The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 30 The cunning hunter

Filch took the twins to his office. His mouth was not idle all the way. He kept talking about how he should punish the two brothers.

These punishments all sound bloody, but none of them can actually be used on students. Dumbledore has abolished this behavior long ago.

Ada fell far behind the three of them. She decided to follow them to check the situation. If the two of them were punished with labor service, she could help them.

Arriving at the administrator's office, Filch roughly pushed Fred and George into the office and slammed the office door shut with a bang.

The twins stood in the office. They no longer needed to observe this room. The polished chains and handcuffs did not scare them away. Their familiarity with this place was second only to Filch and his cat. .

There was an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling, which made the office a little dim. The hut was filled with the smell of grilled fish. File cabinets used to store student disciplinary records stood on the wall. There was a drawer on the desk with the words "Confiscated materials." Extremely dangerous".

"Did you see those chains and handcuffs?" Filch said sadly, "I really want to hang you two up like two fishes. Hang them up for a few days, and you will behave well in the future. obedient."

"That's such a pity, you can't hang us on it now." said Fred, who is not afraid of boiling water.

"If I were you, I would oil them often, maybe they'll be needed someday, dear Filch." George even joked with Filch.

"You will definitely taste its power immediately." Filch said fiercely, "Let me think about how I should punish you! The Forbidden Forest is good, believe me, you will definitely be scared to death Pants!”

The twins were indifferent to Filch's threats, but they hoped that Filch would really punish them by going to the Forbidden Forest. That's when they fell asleep and someone gave them pillows.

"But before that, I need to inform Professor McGonagall first." Filch said while writing his own punishment opinions on the parchment.

When they heard Professor McGonagall's name, the fearless twins finally changed their expressions. They were still in awe of Professor McGonagall.But Filch, who had been enjoying himself on paper, didn't see the changes in the twins' expressions.

Meow!There was a meow at the door.Filch quickly opened the door and carried Mrs. Lorris into the room.Mrs. Lorris kept meowing, and Filch remembered some things that he had forgotten.

"Tell me! Where is there another person? Who is he?" Filch asked the twins, "Is he the dark boy who is usually with you?"

The joy of catching the twins made Filch temporarily forget that there was another person wandering at night. After seeing his cat, he finally remembered.

"You read it wrong."

"Just the two of us."

"There is no third person at all." The twins said in unison, "Maybe he is a student from another college, and your cat can't talk."

"You lied!" Filch shouted at Fred and George.

Filch didn't bother to interrogate the twins anymore and hurried out to check, but Filch standing at the door saw no one.

"Who's there? Come out?" Filch took a few steps forward, but he still didn't see anyone. His call was just a bluff.Mrs. Lorris also jumped down from Filch's arms and let out a sharp cat meow.

As soon as Filch left the office, George quickly opened the drawer containing "confiscated materials" and rummaged through it, while Fred tried to block him as much as possible with his body.

Filch, who didn't find anything, turned around and returned to the office. He was worried that if he left for too long, the office would be destroyed by the twins.

Filch first looked around his office and found no signs of damage. The twins also stood obediently in the same position.He said: "You two follow me, now we are going to see Professor McGonagall."

On the other side, after Filch brought the twins into the office, Ada has been hiding nearby and eavesdropping, but there has been no movement in the office.

After a while, the elusive Mrs. Lolis appeared in front of Ada again, but instead of continuing to "confront" Ada, she barked directly at the office door.

After Filch carried it into the door, Filch's stern questioning came from the office, and Ada no longer cared about the twins.She chose to slip away silently.

On the way back to the common room, Ada went to the fourth floor to pick up the evidence she had left behind.

When Ada returned to the common room, she did not go directly to rest. Instead, she sat in an armchair by the fireplace, waiting for the twins to return.

Ada, who was taking a nap with her eyes closed, heard the sound of someone coming in not long after waiting.Opening her eyes, Ada saw the twins walking in.

"Filch didn't give you too much trouble, did he?" Ada asked with concern.

The twin brothers looked solemn and shook their heads at Ada with a wry smile, making her confused.

