The Emerald at Hogwarts

Chapter 12 My Dear Ghost Professor

After the opening party and a lively weekend, various classes at Hogwarts will finally begin this Monday.

When the sun climbed up to the Gryffindor tower, Ada slowly opened her eyes.The warm quilt and soft bed made Ada not want to leave and expose her body to the slightly cold air.Fortunately, Ada's willpower was quite strong and she broke away from the bed after a few minutes.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes and looking at the distant sky, Ada's new life finally officially began.

Angelina, who had been up for a long time, came over and put a robe on Ada's body.

"It's a bit cold in the morning, so don't go to the school doctor's office to report before class." Angelina said, then turned to Alia Spinnet, who was still lying in bed and said, "If you don't get up, we might There’s no time for breakfast, Alia.”

"Five minutes, Angelina, let me sleep for another five minutes..." Aaliyah, who was still asleep, muttered vaguely.

Ada and Angelina, who were draped in robes, looked at each other. Angelina understood and walked directly to Alia's window and put her cold hands into the quilt.

With Angelina's sneak attack, the dazed Alia finally woke up.The three of them changed their clothes and left the Gryffindor common room, chatting and laughing all the way.

When Ada and the other three arrived at the auditorium, many people had already gathered here.The three of them randomly found a seat and sat down, and delicious food suddenly appeared on the empty plates in front of them.Just as Ada was enjoying her breakfast of cereal, the twin brothers and Lee Jordan arrived belatedly.

"Do we have any classes today?" Fred asked listlessly.

"In the morning it's Professor Flitwick's Charms class and Professor Sprout's Herbology class. Charms is with Ravenclaw, and Herbology is with Hufflepuff." Ada said, "In the afternoon it's Professor Binns' class. A History of Magic, with Slytherin."

After breakfast, the group came to the Charms classroom. They arrived a little late, and most of the students were already seated.Professor Flitwick is the teacher of this course and he is also the Head of Ravenclaw.

The diminutive Professor Flitwick stood on a pile of books piled high, just enough to reach the desk and allow the students to see him.He took out the roll call and started calling the names, getting to know each student.His voice was high-pitched, but it didn't sound unpleasant. When he called each student's name, he would chat with the student for a few words.

Just after a roll call, the students in the classroom were full of affection for this short professor.

Professor Flitwick started today's class standing on the pile of books. He was talking about some simple basic theoretical knowledge about magic.Under Professor Flitwick's in-depth explanation of these basic theories, some of Ada's previous confusions about magic were also solved.

"You know, Professor Flitwick is the master of dueling!" Fred said softly.

Angelina and Alya turned to look at the Weasley brothers, their curiosity already aroused.

"Professor Flitwick even won the duel championship when he was young!" George said, "How about that? That's awesome."

"How do you know?" Angelina asked

"Charlie, Charlie told us." Fred said with some envy, "I wish I could be that good!"

"I really want to know how he practices."

"Maybe he is gifted." Ada, who was interrupted from her lecture, pondered for three seconds and then said.

Then Ada saw four pairs of curious eyes staring at him, and Ada had no choice but to continue: "I won't talk about the superb magic spells, combat consciousness, etc. Just look at Professor Flitwick's figure. ?"

The four heads shook like rattles. Although they were only eleven or twelve years old, they were already much taller than Professor Flitwick.

"Professor Flitwick's height can sometimes be his disadvantage, but in a duel he has a small target and is not easily hit..." Ada was talking nonsense seriously, but the other four people didn't know it and instead It makes sense.

"Everyone must pronounce the words clearly when reciting the incantation. Everyone recite after me: soften quickly!" Flitwick said loudly.

The little lions and eaglets chanted: "Soften up quickly!"

"Very well, it's your turn now," Professor Flitwick said.Then Professor Flitwick waved his magic wand, and a bunch of small hardwood sticks flew towards the students under his command, neatly arranged in front of everyone, just one for each person.

The sound of softening spells was heard in the classroom, and the hardwood sticks flying everywhere echoed the screams of the students.

Alia waved her wand, but with too much force, and the small hardwood stick tumbled around on the table, as did Angelina's.The Weasley brothers did a good job, and their little wooden sticks were already showing signs of softening under the influence of the spell.

