The Dramatic Dungeon - A Dungeon Core Story

Chapter 10 - A satisfactory conclusion

And just like that, it's done! The first play ever performed on this stage was so short it almost hurts. Yet it is a joyous occasion everyone, so give a heartfelt applause to each other, and most importantly, our great audience!

Had they been any other adventuring team, I'm not sure if they would have joined in with such great gusto! Or, well, at all.

Truly, it was marvelous to behold! Even the brute of a woman's clumsy attempts were so genuine it was endearing and gave the beast quite a unique character.

The wizard that found himself out of his comfort zone actually let go and became a splendid knight. His swordplay might still need some work though, and I feel like we really might need props and costumes for future productions on this stage.

The elven woman blew me away, entirely. It’s like she was born for a ruler role or something. Which, in hindsight, might entirely be the case, I barely know anything about our new friends yet.

But, judging by the joy visible on the leader's face, I would have time to learn. I knew I had him figured out, but it still fills my wooden pen body with elation to know he enjoyed this as much as me.

The applause is slowly abating, both the wooden clapping of my mannequins as well as the cheers of the adventurers. As much fun as this was, there is one more thing I must do before this “delve” is complete. I must reward the brave adventurers! In the heat of the moment, I simply let my instincts take over.

A large amount of energy leaves me, and surges towards those four. It coalesces before them, much like when summoning, leaving me similarly drained, or rather much more drained. It does not rip a hole into space this time, there is a little of the… stuff… that simply permeates through the boundary of existence and forms something in the air for all to see.

It's a wooden mask.

All of us watch in awe as it forms in front of the leader, a flawless rendition of an androgynous human face displayed on it, its fair features raised in a gentle smile.

Most of the adventurers seem perplexed by this, but I see the leader's reaction is different. He is entirely awestruck and almost reverent before the mask, and almost misses it the moment it finishes forming and starts falling to the floor.

“We just got loot, right? Does that mean the dungeon considers this to be a successful delve?” The elf speaks up first, curiously looking upon the mask held gently in her leader's hands.

“Right.” the wizard agrees. “Let’s leave and worry about our gains later.”

Still entirely in a daze, the leader turns and follows the rest of his team out of my domain.

Well, I look forward to receiving them again.

And speaking of gains, the feeling that was waiting for me enters my space in a surge… and the dreaded and anticipated screens are back.

Dungeon Delve successful.

Tribute detected.

Assimilation complete.

Bonus Monster Template Unlocked.

Checking compatibility.

Animated Clothing unlocked.

Experience awarded.

Level Up!

Level Up!

Level Up!

Room Limit Increased.

New Basic Template Selection Available.

Your monster has unlocked a Class!

Class selection available!

Your monster has unlocked a Class!

Class selection available!

Your monster has unlocked a new Class Skill!

Ooooh boy, this one is gonna be a doozy.

Let’s deal with these one by one.

First off, I unlocked a monster template from that dress, Animated Clothing. On the one hand, more diversity in the monsters I can summon is great, on the other hand, I don't really know how clothing would be handy as monsters. It does however potentially fix one of my problems, the lack of costumes. Although that relies on exactly what the animated clothing ends up looking like.

Secondly, I get to choose another basic template. Let's just get it over with.

Please choose a monster type to receive an initial monster template in from the following lists:


Slime (Lesser)

Chimera (Lesser)

Animated Object (Lesser)

Shapeshifter (Lesser)

Plant (Lesser)

Animal (Lesser)

Elemental (Lesser)


Fae (Lesser)

Demon (Lesser)

Naga (Lesser)

Spirit (Lesser)

Abomination (Lesser)

Plant (Lesser)

Animal (Lesser)

Elemental (Lesser)

Right, I have two transmutation templates from the same type so far, I guess I should grab a bit of Illusion to remedy that imbalance.

Remembering my reasoning for my first choice, I know exactly which to pick, as well.

Let's pick ourselves a lesser fae.

Fae (Lesser) selected!

Basic Monster Template Generated:


Next Monster Template available: Level 10

Now, let's check my status before taking a quick break.


Name: The Playwright

Level: 5

Creature Type: Dungeon Core


Inherent: Dual(Transmutation/Illusion)

Acquired: -

Rooms: 1/2

Monster Capacity: 7/20

Unlocked Templates:

Animated Mannequin

Animated Clothing


Monster Roster:

Juliette, Animated Mannequin, Animated Actor Level 5

-, Animated Mannequin, Class Selection available

-, Animated Mannequin, Class Selection available

Oh dear, the numbers sure went up… maybe I didn’t have to be so frugal with my capacity after all.

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