The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 27 - Allea: Survey Planning

The room feels stifling and small as the door falls closed behind us. The other party regards us curiously, and the older human speaks up first.

“It is nice to meet you all, Guild Master Thorekson told us all about you. My name is Marcus, and these are Larissa and Baerdur, my associates.”

The people nod at us and we nod back. I shift slightly in discomfort as their spokesperson, Marcus, extends a hand, but Simon thankfully accepts the handshake and introduces us in turn.

“Right, well, I am Simon and these are my Party members, Kallion, Astrid and Allea.”

Astrid’s mother speaks up then, preventing any further handshaking.

“Good, good, with introductions out of the way, take a seat all of you. I know you four have not done one of these before, but dungeon surveys are actually rather standardized at the guild. The survey team consists of a representative each of the church, the Craftsmen’s Guild, and a state representative.

In this case, Marcus represents the church, Baerdur is an external representative of the Craftsmen’s Guild, and Larissa is a part of the Regional Administration of Aresmouth.”

“That’s right. You will guide us to this dungeon, and the three of us shall do a delve to inspect it. What happens after, depends on how the dungeon shapes up, but most likely, we will create a temporary encampment there, while the craftsmen guild organizes efforts to create a more permanent outpost. Until such a time as that is constructed and the dungeon entrance can be handed over to the bureau of dungeon affairs for proper administration, we shall hold the fort, as it were, and prevent access to the dungeon. Most likely, this is going to be an assignment lasting multiple weeks, so be prepared.”, Larissa continues. “We must be careful, since recently reports of low tier dungeons being shattered by devil cultists have increased in frequency. A suspected dual affinity like this one presents an important strategic resource for the kingdom, we can not allow that to happen.”

“Not to worry, if any heretics cross our paths, I shall protect you four.”, Marcus hurries to assure us, “But it is better to be safe, than to be sorry. Keep an eye out.”

That would be my job then. I furrow my brows at the woman’s words, however. Before I can voice any question however, the shortfolk woman whose office we sit in clears her throat, and all attention in the room shifts to her.

“While I appreciate your endeavors to warn these young adventurers of potential dangers like that, I should iterate that these four are not sponsored members of our guild. You will have no authority over them as you would with those whose adventures are state funded. I would also appreciate it if you would allow them to delve the dungeon on occasion, once an outpost is established, so long as you don't over-delve.”

The dwarf reacts and voices his approval in a gravelly deep voice.

“Rare to see that these days, but explains why yall ain’t at the wall right now. Kingdom’ll need more folks like yall, if things keep goin worse. Adventure Kingdom should be filled with Adventurers, right n’ proper!”

The paladin reacts similarly with an approving expression, but the human woman looks like she bit into a lemon. Probably expected to be able to boss us around the entire time.

“The Kingdom of Areios…” she interjects before getting shut down by a glare from the Guild Master.

“You will have more than enough time to discuss matters of politics and statecraft once your legs are otherwise employed moving towards your destination instead of sitting in my office. Now, you will set out tomorrow morning, get your stuff packed and meet up at the main hall at morning bell tomorrow, as this is official guild business, rations and the like will be supplied. Any questions?”

The woman grumbles unhappily, but no one voices any questions, and we are dismissed from the office, Larissa storming off immediately at not quite normal human level speeds.

The paladin, meanwhile, exits with us at a leisurely pace, before speaking to us in a conspiratorial tone.

“I heard this dungeon is not quite normal, is that true? That the only trial you had to face was… participating in a bit of theater?”

Only my superior senses allowed me to notice the flash of disapproval that came over Simon’s face at the dismissive tone of the older man, as he quickly schooled himself, and replied in the affirmative.

“That’s more or less right, yeah. There were monsters, sure, but they were not hostile.”

“I’ve seen quite a few dungeons in my days, them displaying odd characteristics every once in a while is normal, but this is the first time I've heard of one challenging adventurers with acting. It's novel. If the trial is not combat, most of the time dungeons challenge you with puzzles, riddles, or mazes. I’m looking forward to seeing this one in action. Think it has a second room by now?” the older man muses.

“I wouldn’t know, no one in my party has experience with dungeons…” Simon replies diplomatically.

“Right, right, I’m sorry. I assumed you might know a thing or two because of your mother. My condolences by the way. I did not meet her personally, but many of my brothers talk of the Goldtongue General fondly.” the paladin continues, unheeding of Simon's expression at the mention.

“Thanks.” Simon replies tensely, and I seize the chance to rescue him from the situation by interjecting in their conversation.

“Simon, you promised I would be compensated for my dress last time, didn’t you? Can I cash in on that compensation right now and have you accompany me for a bit?”

“Uh, sure. Sorry, Marcus.”

“Not a problem, enjoy yourselves, you two. See you tomorrow.”

The old man bids us goodbye and I grab Simon by the arm and drag him off.

The following morning our group of seven assembles, and we exit the city through the east gate, heading southeast into the green belt. Soon we would return to that strange dungeon with its wooden dolls. I wonder what new things it might have in store for us.

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