The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 111 - The second Option

Amidst the stunned silence, the robed figure is the first to regain their wits.

“Don’t believe that scoundrel’s deception!”, they yell, with a higher pitched voice while they stumble up the stairs, away from the investigator. “They used some form of illusion on me! Apprehend them, quickly!”

The general recovers at receiving that order and shouts at the guards. “Do as the Count says! This Character is responsible for that appearance and must be apprehended immediately.”

“It was the second option then.” the Investigator mutters while the guards look around and at each other in confusion. After hearing the General’s shouts, however, they cautiously nod to each other and continue descending the stairs, halberds pointed at the Investigator, who begins backing away cautiously.

“Give yourself up, Instigator, or these guards will see themselves forced to employ violence!” the General shouts at the individuals below while hurrying to the robed figure’s side, who is swaying unsteady on their feet.

The investigator is still backing away from the guards cautiously, when a new voice suddenly echoes across the stage.

“What is going on here?”

The guards immediately stiffen as heavy, plated footfalls approach. Stepping into the stagelight, a heavily armored individual approaches the scene, the plate polished and gleaming in the lights, and a shoulder covered in an elaborate cape. Baldwin, one of the Curtain Squires, steps up.

“Guard Captain!” the two guards exclaim and immediately stand at attention.

“General. What is the meaning of this? Why are you aiding this suspicious individual?” the Guard Captain addresses the general, ignoring the Situation before him.

“This is the Count! This… instigator used some kind of Illusion spell to transform him into this appearance.” the general exclaims while steadying the “Count”.

“Curious.” the Guard Captain looks at the two of them, honing in on the unsteady figure “Why then does this one seem to suffer the symptoms of a violently dispelled skill?”

“I don’t know what they did, exactly,” the General sneers, “but it hardly matters. I am ordering you and your men to apprehend this criminal while I tend to the Count.”

“Understood.” the Guard Captain nods and turns towards the Investigator. “My apologies, Investigator. I should have been here earlier to reign in my men’s misplaced loyalty.”

The Guard Captain turns back towards the General.

“You may be a high ranking military official, General, but you have no authority over us. My loyalty is to my liege, and him alone. Guards, apprehend these two cultists. Investigator, I would like to impose upon you a while longer. Help me understand what really happened here. And most importantly, what happened to my Lord.”

“Of course, Captain.” the investigator responds. “I have a good idea of everything since that accursed party. But before I share everything, we must find the Count’s whereabouts.”

With a nod, the Guard Captain turns up the stairs where the Guards are currently cuffing the General and the cultist while enduring their shouts of protests.

“Something tells me we should start looking up there.” he says with a chuckle and strides up the stairs off the stage, followed closely by the Investigator.

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