The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 89: A Night Of Spilled Blood

The armorless quasi-Master poured all his might into the battle, persistently launching attacks. Seizing an opportunity, he delivered a powerful palm strike to Wang Xuan's shoulder. However, instead of inflicting damage, his own palm tingled and numbed, leaving him in utter shock. It was a strike that could easily shatter a mountain boulder weighing a ton or two. Had it been someone else, they would have been obliterated. But Wang Xuan merely stumbled back, while the attacker's palm throbbed with pain.

The two combatants exchanged glances, wordlessly understanding the weight of their current situation. Tonight, they had two options: either capture this young man and extract the incredible secret he possessed or kill him outright. They had to ensure that he would never be a threat to the New Arts.

For they began to speculate: Wang Xuan might have discovered a secretive path within the realm of Old Arts. If he survived tonight's ordeal, there was no telling the heights he might reach in the future. He was a significant threat to the New Arts.

Wang Xuan narrowly escaped death, relentlessly pressured by the individual clad in the super-material armor. He was essentially dueling a master-level adversary. His arms trembled from the impact of the blows. Had it not been for his Golden Body Technique, he might have already been cleaved apart by the enemy. Despite his resilience, several gruesome wounds appeared on his body, with blood profusely streaming out.

Suddenly, seizing an opportunity and invoking Zhang Daoling's martial technique, Wang Xuan landed a fierce punch on the shoulder of the man adorned in the dark green metallic armor.

However, as he took the advantage, Wang Xuan was suddenly struck in the back by the other quasi-Master, using his most domineering and signature fist imprint. Wang Xuan was sent hurtling through the air. The quasi-Master watched with an icy stare, feeling confident in capturing Wang Xuan that night.

Without the protection of his Golden Body Technique, Wang Xuan would've been impaled by that very punch. His organs might've been torn apart. Even with his defenses, blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. Quickly regaining his stance, his eyes flashed with cold determination. He was up against two exceptionally skilled and wily opponents, making this fight an uphill battle. But with unwavering focus, Wang Xuan targeted the injury he had inflicted on his opponent’s shoulder earlier. If one strike could damage it, he reasoned, successive blows might break through entirely.

By this point, the stakes were clear: he was literally fighting for his life. In one particularly close call, the shimmering green blade narrowly missed his head, slashing across his shoulder and leaving a gory wound in its wake. With a thunderous clash, Wang Xuan's hand met the armored assailant's in a head-on collision. Blood seeped through the gaps between his fingers, his knuckles split open, and his arm numbed. Only his Golden Body Technique enabled him to withstand such a blow. Any other quasi-Master might've had their entire hand blown apart.

As the clash reverberated, Wang Xuan took two fierce punches from the other quasi-Master, making his body quake. Yet, in the midst of their brutal exchange, he managed to grab the armored assailant's arm, pulling him in close and unleashing the full power of the martial techniques from the golden scripture. With a deafening crash, he landed several heavy blows, causing the armor to fracture and eventually shatter. Capitalizing on this, he delivered a soaring kick, sending the armored foe flying through the air, blood spurting from his mouth.


Inside the mansion grounds, numerous spectators watched the battle unfold. Although the downpour hindered most of their views, the disintegration of the super-material armor, illuminated by occasional flashes of lightning, was clear for everyone to witness, leaving them in utter shock.

"It's truly astounding. That's a newly-developed transmaterial armor, touted for its immense power. And yet, it was shattered, not once but repeatedly, by bare hands!" one elder exclaimed.

Another mused, "To cultivate the ancient techniques to such a level is truly rare. Even in death, Grandmaster Chen can rest in peace knowing this."

A bystander gently corrected, "Grandmaster Chen is still in the infirmary. He hasn’t passed away."


Wang Xuan quickly deactivated his special power, trying to soothe his boiling blood and cool his overheated body. But in that very moment, he sensed the overwhelming threat of death. Emerging from the rain was a figure exuding boundless murderous intent.

A sense of despair overtook Wang Xuan. Another figure clad in the super-material armor was approaching. "How many of them are there? Will this ever end?" he thought.

Standing in the pouring rain, he panted heavily, realizing he was surrounded.

Among the two quasi-masters who had lost their armors, one was critically injured by Wang Xuan’s kick, but it was clear he could still fight. Alongside his counterpart, they blocked Wang Xuan's escape routes.

"Why are you here?" The armorless quasi-masters were equally surprised upon recognizing the newcomer.

"Our ship was destroyed!" The newly arrived figure's voice was filled with anger, amplifying his already terrifying killing intent.

