The Druid of Malice

Chapter 5: Echoes of the Hunt

The forest had fallen into an uneasy silence, as if the battle itself had left a scar on the land. Falin and Shae stood amidst the scattered leaves and fallen attackers, their breaths mingling with the cool night air. The moon, half-hidden behind clouds, cast a silvery glow over their surroundings, adding to the tension that lingered between them.

Shae sheathed her blade, her eyes never leaving Falin. Despite his help, she wasn’t ready to trust him. “You fought like someone who’s used to chaos,” she said, her voice edged with suspicion. “But that power... I’ve never seen anything like it. You sure you’re not working with them?”

Falin shook his head, his expression serious. “I’m not with anyone. The system threw me into this world same as you. Whatever those things were, I’m just as much in the dark as you are.” He glanced down at his hands again, feeling the lingering tingle of the energy he’d released. Nature’s Calamity. It had come to him unbidden, and even now, he could sense the dormant potential inside him.

The truth was, the system was still a mystery, even to Falin. It had only been a few days since the world had changed—when the familiar rules of reality had shattered and been replaced by something out of a dark fantasy. Overnight, people had found themselves branded with new classes, each with a unique path to power. But along with that power came cryptic quests, strange notifications, and an awareness that the system had a will of its own.

It spoke to them in terse, impersonal messages, guiding them in fits and starts. Tips, prompts, and quests appeared like intrusive thoughts, their meanings sometimes clear and other times maddeningly obscure. Falin had woken to his new reality in a dingy apartment, the system’s voice echoing in his mind, offering him a class: Druid. He hadn’t had much of a choice—it was take the offer or be left powerless in a world that was rapidly growing more dangerous.

At first, he had thought he was alone in his struggle to make sense of it all. But encounters like this—people who had also awakened—were becoming more frequent. He realized that he and Shae were among a small group: the Awakened, those who had been changed before the rest of humanity even realized what was happening. The system had marked them, given them abilities beyond normal comprehension, and in return, it demanded their participation in a game where the rules kept shifting.

Shae narrowed her eyes, considering his words. After a moment, she let out a breath and ran a hand through her tangled hair. “Fine. I’ll take you at your word, for now. But we need to move. Those guys might be back with reinforcements.”

Falin nodded, his gaze sweeping the forest around them. He could sense the pulse of life in every tree, every blade of grass, but beneath that, there was something darker—a faint trace of the energy those attackers had carried. It clung to the air like a sickness, corrupting the natural balance. “There’s something wrong here. I felt it back at the sanctuary, too. The land is... tainted.”

Shae’s expression hardened. “I’ve been tracking disturbances like this for a while now. They’ve been spreading, infecting the wilds. But this is the first time I’ve seen these... enhanced humans. It’s like they’re being twisted by something.”

Falin’s mind raced. He had seen hints of corruption in his own quest objectives, the system tempting him with power in exchange for dark deeds. Was this the same force? Had others given in to it? He clenched his fists, a grim determination settling over him. “We need to find the source of this corruption before it spreads further. But first, we need to regroup.”

Shae nodded, glancing toward the distant silhouette of the Nature Sanctuary. “That sanctuary of yours... it’s the safest place around. We can rest there for the night, figure out our next move.”

They moved quickly, cutting through the underbrush and slipping through shadows as they made their way back to the sanctuary. Falin kept his senses open, wary of any sign of pursuit. But the forest remained silent, as if holding its breath in the aftermath of the battle.

As they approached the sanctuary’s overgrown entrance, Falin slowed, turning to Shae with a hint of a smile. “It’s not much, but it’s home. Come on, I’ll show you inside.”

Shae followed him into the sanctuary’s shadowy interior, where the air was cooler and thick with the scent of damp earth. She looked around, her gaze taking in the ancient roots and vines that wove through the broken walls, forming a natural cocoon. “This place... it’s more than just a hideout, isn’t it? It feels alive.”

Falin nodded, placing a hand on one of the thick roots that ran through the floor. “It’s connected to something deeper. I think it’s why my powers are stronger here. But I also think it’s vulnerable. If that corruption spreads, this place could be lost.”

Shae’s expression softened, just for a moment, before her usual guarded look returned. “Then we’d better make sure that doesn’t happen. If those attackers come back, I’m counting on you to bring out more of that flashy nature magic.”

Falin chuckled softly, though the weight of their situation pressed on him. “I’ll do my best. But don’t think I missed how you handled yourself out there. You’re not bad in a fight, either.”

They settled into the sanctuary, Shae keeping watch near the entrance while Falin focused on replenishing his strength. He closed his eyes and reached out with his mind, drawing on the energy of the roots and plants around him. The connection flowed easily, soothing the aches of battle and filling him with a sense of renewal.

But even in the sanctuary’s embrace, unease gnawed at him. Shae’s words echoed in his mind—the first time I’ve seen these enhanced humans. What had twisted them, and why? And how long would it be before the system tested him again, pushing him toward choices he wasn’t ready to make?

He opened his eyes, finding Shae’s gaze on him. She tilted her head, curiosity shining in her eyes. “What’s your story, Falin? Why’d you end up here, alone in a world gone mad?”

Falin met her gaze, considering the question. He wasn’t sure how much he wanted to share, but he saw no reason to hide the basics. “The system awakened, and I became a Druid. I figured if I could find a place like this sanctuary, I might learn to control my powers, maybe even survive whatever this new world throws at me.”

Shae nodded slowly, her expression thoughtful. “Surviving... yeah, I get that. But there’s more to it, isn’t there? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have jumped into a fight that wasn’t yours.”

Falin shrugged, a faint smile tugging at his lips. “Guess I’m just not a fan of bullies.”

Shae let out a short laugh, the sound rough but genuine. “Well, here’s hoping that attitude doesn’t get you killed. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us if we’re going to figure out what’s really going on.”

Falin nodded, his gaze shifting toward the entrance, where the shadows seemed to gather. “Yeah. And if tonight’s any sign, things are going to get a lot more dangerous before they get better.”

As they settled in for the night, a shared silence fell between them—one born of exhaustion but also of a budding trust. They both knew that whatever lay ahead, they would have to face it together. The system’s game had only just begun, and the shadows in the forest were growing deeper.

But Falin could feel the pulse of the earth beneath him, steady and unyielding. He took strength from it, and as the night deepened, he made a silent vow: he would master the power within him, unravel the mysteries of this new world, and protect what was left of it from the creeping darkness.

All the while, a part of him couldn’t shake the feeling that they were still just pawns in the system’s grand design—pieces moving across a board they barely understood. And somewhere out there, something was watching, waiting for the next move.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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