The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 39 - The Devil you know

The set is in ruins. Fresh splotches of blood litter the stage, along with wreckage of the set dressing. Tatters of one set of animated clothing, the noble garments that the paladin was once wearing, are amongst them, another monster that gave his life in defense of my dungeon.

The intruder that played at being a delver stands in the center of the stage, bleeding from bigger wounds and smaller gashes.

His seemingly unwitting ally is thoroughly restrained by my actress and a set of animated clothing.

The rogue that traveled with them is standing opposite the paladin, both daggers at the ready. Athea is flanking him with her one knife. Siegfried and Porthos are charging there as well.

A big wave of radiant power just washed over the paladin's body and exploded outwards, creating distance between him and the two rogues after their successful assault.

“Hah, hah. Why are you doing this, Marcus? I thought the goddess teaches us that dungeons are her sacred children. Why would you, a devout member of the church, try and destroy one?” Larissa asks, breathing heavily.

I had not bothered to use her name before, but she has taken up arms to defend me and my monsters, so I feel like I owe her that much, at least.

The betrayer, meanwhile, begins laughing.

“Hah! Hahahaha! Hahahahaha! Devout? Yes, I am devout! A devout follower of my master, the glorious Bone-Devil Argevos. In his service did I enter the church of the pretender. And after this dungeon is dealt with, we will return there! Together!” he screams, a manic glint in his eyes.

“Don’t think I will simply forget about this matter and come back with you! I won’t let you destroy this place!” Larissa proclaims, and enters a combat stance once more.

“Ohhh, you won't have a choice, brat. You may not know it, but my master’s gifts are plentiful. Those who enter into his service willingly benefit greatly from his love and generosity! Behold, a sliver of his power!”

Suddenly, I feel ill. A surge of power builds around him as he speaks, and it explodes outwards. It tastes foul and wrong. Gathering in 3 places around the stage, the power begins to dig… outward? Space is assaulted and torn open as 3 figures force their way from the space beyond into my domain.

Out of the rifts step 3 humanoids, though they are larger even than Porthos and covered in spikes and bony protrusions.

Entering onto the scene, all three of them wear human-like grinning expressions that quickly morph into bestial expressions as their jaws unhinge and spikes of bone jut from their torn cheeks in a truly gruesome display.

Their shrieks are bone-piercing as they raise their claws in anticipation of violence.

Well, violence they shall receive.

Siegfried immediately engages the one nearest to him, while Porthos not so much engages as simply slams into the one in front of him.

The third is near Juliette, who is unfortunately still otherwise occupied. There is not a lot she can do since the dwarf might continue his spellcasting if released from the chokehold and for some reason he still has not faded from consciousness. That is one tough mage.

The monster approaches her, an elongated tongue licking along its jaw and dripping spittle on the floor in anticipation.

That is when a small square shape barrels into its leg, causing it to topple over and sprawl out on the stage floor.

The mimic!

In all its boxy glory, it clambers on top of the lumbering brute that has been felled by the impact, and opens its lid to reveal a mouth filled with razor teeth and its own elongated tongue, dripping acidic drool onto the fiend.

It is hard to “hear” a specific monster’s emotions at this point in time, but the mimic's thoughts are very clear.

Hunger. An overwhelming sense of hunger exudes from it and staggers me for a moment as the mimic unleashes its monstrous maw and brings its teeth to bear on the fiends neck.

Oh boy. Remind me to keep them well fed. This display is… quite brutal.

The paladin has renewed his assault on the rogues, which seems to be a poor matchup as his attacks and blocks are too slow to keep up with Larissa, and while he is decidedly in a different league than Athea, he cannot capitalize on it without leaving himself wide open for her assault.

However, the longer the fighting continues, the clearer it becomes that there is something wrong with him. The maniacal laughter does not end, and the more and more riddled with wounds he becomes, the more recklessly he fights.

After a minute or two of intense exertion on both sides, the fighting begins winding down, however.

The dwarf is still conscious, somehow, but has ceased struggling, merely limply hanging in Juliette’s slightly ungentle embrace. The mimic has, after consuming the fiend’s head, turned to different prey and moved to assist Porthos. Its two siblings have managed to arrive on stage as well, and with deceptive speed moved to engage the fiend with Siegfried.

All of his summons thus dispatched, and having lost a truly absurd amount of blood, the betrayer stands surrounded and alone.

A gasping chuckle escapes him, before a grin splits his face.

“This dungeon is strong for one so young… Good. I will enjoy breaking you apart when next we meet. Master will be pleased at this offering… and forgive me for my failure to destroy you now.”

Then he speaks a word in a language that I do not understand, and explodes in blinding light, a tremendous shockwave roiling out to batter the room and all of its occupants.

When the light is gone and the dust is settled, he is nowhere to be seen.

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