The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 98: A Deviant Who Longs For The Immortals

Zhong Cheng gazed intently at Wang Xuan, trying to discern his genuine interest in the revered scriptures. "Have you deciphered all of yesterday's texts?" he asked in a hushed tone.

Wang Xuan nodded, "Indeed. For such an large tome, the actual teachings within seemed rather sparse. And here you were talking about it as if it was some sort of grand collection."

Ignoring the subtle tease in Wang Xuan's comment, Zhong Cheng pressed on, "Setting that aside, I've browsed through some of the scriptures. Can you shed light on the nuances of mastering these ancient arts? My family holds the prestigious teachings from distinguished Grandmasters, including the golden bamboo scrolls linked to the 'Order of Immortals'. We're guardians of a treasure, yet it remains dormant in our hands."

In many circles, such precious knowledge would be jealously guarded. But for the Zhong dynasty, a prominent financial powerhouse, secrecy was not a concern, particularly since their vast collection was already an open secret. In this era of relentless technological advancements of mighty starships exploring the universe the age-old scriptures, once revered, were now just decorative pieces adorning the bookshelves of the wealthy. Wang Xuan's thoughts deepened, reflecting on his painstaking efforts to gather these scriptures and his underlying fears of their insufficiency.

For Old Chen, who had reached profound levels of comprehension, the thirst for even more knowledge burns deeper. He believed the truly transformative scriptures were becoming rarer by the day. Hence, his ongoing efforts to foster ties with influential sectors were driven by an eagerness to study these age-old writings more closely.

Wang Xuan shot Zhong Cheng a sidelong glance. It was evident that, contrary to his apparent naivety, Zhong Cheng was trying to entice him, showcasing the illustrious scripts of the Zhong family to whet Wang's appetite. With an indifferent demeanor, Wang began, "To master the Old Arts, one must be wholly committed. Dive deep into the context of a scripture, ponder its essence right from its origin, and immerse yourself into the mindset of its creator. Only then will you progress."

Zhong Cheng blinked in surprise, then pressed, "Is your rapid advancements due to these insights that you speak of?"

Wang Xuan continued, "There are no shortcuts to mastering the Old Arts, nor a magic formula that grants instant transcendence. You need to immerse yourself in a scripture, comprehending all its facets. Take the Snake-Crane Eight Style Technique as an example. Have you practiced it?"

"I have," Zhong Cheng sighed, "I've spent years on it, yet your initial few days of practice outdid my progress."

"Let's begin by dissecting the scripture of that technique," Wang decided. Having perused the Zhong family's scriptures, he felt obligated to offer some insights, while also subtly probing.

Zhong Cheng's demeanor became earnest. His desire to master the family's secretive arts was not just mere talk. While he had explored the vast collection of his family, he yearned for the tales of the ascended immortals, hoping that someday he could pierce the heavens with a blade of light and stand resilient against starships with just his physical being.

The Zhong family had an array of mystical scriptures, some rumored to be remnants from those very immortals. Yet, much to his chagrin, they remained elusive to him. In the contemporary age, while many of his peers craved the latest starships, he aspired to attain the ethereal realm. But what vexed him most was that despite his years of dedication to the ancient arts and practicing the new, he still couldn't best his sister in a duel.

"As context, remember that in those days, the renowned Old Zhang had..." Wang began narrating.

Zhong Cheng interrupted with care, earnestly asking, "Who's this 'Old Zhang' you speak of?"

"Zhang Daoling!" Wang Xuan glanced at him with slight exasperation. How can he not even know this?

Swallowing hard, Zhong Cheng marveled at the difference in their perspectives. While he might refer to Wang as 'Old Wang' in his mind, here was Wang Xuan casually naming a foundational figure in the Old Arts. He was humbled.

