The Eldest Sister is Like a Stepmother [60’s]

Chapter 185

Captain Yu suddenly received a call, and was actually very puzzled, but it was also related to his daughter, so he had to rush over.

Head Yu: “I am, may I ask who is a lesbian?” He heard the other party’s voice and was still young, so he didn’t know anything and couldn’t guess it.

When Lin Yiyi first called, he didn’t tell the guards about the situation. He just took care of the face of the head of Yu. If the person who answered the phone was not reliable and said the matter, the head of Yu would also have no face. Now that Captain Yu answered the phone, she said truthfully: “Hello, I’m Lin Sanjun’s sister, and my name is Lin Yiyi. Your daughter harassed my brother in the hospital ward and attacked me in a substantial sense. Hurt, please come and take her away, I don’t think you want to go to the Public Security Bureau to pick her up.”

Captain Yu was stunned. He knew that Yu Qianqian liked Lin Sanjun. He said more than once that he wanted to marry Lin Sanjun and asked him to be a father, but he rejected him. Later, his daughter was still in the army to pursue Lin. The move of the army, he also warned his daughter. But my daughter said that now is not a feudal society, there should be no feudal ideology, everyone has the right to pursue love. Regarding this daughter, he couldn’t beat or scold him, and he really had no choice. But they never thought that the family of Lin Sanjun would make this call today.

To be honest, Captain Yu is very shameless. It was the first time he was told this when he lived to this age. He was a little angry, but when he thought that it was caused by his daughter, he couldn’t get out of his anger. However, in terms of language, he was also a little cold: “I’m going to the hospital now.”

in the ward

Lin Sanjun originally planned to sleep, but now that Yu Qianqian is here, he can’t sleep well. Lin Yiyi sits on the side, and the sister and brother chat from time to time. Yu Qianqian also sat aside. She looked at Lin Sanjun and didn’t feel that she was superfluous at all. The eyes that looked at Lin Sanjun were full of love, even the stupidest person could see it.

The troops are not far from here, about half an hour, and Colonel Yu arrived.

As soon as Captain Yu arrived, Yu Qianqian said, “Dad.”

Lin Sanjun: “Head of the regiment.”

Captain Yu nodded and greeted Lin Sanjun first: “How is your health? Are you feeling better today?”

Lin Sanjun: “It’s much better than yesterday.”

Captain Yu looked at Yu Qianqian again: “What are you doing here? Comrade Lin Sanjun is injured and needs to recuperate. You can go back to me.”

Yu Qianqian: “I don’t want it. I’m worried about the Three Army. If others can’t take care of him, I’ll stay and take care of him.”

Head Yu’s face sank: “You go back to me, what are you saying when you stay like this? What should I do if people misunderstand?”

Yu Qianqian: “Then you can get us engaged. I like Sanjun. I think he is very good. I want to be with him. As long as we are engaged and we are a fiancée, others will not misunderstand anything.”

Lin Yiyi: … This girl has a big hole in her head.

Head Yu narrowed his eyes, while Yu Qianqian stared at him, not giving in an inch. Captain Yu is a middle-aged man who is not afraid of enemies, but he really doesn’t know how to teach his daughter. So, Captain Yu ignored her and looked at Lin Yiyi: “Is this Comrade Lin Sanjun’s sister? I’m sorry about Lin Sanjun’s injury this time.”

Lin Yiyi: “You’re welcome, the three armies are soldiers, and he has the responsibilities and obligations of soldiers. Even if he is injured, it is also a symbol of honor, and it has nothing to do with you.”

Head Yu looked at Lin Yiyi’s appearance and listened to her tone. He should be a sensible person, but when he recalled that phone call, he felt that the girl was a strong character. Yu Qianqian’s personality is also a good person, but his wife is strict, and the reason why he loves Yu Qianqian is also because he feels guilty towards Yu Qianqian.

Yu Qianqian was weak when she was a child and was a premature baby. The reason was still head Yu. Once, the head of the Yu regiment went back to his hometown to visit relatives and took his daughter-in-law to the county seat. At that time, Mrs. Yu was pregnant. It’s just that when they were in the county town, they encountered a robbery. Later, the robbers arrested Mrs. Yu and passers-by at the same time. daughter, and Yu Qianqian was also born prematurely that day.

Therefore, for this daughter, he can’t beat or scold her.

Head Yu is a direct person, so he went straight to greet him: “Comrade Lin, what’s the matter with what you said on the phone?”

Lin Yiyi didn’t add oil or vinegar, but told Yu Qianqian what she had started when she rushed in and pushed her away, and spread out her hand by the way: “This is the wound caused when your daughter pushed me, although it is a small wound, but The character of this girl is really scary.”

Yu Qianqian: “I didn’t do it on purpose.” Maybe it was because Lin Yiyi was Lin Sanjun’s sister, so her tone was not as bad as it was at the beginning.

Lin Yiyi chuckled: “If everything in this world can be explained by me not doing it on purpose, then why do we need the police? Why does the country need laws?”

Leader Yu: “Comrade Lin, is this not so serious?”

