The Eldest Sister is Like a Stepmother [60’s]

Chapter 196

After lunch, Lin Yiyi went to the bride with her son, and let Xiaojiu go to the warm-up. There were Liang Shi and others next to them, all of whom went to the new house to join in the fun.

Ying Shuang had already finished her meal, and Lin Zhen gave her a bowl of pork ribs noodles. She didn’t even drink any soup left. The pork ribs soup was really delicious, especially the pork ribs soup as today’s dish. The pork ribs have been boiled for a long time. .

Seeing Lin Yiyi and the others coming in, Ying Shuang said enthusiastically: “Eldest sister, Xiao’s sister-in-law, you are here, come and sit inside.” A girl with dimples can add a lot to her appearance, and Lin Yiyi especially likes Ying Shuang’s. dimple. You must know that in modern times, many women will have surgery for dimples and pear vortexes. One of her classmates has undergone pear vortex surgery. The effect of the surgery is very good. To be honest, she is a little moved.

Little Eleven followed behind his mother: “Third aunt, we are here to make a bridal chamber again.” He thought that entering the new house was a bridal chamber.

Lin Yiyi teased him: “When you marry a daughter-in-law in the future, everyone will come to the bridal chamber.”

Little Eleven: “Then I will prepare a lot of delicious food in the new house, and let everyone make trouble.”

Everyone: Thank you.

Little Eleven’s words caused the adults to burst into laughter.

Lin Niannian: “Eleventh brother, then you should prepare more food. I like to eat toffee and apples. If you prepare more, I will keep making trouble for your bridal chamber.”

Little Eleven: “Okay, I’ll prepare more.”

Lin Yiyi chuckled: “Silly son…” She put Nineteen on the wedding bed. Although it was a ten-year turbulent period, conspicuous colors could not be worn, but even if a baby as young as Nineteen wore red trousers, no one would care. Besides, today was the day of the wedding.

Today, Nineteen was wearing a pair of red cotton pants, a light gray top, and a small red bib, looking very beaming. He was in good spirits at the moment, swaying his head from side to side, looking at the people in the new room.

Lin Yiyi put Nineteen on the bed: “Little Nineteen, roll in circles on the bed.”

Little Nineteen looked at his mother, then gave his mother a toothless smile, as if he didn’t understand anything. In fact, he really didn’t understand anything.

Lin Yiyi was not in a hurry. In front of Xiaojiu, her body began to sway from side to side: “Xiaojiu’s side… this side…”

Little Nineteen looked at his mother, and then giggled, he started to turn left and right following his mother’s example.

Lin Yiyi was afraid to clap her hands: “Little Nineteen is great.”

Hearing the applause, Little Nineteen turned even harder.

Xiao Shi looked at it for a while, and asked suspiciously, “Mom, is this the only way for my brother to be in a bridal room? Do you have to turn over on the bed when you are in a bridal room?” The implication is that he is here to make a bridal room. Does he have to turn over too?

Lin Yiyi said: “No, let the little doll turn over on the bed in the hope that the bride and groom can have a baby in the coming year.”

Little Eleven: “Then should I turn over?”

Lin Yiyi: “You are so old, even if you turn over, your aunt can’t give birth to such a big baby.”

Little Eleven: “Okay, but mom, my brother is so slow to turn over, I must be faster than him when I was a kid.”

Little Eleven doesn’t need a reason to dislike his younger brother. He just dislikes his younger brother in various ways, especially when his mother praises his younger brother, he dislikes it even more.

Lin Yiyi said patiently: “Yes, you turned over faster than your younger brother when you were young, do you know why?”

Little Eleven: “Why?”

Lin Yiyi: “Because you are your elder brother. Your elder brother wants to set a good example for your younger brother, because you turned over quickly when you were young, so your younger brother will turn over quickly. In the future, if you are good at reading and playing football, your younger brother will also learn You, our little eleven is a good brother, the best and best brother.”

Little Eleven’s face was slightly red. He… was actually not that good, but: “Okay, I will be a good example.” Really, it’s hard to be a big brother.

Little Nineteen lay on the bed for a while, then began to fall asleep, and the child fell asleep after eating.

Lin Yiyi looked at the time: “We have to go too, Xiaoshuang, I wish you a happy marriage with Sanjun and grow old.”

Ying Shuang: “Thank you eldest sister.”

Lin Yiyi gave her a bag: “This is your wedding gift, then I’m leaving.”

Ying Shuang: “I’ll send the eldest sister.”

Lin Yiyi: “No, no, where do you want the bride to send it today?”

After Lin Yiyi left, Ying Shuang opened the bag and found two scarves, one for men and one for women. She also gave them away when Zhang Xiaojun and Fang Fang got married. When Lin Dajun and Lin Zhen got married, she also gave them away. The same gift, can’t fault it.