"Old Zhang, attuned with the universe, retired to Crane Cry Mountain," Wang began. "There, he witnessed a fierce battle between a dragon and a divine crane amidst clouds. That's the context. When practicing this scripture, you need to possess Old Zhang's innate unwavering belief in supremacy and his detached worldly view post-retirement. Moreover, the battle between the dragon and crane was intense and bloody. It was a fight to the death, which means while practicing, one must nurture a fierce heart, unafraid of death, and cultivate a boundless, menacing aura. With this background in mind and immersing oneself in it, success is inevitable."

Zhong Cheng listened intently, finding Wang Xuan's words profoundly insightful, yet he felt lost amidst the depth.

"Could you be more specific?" he pleaded eagerly.

"A person like Old Zhang have surely transcended worldly affairs. So, when practicing the Serpent Crane Eight Style Technique, one should push forward with an air of emptiness, with confidence embedded deep within, subtly emanating a sense of invincibility. External movements may seem ethereal, but internally, a formidable energy brews, ready to erupt. Channel Zhang's reclusive yet dominant aura and essence. Only at the moment of striking down an enemy should one's body resonate violently, releasing that intense aura. Once finished, everything should revert to peace and tranquility."

With a calm demeanor, Wang Xuan continued, demonstrating the technique on the spot. Only when he targeted a decorative stone weighing several tons at the funeral home did he release that intense aura before resuming his tranquil composure.

Zhong Cheng, mesmerized, touched the shattered stone fragments. He was thoroughly impressed, acknowledging Wang Xuan's reputation as the youngest Grandmaster of the era.

Zhong Cheng's enthusiasm was palpable. "Wang Xuan, your perspective has opened my eyes. It's not just about practicing the ancient arts through scriptures; it's about understanding the nuances of the era, the context, and the emotions behind each text. Your approach is nothing short of enlightening."

With a glint of genuine admiration in his eyes, Zhong Cheng added, "It's clear now why you rose to the stature of a grandmaster so young."

Suppressing a smirk, Wang Xuan mused internally, 'Young man, you think you're baiting me with flattery? A few words of wisdom, and you're already reeled in.'

Leaning closer, Zhong Cheng whispered, "Are you still interested in yesterday's scripture?"

"Absolutely. I believe it offers valuable insights," Wang Xuan affirmed, truly eager to access the full depths of Chen Pan's writings.

Zhong Cheng nodded. "Got your communicator with you? We can exchange contacts, and I'll transmit the scriptures later."

After a quick exchange of their devices, Zhong Cheng added, "I remember only fragments of the text. I'll gather it from my archives on New Star and send it your way."

Without missing a beat, he swiftly sent Wang Xuan five images. To Wang Xuan's surprise, they were all candid shots of Zhong Cheng's sister. Wang Xuan's eyebrows arched subtly. Zhong Cheng, that's not what I had in mind! I'm here for Chen Pan's wisdom, not photos of your sibling.

But Wang Xuan kept his composure, choosing to sidestep the trivial misstep. After all, why make a fuss when there were grander things at play?

In a hushed tone, Zhong Cheng admitted, "Brother Wang, I used to think you were a bit of an opportunist. But now, I see something unique in you. I genuinely believe you might step into the realm of legends one day. Since we've now forged a good bond, if you ever reach those heights, don't forget to bring me along."

He then whispered even more softly, "Once I gain access to our family's unparalleled scriptures and the golden bamboo scrolls of the pre-Qin dynasty alchemists, I'll surely seek your guidance."

Wang Xuan was genuinely taken aback, but a quick glance at Zhong Cheng's radiant smile made him take those words with a grain of salt. Young heirs of financial empires, like Zhong Cheng, were rarely straightforward. If Zhong Cheng was now putting on such a heartfelt act, it only meant he had become more adept at his game.

Still, Wang Xuan made a silent vow: if Zhong Cheng did hold true to his words, he would reciprocate in kind.

Out of nowhere, Zhong Qing appeared. Upon seeing her leisurely photos sent via her brother's communicator, her face turned a shade of crimson. Infuriated, she thought, 'This foolish, unrepentant brother of mine has traded my privacy for the sake of his passion for the Old Arts once again!'

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