The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 22 - Lots of Screen Time

Of course, the first thing I did was experiment with my new ability. It is actually quite intuitive. I can create material using a specific energy, and I can convert material into energy as well. The conversion is not 100% efficient, but I also generate or gather that energy passively over time, so it’s not that limiting.

I can also generate the material anywhere in my domain and if I generate it attached to something that already exists, it will remain attached.

The materials I can create with this are stone, wood and silk. Specifically, it appears to be spider silk. Maybe this is a gift from our friend with too many eyeballs. I’ll think of it like that, at least.

Using my newfound power, I did a few things. To start with, I made a relief carving on the ceiling of my foyer of a flighty sprite and a noble mannequin.

Secondly, I altered the mask above the entrance that I used as a peephole into the outside.

There was already a rift running down its center as a result of cracks and fractures in the stone, but I decided it would look better to be completely split. And, though not as artistic as the original creator, I was proud of the finished work. The left half was as it was before, a light colored stone face of indeterminable gender smiling down kindly upon the entrance. The right half however was covered in dark stone, with the same face frowning and possibly crying.

While the smiling face shall convey my willingness to welcome those who appreciate art, the frowning face shall henceforth be my warning towards those that would intrude upon us. That is what I decided.

There was a third thing I created, and I am about to check on that, in fact.

In the newly excavated side room, the workstation with the central fountain has been turned into Sebastian's workshop. Here he, as the most handy mannequin around, Is working on sanding down and otherwise perfecting a wooden arm for the brave triplets’ brother that lost an arm.

Despite only having access to rudimentary wood and stone tools I created for him, he is doing fabulously, and the arm looks much like the original that was lost. I just hope we can somehow make it work for the patient.

His sister is caring for the one-armed mannequin, who is patiently awaiting our little experiment. As Sebastian finishes up, he carefully hands the limb to the sister, who carefully holds it up to her siblings shoulder. All of us wait with bated breath.

After a few seconds of nothing, something happens as I can taste a power similar to the mannequins summoning, and sure enough, the crafted limb starts moving, securely attached to my monster by its animating magic.

Amidst much cheering, Sebastian begins working on his own replacement limb, and I can finally tend to my notifications that have been bugging me to no end since all of this started.

Dungeon Invasion repelled.

Experience awarded.

Level Up!

Level Up!

Level Up!

Level Up!

Level Up!

Level Up!

Level Up!

Room Limit Increased.

New Basic Template Selection Available.

Room Themes unlocked.

Your monster has died.

Your monster has died.

Your monster has unlocked a Class!

Class selection available!

Your monster has unlocked a Class!

Class selection available!

Your monster has unlocked a Class!

Class selection available!

Your monster has unlocked a new Class Skill!

Your monster has unlocked a new Class Skill!

Your monster has unlocked a Specialist Skill!

Specialist Skill selection available!

Your monster has unlocked a Specialist Skill!

Specialist Skill selection available!


Name: The Playwright

Level: 12

Creature Type: Dungeon Core


Inherent: Dual(Transmutation/Illusion)

Acquired: Evocation (Lesser)

Rooms: 2/4

Monster Capacity: 30/83

Unlocked Templates:

Animated Mannequin

Animated Clothing


Selection Pending

Monster Roster:

Juliette, Animated Mannequin, Animated Actor Level 10

Siegfried, Animated Mannequin, Animated Bulwark Level 10

Sebastian, Animated Mannequin, Animated Attendant Level 7

-, Animated Clothing, Class Selection available

-, Animated Mannequin, Class Selection available

-, Animated Mannequin, Class Selection available

Yeah, alright, that's about what I expected. Goddess, this is gonna take me a minute or two to work through.

I guess I should start with what I traditionally started, and select a new template.

Please choose a monster type to receive an initial monster template in from the following lists:


Slime (Lesser)

Chimera (Lesser)

Animated Object (Lesser)

Shapeshifter (Lesser)

Plant (Lesser)

Animal (Lesser)

Elemental (Lesser)


Fae (Lesser)

Demon (Lesser)

Naga (Lesser)

Spirit (Lesser)

Abomination (Lesser)

Plant (Lesser)

Animal (Lesser)

Elemental (Lesser)


Arcane Entity (Lesser)

Slime (Lesser)

Plant (Lesser)

Animal (Lesser)

Elemental (Lesser)

I gave serious consideration to the whole evocation list, but I didn't really care for any of the options, and I had a “lesser” Affinity for it anyways so I discarded it.

The question now is Illusion or Transmutation. While I have more Transmutation templates than Illusion, there was a creature type I was curious about since the start, and so I decided to take it since the sprite performed absolutely admirably in its role as my Illusion specialist.

Shapeshifter please!

Shapeshifter (Lesser) selected!

Basic Monster Template Generated:


Next Monster Template available: Level 15

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