"I knew you were the one!" An angry female voice floated above Ada's head.

It's Professor McGonagall!As soon as Ada looked up, she saw Professor McGonagall standing behind the twins with a serious face.

It turned out that when Professor McGonagall led the twins back, she asked the Weasley brothers to enter the lounge first.After they entered, Professor McGonagall followed in. As expected, Ada was caught in what she was doing.

"Professor McGonagall, please listen to me...explain..." Ada felt that she was still saved and wanted to try to struggle.

"Huh?" Professor McGonagall looked at her condescendingly, and Ada swallowed the lie she had made up instantly.

Seeing that Ada did not forcefully argue, Professor McGonagall continued: "You three are really an example for me, Gryffindor!"

Professor McGonagall was wearing pajamas and a cloak, but this outfit did not affect her majesty at all.The three of them stood side by side in front of Professor McGonagall with their heads lowered, accepting her criticism honestly.

"I feel very angry! I stayed up late at night and wandered around in the corridors. Do you know what time it is? Do you know how dangerous this is!" Although Professor McGonagall lowered her voice, she could still feel her anger. .

"You! Miss Drizzt, I thought your mind would be clearer, but what have you done? How did you promise me when you were in the office!"

Ada also felt very embarrassed. Professor McGonagall had not called her "Miss Drizzt" for a long time. One can imagine how angry Professor McGonagall was that night.

Moreover, Ada was almost crying because she had thrown herself into a trap. She exchanged glances with her twin brothers, and Fred and George did not "betray" her.

"Mr. Weasley, you must pay the price for your dangerous behavior. Thirty points will be deducted from Gryffindor! Everyone!" Professor McGonagall said the result of the punishment, and at this moment officially announced that Gryffindor had withdrawn from this school year. Competition for the Academy Cup.

"As for you, Miss Drizzt, although you were not caught by Filch, you are still responsible for your stupidity." Professor McGonagall paused, "From today on, all your homework must be completed. Duplicate, no duplicate content. Remember, it’s for every subject!”

Ada and the three of them were sitting in armchairs. The scene was extremely quiet. Professor McGonagall had just left, leaving the three of them relatively speechless.

"We didn't expect you to be waiting in the common room." Fred said. As expected, Ginger is still very old.

When Professor McGonagall was in the office, she pretended to trust the two of them. When she returned to the lounge, she immediately turned her back on them and took Ada out.

"It's a shame that we trust her so much." George said in disbelief that Professor McGonagall had put all three of them in this wave.

"I am stupid. If I went back to the dormitory, this would not be the case. Even if I hide on the stairs of the dormitory, I might not be discovered." Ada summarized herself and looked for the reason from herself.

No matter how cunning the fox is, he can't defeat the old hunter!How many years did Professor McGonagall live? She only lived a few years in her two lifetimes combined. Compared with Professor McGonagall, Ada was not even a fox.

Tonight's lesson made her realize two things: the first is that it is okay to violate school rules, but it cannot be discovered. If not discovered, it means that there is no violation of school rules; the second is her own shortcomings. At least she cannot be criticized by Professor McGonagall in the future. That's the calculation.

Ever since the system was established, Ada always felt that all she had to do was survive, survive until the finals, and survive.But now it seems that she needs to correct her mentality. In front of a bunch of old foxes, she is so young that she can squeeze out water. She is still far away, and there is still a lot to learn.

"George, take a look at what you found from Filch. This is the only happy thing today." Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Fred quickly spoke to ease the situation.

"Well, wait a minute." George put his hand into his pocket and took out a big treasure, "Ah, it's here!"

George pulled out a large, square piece of parchment that was very worn and had nothing on it.

"Uh..." Fred was speechless. He glanced at his twin brother and after making sure that George was not joking, Fred continued: "What is this?"

"I don't know." George scratched his head and said awkwardly, "But it is indeed placed in the drawer. Maybe we just haven't discovered its wonderful use yet..."

Ada once thought that George had taken it by mistake, but now it seemed that this parchment was the treasure that George took out from Filch.

That's it!That's it!That's it!Ada roared silently in her heart.

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