a look. The cards were not very good.

【Ding!The proficiency of the crackling explosion card has been unlocked, please check the host in time], this time Ada is really shocked, your system does not seem to be very serious!

Fred and George did not expect that the future God of Gamblers in Diagon Alley would embark on this path under the guidance of their brothers.

"How about it? Let's get started!" Fred said excitedly. It seemed that his cards were good.

Ada smiled slightly, "Let's get started!"

But what Ada didn't notice was that the twin brother blushed when she smiled.If Ada noticed it, she would probably give each twin brother a chestnut, which would make you blush like a bubble teapot!Your painting style is crooked!

The happy time is always short-lived. Amidst the laughter and laughter, the twin brothers played GG.Facing Ada, a rookie, and with the bonus of the twins, the two brothers still lost more than they won.Moreover, I only won the first few rounds, and it was very difficult to win even once later.After Ada won another round, the twins finally couldn't hide their shocked expressions.

"Ada, did you really not know how to do this before?" Fred's face was filled with disbelief.

"It's my first time playing today, really." Ada said seriously, even raising her hand to swear.

George quickly pulled down Ada’s sworn hand, and then said, “You are learning too fast!”

"My learning ability has always been strong." Ada said with a smile, and silently added in her heart: especially after doing the wall hanging.

George decisively put away the crackling exploding cards. He didn't want to be destroyed by a newbie again.

While the three people were chatting, there was a knock on the box door, and then a girl wearing a school robe opened the door, with a shining P-shaped badge hanging on her chest. She said to the three people: "The school is about to be over. We're here, put on your school uniform." After that, he left directly.

"The 'P' letter badge means that she is a prefect." George, who was sitting outside, said. "Bill and Charlie both have the same badge."

"When they received the badges, my mother was so happy that she even bought them gifts," Fred said.

"So what the prefect said just now should be true. Let's put on our clothes first!" Ada said, stealing the twins' lines.

The twins asked Ada to change clothes first, and the two went out to guard the door.After Ada changed her clothes, the twins went in.

As expected, not long after the three people had changed their clothes, a voice echoed on the train: "The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage in the car and we will deliver it to you." Went to school.”

Five minutes later, the train slowed down and then stopped slowly.Passengers rushed towards the car door, pushing and shoving. The twin brothers, who didn't know how strong Ada was, protected Ada one after another and squeezed towards the car door.

Finally, the three of them went down to a dark and small station. It was a bit chilly at night. Ada took out the chocolates she bought on the train from her pocket and gave them to Fred and George.

A lamp appeared brightly above the heads of the students. The person holding the lamp was very tall, tall and strong. The light flickered as the person moved. The person shouted loudly: "Freshmen! All the freshmen come here!"

Hearing this rough and loud voice, the confused first graders seemed to find their backbone and crowded towards the direction of the voice.

"I'm Hagrid, the gamekeeper and keykeeper of Hogwarts. The first-year students are following me. Is there anyone else who hasn't come yet?" Hagrid said and waited for a while, but no one came again. , continued, "Freshmen, follow me and watch your steps!"

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