Earlier, Qing Mu had collaborated with allies from An City to locate a small spacecraft on the outskirts. He deduced it was the vessel that brought the New Arts practitioners. Upon confirmation, he acted swiftly to obliterate the spacecraft. Amid the tempest, most mistook the resultant explosion for thunder.

The armored man, however, had seen it all, and his heart went cold. Originally positioned outside the mansion for support, his grief and fury propelled him into the fray. Among those who perished in the explosion were his cherished nephew and a dear friend. Overwhelmed by grief and rage, the armored man was poised for revenge. With Wang Xuan cornered, the trio launched a relentless assault, showing him no mercy or respite.

Wang Xuan, his lips stained with his blood, faced his attackers with a steely gaze. This was undeniably his most dangerous battle yet, with the shadow of death looming close. He silently cursed Master Zhang's technique. Once activated, he could not employ its mysterious power immediately, lest it consume him. Evading the armored adversary's continuous strikes, Wang Xuan fiercely engaged with the two quasi-Masters, striving to find an escape route. He knew that remaining cornered would lead to a grim fate.

Yet, his efforts to break free were consistently thwarted. The trio seemed unstoppable, expertly pinning him down. The limited arena and inevitable collisions with the armored adversary exacerbated Wang Xuan's predicament. Agony surged through Wang Xuan's wounded hands. Blood streamed from the gashes between his fingers, symbolizing the ferocity of the battle.

"What's with him?" The middle-aged man, sheathed in the otherworldly armor, asked the two beside him, bewildered. He was in a state where he could shatter any quasi-master with ease, yet this young man withstood his strikes, only bleeding from his palms. The resilience was almost inconceivable.

"He's either cultivated the Vajra Body or the Gold Body Technique. He's undoubtedly mastered one of those time-consuming defensive arts. Our speculation is that he's discovered some hidden path," one of the others theorized.

Hearing this, the armored master intensified his assault. If they could capture this youth tonight, any losses would be worth it. If not, there was no hesitation — he would kill. All of this transpired in mere moments, with only about twelve seconds having passed since their fierce confrontation began. Despair sank in Wang Xuan's heart. He was grievously injured and knew he couldn't hold out for more than half a minute against their combined might.

Again, he lamented the double-edged nature of Master Zhang's technique. Even if he wanted to bring his enemies down with him, employing the technique now would cause his own body to disintegrate first. Of course, deep down, Wang Xuan realized that the potency of the technique from the five golden pages was just too terrifying for someone of his current level. The fact he could utilize it even briefly was an accomplishment in itself.

Regardless, he had to endure for at least eighteen seconds. After that time, using Master Zhang's art wouldn't lead to his immediate demise, though the repercussions would still be severe. This timeline was the bare minimum he could gamble on.

"Wait! I have something to share regarding the Inner Landscape..." Wang Xuan spoke, aiming to buy some time and momentarily divert their focus.

The pupils of the trio constricted, their hearts pounding. As they had surmised, this young man harbored monumental secrets that needed unveiling.

But then, without warning, the three launched into a ferocious attack, eager to incapacitate Wang Xuan as swiftly as possible.

Wang Xuan felt a rising sense of despair. With anyone else, his mention of the Inner Landscape might have granted him a fleeting distraction, and even a moment of respite. But against these seasoned warriors, his words fell on deaf ears. Their focus remained unyielding. Each passing moment edged him closer to death's door.

Pushed to his limits, Wang Xuan grappled against the triad of elite adversaries. In this high-stakes skirmish, every tick of the clock bore the weight of a lifetime. A resounding impact left Wang Xuan's palm in tatters. Despite his best efforts to evade the armored figure's relentless assault, there were moments of inevitable collision. The nails on his right hand were brutally ripped off, adding to the searing pain that consumed him. Every twitch and sensation intensified the agony. Yet, Wang Xuan bore the pain stoically, his resolve unwavering. He knew that his survival hinged on this tenacious battle.

Critical spots, like his heart and throat, bore the brunt of the two quasi-Masters' fury. Although Wang Xuan's defenses held, preventing fatal injuries, the taste of blood in his mouth bore testimony to the gravity of the onslaught. Amidst the relentless rain, Zhong Qing turned to the elder by his side, querying, "The transmaterial armor was a recent innovation. Yet, its presence tonight is puzzling. Where was our oversight?"

The development of the ultra-material armor had been a collaborative effort of several influential clans, with the Zhong family contributing a lion's share.

The elder mused, "I doubt it was inadvertently leaked. The research institute likely distributed a few sets for field testing to the new technique domain. We never anticipated they'd be deployed here."

"Should we step in? He might not last much longer," Zhong Cheng suggested.

