The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 98 - Ellie: Twisted Perspective

After they floated the idea of the mirror and discussed it some more, they faced the stage again and Simon in his capacity as leader spoke up for the party.

“We would like to ask to use the mirror. We are reasonably sure we can obtain additional information through it, but if not, we may have to come up with alternatives.”

“All right. I will ask the count and have it set up for your use, just wait right here.” Juliette responds and ducks behind the stage as the curtain falls and a group of mannequins get to work hauling something big onto the stage.

Its a large thing, covered in fabric and is positioned squarely in the middle of the stage. Slowly, the thing is uncovered and the surrounding area set up, a relatively nondescript chamber that very much focuses one’s gaze onto the central structure. As the work is winding down, the cover is finally removed from the object and I can see it for what it is: a large frame. No pane of reflective surface in the middle, just a large empty frame.

In hindsight it should have been obvious. The dungeon accepted that answer… expected it even, considering I still have scripted lines before the dreaded improv part. And how would you talk to the actor that represents your “mirror image” if there was an actual mirror between you.

As the preparations wind down, Juliette steps up close to me.

“Are you ready?” she asks, a gentle smile on her face as she looks at my face inquisitively.

I give a nod by way of response and center myself. This whole experience is surreal and doesn’t feel quite normal, but this is still a dungeon, a testing ground. We are judged on some metric, and rewarded by how well we do on it, in terms of advancement and loot. I should try my best to fulfill my role while also helping out my allies off stage, somehow.

This whole setup is effectively a puzzle or riddle with multiple stages - hah, topical - and I imagine our “performance” is largely based on the attentiveness and answers of the group in the seats. So I will help them out as much as I reasonably can without overstepping the boundaries of my role.

Thus resolved, I am almost startled from my thoughts by the loud announcer voice.

“The Count readily agreed to lend the use of the artifact to the investigation. The Magister was dispatched to operate the item, since she is the only one that could do so among guests and staff in attendance.”

As the curtain rises, it is my turn. I summon all the confidence I can muster, channeling it into myself like when preparing for a music performance. With assured steps I march onto the stage, where the empty frame looms somewhat ominously. Passing it, I march up to the audience, and look at them.

“I have been tasked with assisting you in the use of the artifact. I had not thought it pertinent at the time, but when I mentioned it to the investigator I spared us all a detailed explanation of the rules it operates by. Allow me to lay them out for you.”

I take a deep breath before continuing.

“The item in question is capable of imbuing someone’s mirror image with its own conscience - enough to answer questions, but not enough to have independent thought. One can ask their mirror image three questions before the image is taxed beyond use and the user must wait several months or risk permanent harm via means of ruptured mirror image. I have no idea how that could even manifest and I don’t think I want to find out today.”

I give a warning glare at my allies sitting in the stands. They are paying rapt attention to me, which is good. The better they perform, the higher the chance we get something good out of this, after all.

“After a question is asked, the image will respond. It is compelled to speak truthfully by means of answering your questions, but there are some oddities to their answers. Even the most flawless mirror has some imperfections leading to mirror images being twisted and confusing. As a result, they sometimes speak nonsense or outright falsehoods as if it were the truth. However, after a mirror image is dismissed, I should be able to measure the amount of… “corruption”, for lack of a better word, that has occurred. Quantifying it, I should be able to tell you how many of its answers have been affected, but not how much or which ones.”

I couldn't even tell them which one’s were the wrong answers if I went off script, cause my script very specifically only had my parts.

“That concludes the rules for operating the item. Any questions?” I ask, and brace myself for what is to come.

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