The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 4 - Decisions and Designations

Goblins are the bane of new adventurers. They are unpleasant, so many adventurers quickly move on from dealing with them, but goblins are one of the informally named “First Hurdles” in the Adventuring Guild. They are weak and dumb, so they become newbie jobs by default, but they have this annoying quality that the more of them there are, the more ruthless and instinctively deceptive they get. Always keep in mind, when you encounter some goblins, you will find more of them nearby. Many a party goes on a goblin quest with bad intel, only to never come back, at least not as they set out. Thankfully some adventurers specialize in dealing with certain more common monster types. Referred to as “Pest Control Specialists”, they typically only take jobs about exterminating their specialized quarry. I’ve heard of a guy that deals with only goblins down south, a scary fellow who never takes off his helmet and fights completely alone. You should all thank him for dealing with the things none of us want to. - retired adventurer Yari Tsukai, “An Introduction to Adventuring”


As soon as the final invader has run off, I have been assaulted by them. But really, after reading them, I am glad for their presence.

Dungeon Invasion repelled.

Experience awarded.

Level Up!

Your monster has unlocked a Class!

Class selection available!

Right, time to revisit my Status and figure out what is going on with it. My mannequin is currently resting on one of the more intact seats near the stage, recovering from its deadly battle, so now is the best time to do so.


Name: -

Level: 2

Creature Type: Dungeon Core


Inherent: Dual(Transmutation/Illusion)

Acquired: -

Rooms: 1/1

Monster Capacity: 1/6

Unlocked Templates:

Animated Mannequin

Monster Roster:

-, Animated Mannequin, Class Selection available

The Class Selection seems important, it unlocks level advancement for my monster and grants them special abilities according to the class selected. But before I select a class for my protector, I really feel like I should give them a name, so I can refer to them more easily.

I go over some Ideas mentally, presenting the better ones to my mannequin. A vast majority get flat out rejected, but one of the names I liked a lot gains their attention immediately, and the approval I feel radiating off of my monster is almost enough to push me back a bit. Confirming once more, I make it official, updating the monster roster accordingly.

Monster Roster:

Juliette, Animated Mannequin, Class Selection available

Right, Juliette, time to select a class for you. Let's see what we got.

Monster Class Selections (Animated Mannequin):

Animated Brawler

Animated Servant

Immovable Object

Valiant Defender

Animated Guardian

Animated Ambusher

Animated Actor

Well… Ah, I know some things about these already. Part of unlocking the Class Selection mayhaps? Whatever the case, two things immediately stick out to me. Firstly animated mannequins seem to have two basic classes, the first two listed ones. Secondly, my mannequin seems to have unlocked some extra classes due to its performance, two special defensive ones and three more “Animated” classes.

I assume those take advantage of an animated object's status as, well, objects, in some way. The Immovable Object class might be similar in that regard, I assume. Valiant Defender probably has to do with being the only protector standing between someone and multiple enemies.

I, of course, immediately discover my favorite, but since it will affect Juliette more than me, I should get their… or her? Yes, she affirms, her input as well.

Mentally conveying the list, she also quickly finds a favorite choice, and when we compare, I am delighted that her choice matches my own.

Animated Actor it is.

That choice locked in opens up another screen, I seriously worry I’m gonna drown in them some time soon, but for now I ignore it in favor of another thing to do.

A thing I have been meaning to do since first glancing at my status, but something that just solidified in my mind. I need a name.

And since I now have my first Actor and a stage, it only feels appropriate to assume my natural role. In the future, I shall be known as… The Playwright!

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