Ada looked around and saw that not many students had succeeded. After all, this was everyone's first spell class, so it was normal for them to be a little shy and it didn't mean anything.

"It's your turn, Ada, show them what you're capable of!" Fred said.

"Ada is a master of spells," George continued.Angelina and Aaliyah also looked at Ada.

Pulling out the wand and pointing it at the mouth of the cup, Ada muttered: "Soften quickly!" She saw that the small wooden stick on the table began to change with the spell, and the originally stiff stick turned into a soft one. noodles.

Professor Flitwick, whose eyes had been wandering around the classroom, immediately saw Ada's performance and praised her loudly: "Excellent, well done, Miss Drizzt. Your wonderful softening spell won Gryffindor Five points!"

After class, the Gryffindor students walked out of the warm castle, walked through the courtyard, and walked to the greenhouse behind the castle.Learning how to cultivate exotic plants and fungi and understand their uses is what herbalism teaches.Ada's performance in this class was not very good. She didn't like playing with plants very much, but she still answered a few questions raised by Professor Sprout in class, and in this way added some charm to Gryffindor. Five points.

In the afternoon, after lunch, the little lions came to the History of Magic classroom one after another.

Professor Binns is the only ghost professor in the school. It is said that Professor Binns fell asleep in front of the fireplace in the staff room and forgot to take his body with him when he went to class the next morning. This shows that Professor Binns was indeed very old during his lifetime. old.

This History of Magic class is taught by Gryffindor and Slytherin together. In addition, Potions and Flying classes are also taught by these two houses.The little lion and the little snake looked at each other. This was a war without smoke.

Suddenly there was an exclamation in the classroom. It turned out that Professor Binns entered the classroom through the blackboard.Ada thought: My teacher is a ghost, this is quite exciting!If Professor Binns hadn't been too old, Ada would have wanted to give him a role in a show called "The Love Between Humans and Ghosts", and the ratings would have been pretty good.

The History of Magic course should be a very interesting course. The wizards, magic, and wars that have left their mark on history are extremely attractive in every aspect.Unfortunately, Professor Binns' History of Magic class was very boring. The most exciting part of the class was the moment when he walked through the wall. His true debut was the pinnacle!

Professor Binns turned a blind eye to the students lying on the desk, opened his notes, and read in a dry, low and monotonous voice, like a broken radio.

Gryffindor and Slytherin, who originally hated each other, are no longer hostile to each other, because they really can't open their eyes. People who can occasionally come back to their senses and write down a name or date are those with extremely strong mental willpower. A good fierce man.

The war between the two colleges was eliminated in Professor Binns' history of magic class.

Ada held her head with her left hand and held a pen in her right hand. Her upper and lower eyelids were fighting fiercely.Angelina and Alia beside them were already asleep. As for the twin brothers, they fell earlier.Professor Binns' voice and teaching method were really good for sleeping. In addition, everyone had just eaten and the warm sunshine in the afternoon produced an effect of 1+1+1 greater than 3.

Ada is still insisting, not because she doesn't want to fall asleep, but because the system has given her tasks, and they have given her too many tasks! [Successfully resisted the call of sleep in five History of Magic classes and broke Professor Binns' 'curse'.Completing the mission will reward you with an enhanced version of the Coma Spell. 】

"In October of that year, a dedicated group of Sardinian wizards..." Professor Binns was still reading his notes on the stage, using his amazing hypnotic ability.

There were very few students in the class who had not had close contact with the desktop. Ada pinched her inner thigh hard to force herself to stay awake.

I don’t know how long it took, it seemed like a century had passed, but the boring history of magic class was finally over.Ada, who had always kept her spirits up, discovered for the first time that a class could be so difficult.

The students woke up the moment the get out of class was over. They were all radiant and energetic, completely different from the ones who had just passed out on the desk.Fred, who had had a good sleep, looked at Ada in horror. He asked in confusion: "Ada, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing this, other people also looked at Ada, and saw that Ada looked haggard, and her eyes that were originally shining like emeralds had lost their luster and were covered with bloodshot eyes.

"No, I feel great. I've never felt better." Ada said, but her voice was weak.She stood up unsteadily and left the classroom first, but her swaying figure looked like she might faint to the ground at any time.

I swear, after I complete this task, if I stay awake in future History of Magic classes, I will write my name backwards!Ada swore fiercely in her heart.

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