The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 93: With Words And Pictures

With her tall and slender figure, Zhong Qing's attire, a cashmere top paired with sleek black pants, accentuated her elegance. While her visage was youthful and innocent, her demeanor spoke of a maturity that often overshadowed even the composed Wu Yin.

Yet now, she raced forward with a rare urgency. Striding forward, her fiery eyes locked onto Zhong Cheng, as if wishing to confront him for some wrongdoing. Witnessing Wang Xuan engrossed in the manual, she raised her voice, a note of desperation evident, “Stop reading that!”

Zhong Cheng involuntarily flinched, completely blindsided by his sister's sudden appearance.

Wang Xuan looked up, his expression a mix of surprise and amusement. He quipped to Zhong Cheng, “Your sister seems quite protective. The Zhong family surely has many such manuals. What's the harm in perusing just one?”

Feeling trapped and cornered, Zhong Cheng's anxiety was palpable. He attempted to reclaim the manual, but Wang Xuan's grip was steadfast, his attention undeterred. A couple of pages in, Wang Xuan's eyebrows furrowed.

Wang Xuan was unimpressed with the so-called manual in his hands. "This is it? Just printed words with no accompanying imagery? Aren't secret manuals supposed to come with diagrams illustrating the postures?" he remarked, clearly disgruntled. "Even Master Zhang's five-page golden book has etchings. How come the Zhong family's doesn't?"

He stared at the manual with a critical eye, his tone assertive, "Is this some kind of incomplete edition? Text without accompanying illustrations is like a soulless body. Practitioners could go astray!"

Caught off guard, Zhong Cheng stuttered, "This is a scripture left behind by Chen Pun. The illustrations are towards the end."

Upon hearing the name, Wang Xuan's attitude shifted. He quickly engrossed himself in the text, repeating it silently, memorizing it with urgency. Chen Pun, after all, was a legend, a supreme figure in the world of internal alchemy, ranking alongside giants like Zhong Li Quan and Lu Dong Bin. His scriptures couldn't be ordinary! Wang Xuan swiftly recited the content, committing every word to memory, before flipping the pages. There weren't many.

Zhong Qing finally reached them, her eyes icy cold as they darted between her brother and Wang Xuan. Her temper flared. "This audacious man," she thought, "even at this point, he dares to continue?"

"Come on, don't be so stingy. Just a few more moments," Wang Xuan coaxed, gripping the manual even tighter, continuing to memorize.

Zhong Qing's temper reached its boiling point. "Who does he think he is?" she thought, infuriated. Resolute, she lunged forward to snatch the manual back. This audacity wouldn't go unpunished.

As Wang Xuan held the manuscript with one hand and fended off Zhong Qing's efforts with the other, he earnestly said, "Just a couple more pages. I'm doing this for Old Chen. He can hardly see anyone now. Once I memorize this, I plan to burn a copy for him to see in the afterlife."

Zhong Qing's face contorted in disbelief. "Burn it for him to see?" she wondered, completely baffled by Wang Xuan's statement.

Beside them, Zhong Cheng was drenched in sweat, not daring to move a muscle. It soon dawned on Zhong Qing that despite Wang Xuan's absurd remarks, he appeared utterly sincere, showing no signs of jest. The stark contrast between his words and his demeanor was baffling. Looking down at the manuscript, she froze in realization. Contrary to her initial suspicion, it truly was a scripture. There were no private photos as she'd imagined.

The printed words on the manuscript were clear and legible. She recognized portions of it as a critical work attributed to Chen Pun. With an air of grace, Zhong Qing composed herself and said, "There seems to have been a misunderstanding. Mr. Wang, please feel free to read. I apologize for my earlier behavior."

Zhong Qing's magnanimity was refreshing, and her apology came across as genuine and heartfelt.

"Thank you," Wang Xuan replied, not sparing any more time for pleasantries. He was engrossed in the scripture, committing every word to memory. To the Zhong family, this might just be one among many treasured books. But for Wang Xuan, it was invaluable – an important chronicle from a wise predecessor, filled with profound insights that warranted deep reflection and study.

Zhong Cheng’s anxiety was palpable. His body trembled, especially when Wang Xuan turned to the sixth page. He felt as if the weight of the world was pressing down on him.

"What are you so nervous about?" Zhong Qing's sharp intuition sensed her brother's unease.

Trying to maintain a façade of composure, Zhong Cheng confessed, "I brought an important scripture without the family's consent. I'm afraid of the consequences. You won't report me to grandfather, will you?"

Zhong Qing shot him a sidelong glance and reassured, "No, I won't. Sharing it with Grandmaster Wang isn't a big deal. I'd planned to collaborate with him anyway."

She gave Wang Xuan a knowing smile, addressing him with a title that she believed he would soon rightfully earn. Wang Xuan's expression changed dramatically as he read the sixth page. He continued leafing through, each page deepening his bewilderment. By the time he reached the twentieth page, Zhong Cheng was quaking in fear. He knew that all his sister needed to do was take a single glance downward to see the "scripture" for herself.

When Wang Xuan finally closed the book, intending to spare Zhong Cheng any trouble, Zhong Qing's sharp senses detected her brother's odd behavior and she swiftly looked down. Shock and disbelief painted her face a deep shade of red. How could they both dare? One dared to share, and the other dared to read, right under her nose!