The elder, a master of the Snake Crane technique, gave a rueful shake of his head. "The vigor of youth is often underestimated. Truth be told, I might be outmatched myself. Jumping into the fray now could be a deadly mistake. Those three are too far gone in their bloodlust; even revealing our identities might not deter them."

As they exchanged words, precious seconds slipped by. Wang Xuan managed to withstand past the critical eighteen-second mark, advancing to the twenty-second.


The armored adversary manifested a blade, launching a fierce assault. In a brief lapse, Wang Xuan sustained a cut on his neck, blood gushing forth. Yet, his Golden Body Technique's regenerative prowess kicked in, rapidly sealing the wound. By the twenty-third second, Wang Xuan's restraint reached its limits.

Amidst the pouring rain and roaring thunder, his determination to fight grew fiercer. He readied himself to unleash the formidable techniques from the golden tome.

"In this storm, amidst the thunder, it's the perfect night for a duel!" Wang Xuan's voice thundered.

A palpable aura of intent to kill emanated from him, momentarily staggering the three masters. This brief hesitation allowed the clock to edge towards the twenty-fourth second. With newfound confidence, Wang Xuan felt victory nearing. He believed that using his Triple Technique wouldn't debilitate him irreparably; a brief rest would rejuvenate him.

"I’ll kill you!"

With his cry, the three combatants launched their devastating strikes, determined to cripple or fatally wound Wang Xuan.

“Watch out for his unique technique!” cautioned the two quasi-Masters.

In close quarters, should the armored adversary retreat, Wang Xuan would surely seize the chance to escape, gather himself, and counter-attack. Understanding this, the armored figure steeled himself, positioning to bar Wang Xuan's way.

Wang Xuan’s body hummed, resonating with an internal power. This energy pulsed, illuminating his very pores with a mesmerizing, ethereal glow.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Channeling his utmost strength, Wang Xuan fixated on his foe. Amidst the brilliant backdrop of a vast lightning strike, he shattered the man’s protective armor.

Grasping his opponent firmly, Wang Xuan, fuelled by the remnants of his power, unleashed a devastating strike.

As the lightning's brilliance dimmed, a chilling scream echoed in the ensuing darkness. The subsequent flash painted a harrowing tableau: Wang Xuan, with razor-sharp precision, had split the man in twain.

Casting aside the lifeless form, Wang Xuan shifted his focus to the remaining adversaries. Although he had expended his special energy, confronting two unarmored quasi-Masters hardly intimidated him.

The battle intensified. One foe managed to land a punch, but it couldn't breach Wang Xuan's Golden Body defense. Conversely, Wang Xuan's counterstrike effortlessly pierced the man's torso, rendering him critically wounded.

The final quasi-Master, pale with fear, knew further resistance was futile. He chose to flee, realizing a prolonged duel with this formidable force would be his end.

The scene was electrifying. The young man, Wang Xuan, had undoubtedly stumbled upon a clandestine technique, and the urgency to convey this revelation was palpable. But Wang Xuan was not one to grant such liberties. In a swift motion, he bridged the ten-meter distance, his features stoic and his intent deadly. Without hesitation, his fist thundered forth. The desperate master attempted a defense, only to witness his hands gruesomely ravaged; skin flayed, blood spilling, and several fingers shattered.

Harnessing his formidable inner strength, even without resorting to the cryptic maneuvers from the golden scriptures, Wang Xuan dealt a sequence of devastating blows. He fractured the master's defenses, snapped both arms, and with a conclusive strike to the chest, the master disintegrated into a haze of crimson. Having neutralized the threat, Wang Xuan seamlessly blended into the rain-laden obscurity, vanishing without a trace.

The atmosphere was thick with tension, and an unsettling silence enveloped the surroundings. The spectacle of a young warrior dismantling advanced armors with sheer physical might was an unprecedented sight, deeply etching into the minds of the witnesses.

"Is Wang Xuan... on the precipice of ascending to the Master tier?" Wu Yin whispered, her voice tinged with disbelief, grappling with the evening's extraordinary turn of events.

The intense face-off had left many ruminating. A collective realization dawned: they might soon witness the rise of a Master, remarkably, in his early twenties.

"Such a prodigious Master has the potential to transcend the mundane, nearing the legendary echelons. How did he achieve this prowess?" Zhong Cheng pondered, visibly awestruck. His gaze sharpened, and turning to his sister, Zhong Qing, he inquired, "Sis, your phot- I mean phone, can I use it for a bit?"

Jimmi's Thoughts

Young Zhong Cheng is up to no good! He's asking for a smackdown!

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