The Dungeon Child

Chapter Four: Secrets and Spiders

I sit on my bed crosslegged, my eyes squeezed tightly as I force my mind around my small room. Initially, I had been confined to a small crib, which had clearly been enchanted to prevent me from climbing over it. No other magic I can think of is powerful enough to keep me from what I desire.

Right now, however, what I desire is a minion. A loyal one, not these confusing and untrustworthy ones that make no sense and have 'feelings'.

I need a spider.

My eyes snap open as I check underneath my bed, chubby, ineffective hands scrabbling for a moment before I seize my target. A common house spider, small and brown and terrified in my sweaty palms. Why are they sweaty? Who designed these meatbags!?

I whisper into my hands, forcing mana into my words. The spider trembles in response. "You shall be my Thesis. My hypothesis, my test run. You shall be my minion,  and I your master. This contract I seal in magic. It is done."

The spider inflates slightly, growing larger. Its head especially becomes significantly bigger as the mana settles in, working to improve its brain. It's shoddy work, all things considered, but I don't really have either time nor the knowledge of how to greater improve it without first having one or two to dissect.

I hear a sound at the door and flinch. Is the Mother approaching? No! She can't see any of this!

Hurrying, I lift my bedclothes and shove the spider underneath, shaking my hand to force it off. The spider tries to get back on my hand in an attempt to reconnect with its master, but I am truly ruthless and refuse to allow its desires to overcome mine.

Wiggling my arm frustratedly, I successfully get the spider to disconnect from my flesh, and I cover it up with the heavy comforter. My job finished, I mark my satisfaction with a quick tuck of the sheets and turn to see the Mother standing in the doorway.

Theft and thieves, how was she so silent!?

She indicates my bed. "Jason? Did you just hide something under there?"

My voice is thankfully confident. "...No?" Perfect! She suspects nothing!

Sighing, she walks over to my bed. I can't imagine why. She can't possibly have any clue of - oh wait, she's pulling back the covers. Stop!

Of course she sees the spider. Screaming in a manner most unbehooving of her power and stature, she slaps a hand down. The spider dodges perfectly, according to the helpful boost of speed a recent mana infusion grants, and leaps towards me.

Oh, fine. I'll be your protector. But now you truly owe me!

I catch it and cover it up with my hands. It settles down, long legs folding under my palms.

The Mother walks over to me, pointing hard. "Jason, give it to me."

I curl my lip. "No."

She reaches over and tries to wrest my hands open, but I yank away. "No! It's mine!"

Pausing, she sits on my bed, staring at me with quite the terrifying intensity. "It's yours?"

I nod despite the remarkable pressure. "Yes. I want it so it's mine."

She sighs, then her eyes narrow. "And you're sure you wouldn't want another pet?"

I copy her expression. "Would you buy it?"

I have a point, I know it.

I have a spider now.

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