The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 12 - Finery and Fae

It is, at last, time. Time to add to our motley troupe, that is.

Summoning time.

I have, somewhat, recovered from the ordeal that was summoning that mask for my first adventurers, and I think I might be able to pull off another summon right now, so let’s do that!

First things first though, double checking my status to make sure what my Monster Capacity is at, exactly.


Name: The Playwright

Level: 5

Creature Type: Dungeon Core


Inherent: Dual(Transmutation/Illusion)

Acquired: -

Rooms: 1/2

Monster Capacity: 11/20

Unlocked Templates:

Animated Mannequin

Animated Clothing


Monster Roster:

Juliette, Animated Mannequin, Animated Actor Level 5

-, Animated Mannequin, Animated Bulwark Level 3

Sebastian, Animated Mannequin, Animated Attendant Level 3

As expected, I have 9 Capacity left, enough to play around with my new Summon options a bit.

Now, which one to summon first?

I arbitrarily decide to summon the Animated Clothing first, because I received that template first.


Once more, the now familiar breach in space forms. Beyond, I can feel how my domain in the Not-Space expands and contracts, pulling the fabric of another place through the tear.

Once it has crossed over, it coalesces once more, the now familiar process estranged again as the shapes are new and foreign.

The drain that hits me is expected, yet it hits me hard, nevertheless. I imagine if I had a body like the humanoids I have encountered so far, I would be gasping for breath and shaking, but I do not. My glorious form does quiver slightly, but I regain control of myself after a mere instant.

My mannequins and I then watch in fascination as another being takes form before our stage, the rough shape being humanoid once again, and yet instead of solidifying it almost falls apart until only a shell remains, that rapidly takes on the texture of a coarse fabric.

After what feels like an eternity, but I know to be but a moment, the process finishes.

Hanging in the air in front of the stage is a rough, woolen dress. The coloring is the creamy white, or rather beige, of undyed thread. The design is plain and unadorned.

It floats in place for a couple seconds, the hemline fluttering as if being lifted by a slight wind. That, of course, cannot be, there is no wind in this place, but I imagine the dress to be capable of flight, considering it lacks… well, limbs to move around on.

Then, as if finally deciding to act, the dress floats forward and onto the stage, where the bodice lowers itself while some parts of the silhouette lift up and to the side, forming the very image of a perfectly executed curtsy, except for the fact that the dress is completely empty.

My Body bobs up and down a slight bit, in an attempt to acknowledge my monster's grace and dedication. Like the mannequins before it, I can feel its eagerness to serve.

Leaving it to familiarize itself with the mannequins in question and its new surroundings, I settle onto my scrolls and yawn internally.

Events have taken a lot out of me, and I need time to recover. I can feel my awareness dim as I slowly enter a state of near-dormancy. Still fully conscious of my surroundings, but sluggish in my thoughts, time passes quickly in this state, and before I know it, I snap to full attention once more.

What a weird experience.

What is also weird is that when I look around I only see three silhouettes, not four as I expected with the recent addition to my squad.

The reason for this is fairly evident, however, as I can see Juliette, well… wearing the new monster. While initially baffled by this turn of events, I quickly reason that this must be normal. After all, the dress is a piece of clothing. Animate or not, clothing exists to be worn… right?

Well, whatever the case, the two seem to get along just grand. Juliette happily hums to herself as she skips and twirls around, the fabric of her new friend hugging her wooden frame tightly and swaying with each of her steps.

I belatedly realize that the humming is not just a feeling I pick up, but genuine sound. Somehow, her new passive ability must have given her this ability as well. As she improves her ability, she might become capable of speech, even! How truly wonderful!

Infected by their positive mood, I happily rise into the air and twirl around a bit myself. Ah what a great time to be productive once again!

And that means, tearing holes in this reality and letting monsters in! An altogether exciting prospect, fun for the whole family, even.

So let's not twiddle our nonexistent thumbs! Let's bring a sprite into being!


The first thing I notice is that the rift is incredibly small when compared to my other monsters. Not only that, but it also feels deeper, and as if it was different… flavor?

I struggle to articulate the abstract concepts I am experiencing even within my own mind, while the process continues undeterred. A wave of lethargy hits me once again, but I am well rested this time, so I barely even waver.

The being takes shape, and I can clearly see a humanoid form. Just… a lot smaller and somehow less… real?

Slowly, the form gets more and more defined until eventually a slightly see-through miniature elf with even more translucent wings is formed. The entire creature is glowing with a colorless light, giving it an ephemeral quality.

Once completely formed, the creature opens its little eyes and its mouth releases a dainty laugh that reminds me of bells, somehow. I'm sure I have never seen, heard or otherwise interacted with a bell, but I dismiss this thought as unimportant.

My newest monster then gives me a lazy wave before flying off into the distance, born aloft with flaps of its tiny wings. I am a bit at a loss for words, because while I can feel that the monster does wish to serve me, it seems to be a little bit of a free spirit, to say the least.

As I think that, it lands on Sebastian's shoulder, and begins poking and prodding at him.

I have a feeling those two are gonna get along great.

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