Jin Yu didn’t come today, and Lin Yiyi planned to stay at home for a few days, because when he was in the army, there were various inconveniences in terms of food. So she finally came, and she didn’t plan to leave immediately. However, Xiao Shi and Lin Wujun wanted to study, so they went back the next day. Both of them were used to the boat, and with Lin Wujun around, Lin Yiyi was not worried. Although I am not worried, I still tell them thousands of times that they must be careful when they are on the boat, stay in the cabin and not go to the deck.

Without Lin Wujun and Xiao Shiyi, Lin Yiyi completely released herself, and she didn’t even want to cook three meals.

After sending Lin Wujun and Xiao Eleven on the boat, Lin Yiyi came back in an ox cart. When she got home, she first bought a bunch of slimming products in the system mall, all of which were fat-burning lotions and body management. Underwear panties. She actually bought a lot when she gave birth to Little Eleven. At that time, Jin Yu was already in the army, and she was in the production team in Datang, so I didn’t care about her every day, but this time she was born in the army, it was not feasible. . Therefore, there is still a big difference between postpartum production management and non-management.

Lin Yiyi applied it after her son slept, massaged it after applying it, a pack of plastic wrap after the massage, wiped off the remaining liquid after 20 minutes, put on clothes for body management, and put on ordinary clothes on the outside, This way, no one can see it.

After it was done, it was noon, and she had to make lunch.

Lin Yiyi didn’t want to eat lunch, losing weight was the most important thing, so she ate a diet meal at noon. Of course, she is now a mother and has to breastfeed her baby, so even if she loses weight, she still maintains a balanced nutrition. For example, the weight loss meal at noon is chicken breast, shrimp, boiled cabbage, and then a small bowl of rice. No matter what weight loss, you can control the amount of food you eat, but you can’t go on a diet.

When it was time for dinner, she had a fruit meal. Live until the next morning, two egg whites, a cup of yogurt.

In addition to diet meals and fat-burning lotions, she also has rope picks, 1,000 rope picks a day. In order to regain her figure, she was still ruthless.

A month later, the body has changed significantly, and the waistline has become thinner especially fast.

In two months, after giving birth, the figure of 110 pounds has recovered to 95 pounds. Losing 15 pounds in two months is still quite fast. This is the dual effect of picking ropes and controlling diet. In fact, 110 pounds is not fat according to weight, but for Lin Yiyi’s height of about 160 cm, it is a little fat. Also, she has a small skeleton and a lot of flesh to the touch.

Lin Yiyi’s ideal weight is 85 jins, so she has to continue to work hard, but when the base of 95 jins is small, the weight loss will be slow.

This morning, Lin Yiyi fell asleep with her mask on and her body wrapped in plastic wrap. She jumped the rope 500 times in the morning and massaged her stomach again. She was so tired that she fell asleep. She didn’t know she was asleep, because she didn’t go back for two months, and the men in the army came to see her.

Jin-woo knocked on the door outside, and since he didn’t get a response, he climbed the wall and entered. He climbed over the wall of the house and saw that the door of the house was open. The door was opened when Lin Yiyi skipped the rope in the morning. After she skipped the rope, she went to massage her stomach and make a mask. Besides, she closed the door of the yard, and it was fine if the door of the house was not closed. Who would come to her house during the day? ? But it turns out that accidents are everywhere.

Jin Yu walked into the house and saw that the door of the house was open and the gate of the yard was closed, he thought his daughter-in-law had gone out. But soon, he came back to his senses. The gate of the yard was locked from the inside, so his wife… Jin Yu couldn’t help worrying.

In an instant, Jin Woo thought of many possibilities in his mind. He put down his backpack, lightened his steps and quickly approached the room. As a result… he stood at the door dumbfounded.

Her daughter-in-law was lying on the bed wearing suspenders and panties, her face was smeared black and she didn’t know what it was, and there was another layer of stuff on her stomach. There are shaping underwear and **** beside her. Of course, Jin Yu didn’t know it was shaping underwear, but he could see that the clothes and pants were very weird. Looking at the plastic wrap, a can of face mask, and fat burning lotion on the side, Jin Woo picked them up and looked at them all. Even if he is unfamiliar with women’s things, Jin Yu knows that these things are unusual, not to mention that whether it is a fat burning lotion or a mask jar, they are all printed with words, and more importantly, these things have an expiration date on them.

Jin Yu put down his things, his face darkened, he didn’t see any meaning, but his expression was very serious. Jin Yu was not in a hurry to get up, he just sat and waited. If it wasn’t for the encounter with someone when he was going back to the village, Jin Woo’s first reaction would have been to leave here and… But when he came back, he met acquaintances, and it would not be appropriate to leave.

Lin Yiyi woke up again because Little Nineteen woke up and was screaming. As soon as he heard his son’s voice, Lin Yiyi woke up suddenly. He didn’t notice Xiao Yu who was sitting on the side, and immediately got out of bed to shake the cradle, and said, “Little Nineteen, my mom is here… Mom put on first. A clothes…” She stepped on the underside of the cradle with her feet, so that the cradle shook, and at the same time tried to tear the plastic wrap, but… she was dumbfounded, “You…you…” When did Jin Yu come? Ah?

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