Recalling the kind words she'd spoken to Wang Xuan earlier, a wave of embarrassment washed over Zhong Qing, making even her ears turn a deep shade of crimson. In a fit of rage, she snatched the book back. She first gave Wang Xuan a couple of whacks with it, then turned her fury on her brother, pummeling him repeatedly.

Zhong Cheng, overwhelmed by the situation and his sister's wrath, cowered on the ground, using his arms to shield his head, offering no resistance.

After witnessing Zhong Qing's escalating anger, Wang Xuan stepped in, "You misunderstood your brother. Those photos were all modestly clothed."

Zhong Qing's glare was scalding. She seemed on the verge of asking if he wanted to see any less-covered photos, but Wang Xuan continued, "Hear me out. Your brother has questionable taste. The photos he chose were either voluptuous or seductive. What was he thinking? Your face is so delicate and pretty, yet he chose such distasteful images. Why neglect the natural elegance of his own sister for such hodgepodge choices?"

Zhong Cheng was on the brink of tears, wishing Wang Xuan would stop talking. His sister detested certain descriptors, especially 'voluptuous'. Hearing that he used such images to composite the photos only made things worse. As expected, upon hearing Wang Xuan's explanation, Zhong Qing's anger towards him somewhat diminished. However, her fury redirected back to her brother, as if she was ready to banish him to the underworld. Without hesitation, she began to relentlessly hit Zhong Cheng, who quickly bore the marks of her wrath.

Wang Xuan then added, "The last two photos were quite aesthetic. One showcased you in a school uniform, exuding an air of peaceful nostalgia. The other was an image of you, in a modest swimsuit, running on the beach during sunrise. To be honest, you have an impressive figure. It’s vibrant, filled with youthful vitality. I must say, despite everything, your brother did get some things right."

With that, Wang Xuan gracefully departed, looking as if he had truly appreciated a piece of art.

Zhong Qing, though flattered, was still a whirlwind of emotions. She resumed her attack on Zhong Cheng, demanding, "Did you include my real photos?"

Zhong Cheng cried out, "Only two! Besides, all of them are decent, even the beach photo goes past your knees. Why worry? Look, even Master Wang praised your figure! Beauty, when appropriately shared, receives appreciation."

Then... He was beaten up again.

Upon leaving, Wang Xuan quickly gazed skyward, verifying that the celestial herb remained intact and in place. Relieved, he immediately returned to the ward, sharing the newly acquired fragments of the scripture with Old Chen and Qing Mu. Though it wasn't complete, the material hinted at vast knowledge.

Old Chen's eyes widened with realization. "Chen Pan's scripture? That's invaluable! He's a renowned master in Daoism. To think the Zhong family could so casually produce it speaks volumes of their collection."

"This scripture is peculiar. It's encrypted, revealing layers of mysteries like mist, the burning lamp, the soil of destiny, and the harvesting of herbs. Furthermore, it appears to narrate a mysterious and terrifying tale. This warrants further scrutiny."

The trio delved deeper into the scripture, all sharing the sentiment that the text contained an underlying story. By evening, the thunder lessened, and the dense clouds began to dissipate. A break in the clouds unveiled a radiant sunset, bathing the horizon in a rosy hue. But as Wang Xuan focused on the celestial herb, his face contorted in concern. "Something's amiss. The herb... it's shifting, swaying unpredictably. It hasn't fallen but seems to be partially concealed within the clouds."

Old Chen's face paled. After a tense moment, he gritted his teeth. "It appears the celestial herb hasn't fully matured. We must ascend, approach it, and attempt a harvest."

He instructed Qing Mu to ready their small airship. That day, they were determined to venture close to the herb. Whether they'd be able to harvest it or not, they had to try. Soon, the sleek vessel rose into the sky, making a beeline for the turbulent cloud that concealed the precious herb.

The journey became more perilous as they approached the heart of the tempest. Wang Xuan clutched the bone relic of the female sword immortal tightly, shouting over the storm's roar, "Qing Mu, be cautious! Olesha's airship met its end in conditions like these. We can't afford a strike from these bolts."

Qing Mu responded confidently, "Fear not, our ship is equipped with anti-lightning measures. Today's mission is to harvest the celestial herb amidst this storm!"

As they penetrated deeper into the storm, the ethereal golden glow of the herb became more discernible. Even amidst the chaotic tapestry of lightning, the herb's luminescence seemed sacred, its golden radiance flickering and mingling with the natural splendor of the storm.

"This is indeed... the celestial herb!" Old Chen whispered in awe. Though he couldn't see, from this distance, a delicate fragrance wafted to his senses.

Both Wang Xuan and Qing Mu also detected the scent. The peculiarity of this was not lost on them; they were still quite a distance away, and inside a sealed ship. How could the aroma of the herb reach them? Wang Xuan's eyes widened in realization, "This isn't a typical scent. It's not something our noses are detecting. It feels more like a spiritual experience. Is the celestial herb's fragrance permeating our very souls?"

The implications were staggering. They were dealing with something far beyond the realm of the ordinary. The celestial herb's aura and influence had the power to transcend physical barriers and affect them on a deeply spiritual level.

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