Lin Yiyi: “Captain Yu, if today when she pushed me, I hit a sharp spot and accidentally killed me, it would be serious, even if your daughter died, it wouldn’t be enough to pay.”

Head Yu: “You…” I thought this comrade was a sensible person just now, but now it seems to be wrong.

Lin Yiyi is not a character that will endure, and she doesn’t care about the little girl chasing men, but no matter how much she chases men, she can’t be so rude, right? Moreover, looking at this Head Yu again, Lin Yiyi felt that his mind was a little unclear. Some elders will naturally be partial when it comes to their children. Selfishness is human nature, but it also depends on the matter, right?

Lin Yiyi: “Captain Yu, we are all civilized people, my request is very simple, please take your daughter away, I hope your daughter will stop pestering my brother, my brother is an excellent soldier, I don’t want him Being haunted by indiscreet lesbians affects his reputation and will affect his future marriage.”

Although Commander Yu didn’t like to listen to Lin Yiyi’s words, it was true that Yu Qianqian was pestering Lin Sanjun. He was about to say it when Yu Qianqian said loudly: “I like Sanjun, I pursue my love, what’s wrong with this? It allows me to pursue my own love, what qualifications do you have to stop me?”

Leader Yu: “Shut up and apologize to Comrade Lin.”

Yu Qianqian: “I’m not wrong, why should I apologize? It’s you who are wrong, you block my love.”

Lin Yiyi: “I don’t need your apology either. You pester my brother like this. To put it a bit harsher, it’s sexual harassment. I think there is a pervert sexually harassing my brother. We can call the police.”

Yu Qianqian: “You…why are you like this? What…what, do you want to be ashamed?”

Sexual harassment in this day and age is indeed unpleasant and difficult to say. But Lin Yiyi doesn’t care, and what Yu Qianqian does, in modern times, isn’t it sexual harassment? Although it’s a bit too much to say, in Lin Yiyi’s opinion, for this kind of girl with a hole in her head, she has to make it clear, otherwise she will continue to entangle.

Commander Yu: “Enough, Qianqian, this is the end of the matter. You are not allowed to pester Comrade Lin Sanjun any more. Comrade Lin Sanjun needs to recuperate.”

Yu Qianqian: “Dad…”

Head Yu ignored her and said to Lin Yiyi: “It’s my daughter’s fault, I apologize on her behalf. However, Comrade Lin, your attitude should also be changed. Lesbians should be more civilized. good.”

Lin Yiyi: “I’m afraid that some lesbians will not understand if they are too civilized. If they understand, they will not do uncivilized things.”

Lin Sanjun listened to Captain Yu’s words, as if he was preaching to his sister, and he was not happy. Lin Sanjun: “Captain, I…”

Lin Yiyi interrupted him: “Sanjun, are you not asleep?” She knew what Sanjun was going to say, but she didn’t want Sanjun to speak. Lin Sanjun is a soldier, a soldier under the commander Yu. If he does not respect the commander Yu, this kind of thing will affect his future, if the third army wants to continue to be a soldier. But she is different, she is just a little woman. Although it is said that this era is very harsh to women, it is also generous in some aspects. For example, today, no matter how rude she is to Head Yu, in the eyes of Head Yu or others, she is just a little woman, and it won’t affect anything. This is probably the big man mentality of men.

dong dong dong…

The door rang again.

Everyone turned back, only to see Jin Yu and Lin Dajun back.

The door was originally closed, and there were guards from the head of the Yu regiment at the door, so there were no people watching the play outside.

Jin Yu raised his eyebrows and met Captain Yu’s gaze. Both of them were wearing military uniforms, and they knew each other’s level at a glance. Jin Yu was young, so he greeted Captain Yu first, and he saluted, “Hello, comrade, I’m Jin Yu from Unit XXXX, brother-in-law of Sanjun Lin.”

Captain Yu’s heart flashed a surprise, he did not expect Lin Sanjun to be so young and the brother-in-law of the regiment commander. At the same time, he immediately returned the salute: “Hello, Comrade Xiao, I’m Yu Hongguo of the XXXX unit, the superior of Lin Sanjun.”

The two shook hands and said hello, Xiao Yu didn’t talk to Head Yu, but looked at Lin Yiyi: “The hostel is already open, I’ve already contacted the capital, and so is the mother of one of my classmates. The military hospital will take care of you when you arrive, and my classmates will come to pick you up when you get there.” Jin Yu’s classmates, like him, naturally graduated from the military academy.

Lin Yiyi: “Okay.” After this matter was arranged, Lin Yiyi felt relieved.

Lin Sanjun: “Thank you brother-in-law.”

Jin-Woo: “What kind of words did my family say?”

Commander Yu: “Comrade Lin Sanjun, you are recovering well. I hope you recover quickly and return to the army.”

Lin Sanjun: “Thank you, Commander.”

Captain Yu: “Then let’s go first.” After speaking, he grabbed Yu Qianqian and left without any explanation, but Yu Qianqian resisted, but how could she be a little girl with strength comparable to Captain Yu, a soldier?

The author has something to say: it is half past ten!

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