The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 24 - Skillfull Specialization

Phew. That's some things off the list. Onto the next topic.

Specialist Skills.

Whatever those are.

The System says there is a selection here, while at level 1 and 5 you simply receive a skill.

Maybe that's it? A skill you get to choose? It can't be that simple though, there has to be more to it than that.

Well, I wont find out more by ruminating on possibilities so let's just do this thing.

Starting with Siegfried this time.


Name: Siegfried

Class: Animated Bulwark

Level: 10

Creature Type: Animated Mannequin




Shield Bash- Level 1

Iron Skin - Level 6

Specialist Skill Selection available

Specialist Skill Selection:

Shield Mastery

Battering Charge

Vow of Protection

Well that doesnt help. I have no idea what any of these do. Well, aside from the obvious.

We can assume Shield Mastery helps wield a shield effectively. Battering Charge probably lets you move at someone rapidly and then smash them in the face.

But I have no idea about the third.

And obviously, that is the one that he wants.

Well, whatever, let's just lock it in and test it out.


Name: Siegfried

Class: Animated Bulwark

Level: 10

Creature Type: Animated Mannequin




Summon Shield - Level 1

Iron Skin - Level 6

Vow of Protection - Level 1


Visually it's no different from the other skills on the sheet. Now, what does it do?

Surprisingly, Siegfried offers up the answer. Or rather, his understanding of the skill. It is an active skill, sure, but a conditional one. It can only be activated when he sees an enemy attack an ally within a certain distance. And it will protect the ally, somehow.

He is a bit vague on the details, but it is good to know that my monsters do learn the activation conditions of their specialist skills and their rough effects even if I don't know a thing about them.

Well, since the condition seems rather restrictive, we will have to wait with testing.

On to the next one.

Hellooo Juliette, my darling actress. How are you and your dance partner faring? Good? Good.

Time for your skill selection.

Specialist Skill Selection:

Vocal Mimicry

Glamour Mask

Prop Repository

Well… that is somewhat surprising.

I guess her humming with her newfound power of making sounds counts as voice training of a kind, so Vocal Mimicry showing up is not entirely unexpected, but I expected something dancing related to make an appearance.

That being said, the other options don't sound useless… just unexpected is all. Again I have no knowledge of what these skills do, yet I can make guesses. Glamour Mask is probably some sort of Illusion based disguise skill? And Prop Repository sounds like they can store props… yeah ok that sounds obvious in hindsight.

Which one do you feel Juliette?


Vocal Mimicry seems useless since you can probably learn to do that by yourself? If you say so.

That leaves two, doesn't it?

Glamour Mask or Prop Repository?

Ok, let’s do that.


Name: Juliette

Class: Animated Actor

Level: 10

Creature Type: Animated Mannequin




Tragic Passing - Level 2

Appearance of Life - Level 8

Glamour Mask - Level 1


What does this one do?

Oh, you are going to demonstrate?

Juliette climbs on stage with an elegant leap, while the other monsters assemble and turn their attention our way. She bows before them before activating her skill. I can feel a surge of power and her form shifts and ripples, before an impressive imitation of the elven archer, equipment and all, stands before us. It is not 100% accurate, of course, the skill is only Level one after all, and Juliette haphazardly pulled a target out of her proverbial hat, but still. Mighty Impressive. And useful for an actress to boot.

At that display, my monsters clap enthusiastically. I would too, if I could. Juliette proceeds to strike poses and show off her new appearance to her audience. A good time is had by all as they begin mock-fighting the “intruder” that appeared in their midst, who is running away making vague noises of distress. Then the skill fizzles and Juliette returns to her original looks before bowing again.

That did not last long. Another potential drawback, it seems. Whatever. It is a marvelous skill for my little star.

That is another thing off the list of things to deal with, time to check my status.


Name: The Playwright

Level: 12

Creature Type: Dungeon Core


Inherent: Dual(Transmutation/Illusion)

Acquired: Evocation (Lesser)

Rooms: 2/4

Monster Capacity: 40/83

Unlocked Templates:

Animated Mannequin

Animated Clothing



Monster Roster:

Juliette, Animated Mannequin, Animated Actor Level 10

Siegfried, Animated Mannequin, Animated Bulwark Level 10

Sebastian, Animated Mannequin, Animated Attendant Level 7

Alouette, Animated Clothing, Animated Dance Partner Level 4

Athea, Animated Mannequin, Rogue Level 5

Porthos, Animated Mannequin, Berserker Level 4


I check my scrolls for my To-do-List. I have 2 Rooms to claim, 43 Monster Capacity to allocate, though I will keep some free for my monsters to develop with, a new Template of monsters to summon, and another to replace. Oh, and there was that thing about Room Themes, no idea what that's about, yet. Also I need to replace the seating, redecorate and repair the walls, write a proper play, worry about potential new visitors, et cetera et cetera… Can this poor pen catch a break?

But I know that more visitors will come soon, be it an audience or be it invaders, and I am determined to prepare the best welcome for them I can. I will bedazzle and astound adventurers while confounding and blindsiding monsters. It may be a sprint, but I will make sure to be ready by opening night, whenever that will be.

Let's get to it.

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