The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 269. The Orc’s Downfall I

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 269. The Orc's Downfall I

Burz, fueled by desperation, charged at me without a weapon. His primal shout echoed through the room, a last-ditch effort to overpower me. But I was prepared.

With a swift motion, I transformed my sword into a pair of gleaming black claws, encasing my hands in gauntlets of pure power. The transformation caught Burz off guard, his eyes widening in surprise.

We clashed once again, the sound of our colliding attack reverberating through the chamber. Burz's strikes were wild and unrefined, lacking the finesse. His movements were predictable, his speed a mere shadow compared to the likes of Prince Arter.

As we fought, my dragon vision came into play. Every detail of Burz's movements was laid bare before me, his every intention telegraphed through his body language.

With this advantage, I effortlessly evaded his attacks, sidestepping his lunges and countering with calculated precision, even without my skill.

Burz's determination radiated from his fierce gaze. He lunged forward, his muscles flexing with every movement. I met his charge with a quick sidestep, evading his first swing. The force behind his attack sent him off balance, giving me an opening to retaliate.

With a swift pivot, I unleashed a spinning kick toward Burz's side. My gauntlet-clad foot connected with his torso, sending him sprawling to the ground. But Burz was resilient. He quickly regained his footing, his eyes burning with a fiery resolve.

He charged once more. His fists swung with relentless fury. I deftly parried his strikes, the metallic clash of our gauntlets resonating throughout the hall. Our bodies weaved and dodged, each of us seeking an opening to land a decisive blow.

Burz's strength was undeniable, and he fought with an unmatched tenacity. His attacks were powerful, each blow aimed to crush my defenses. But I was nimble. I utilized my agility to evade his strikes, slipping through the gaps in his offense.

A flurry of punches and kicks ensued, and our bodies engaged in a fury combat. The hall echoed with the thuds of our impacts. 

As the battle wore on, fatigue began to take its toll on Burz. His movements grew sluggish, his once-unyielding attacks losing their edge. He had losing a lot of blood and his HP had depleted a lot. Sensing his vulnerability, I seized the opportunity to turn the tide in my favor.

With a sudden burst of energy, I launched a swift combination of strikes, targeting Burz's weakened defenses. My gauntlets hammered against his body. Burz staggered, his knees buckling under the weight of my assault.

Finally, a powerful kick landed on his chest, sending him sprawling to the ground. Burz fought to rise, but his body betrayed him. He remained on the floor, his breath labored, and his determination no match for the toll our battle had taken.

The battle had been swift and decisive. As I surveyed the scene, I saw that Eir and Guillotine had triumphed over the remaining orc leaders, leaving the hall now filled with the defeated grunts of the orcs.

With a mere flick of my wrist, I transformed my gauntlets back into my trusty black sword. I leveled it at Burz, who lay on the ground, gasping for breath. A victorious smirk played upon my lips as I spoke with a cool, authoritative tone.

"You lose, Burz," I hissed, my voice laced with an air of superiority. I pointed my sword directly at him, its sharp tip an unmistakable threat. The condescending gaze in my eyes conveyed the depth of his defeat, as well as my utter disdain for his feeble attempts to challenge me.

Burz, weakened and unable to respond, met my condescending gaze with a mixture of resignation and defiance. His defeat was palpable.

For a moment, I contemplated ending his life then and there. The notion of making him my puppet and seizing control of his monarchy had crossed my mind earlier, but witnessing his determination changed my perspective. I had to end his life now though I hate it since I knew he just trying to protect his kingdom.

I raised my sword, fully intent on delivering the final blow to Burz, but a sudden interruption halted my deadly motion. Glasha rushed forward, her eyes filled with desperation and sorrow. She threw herself between us, her outstretched arms pleading for my forgiveness.

"Wait!" Glasha's voice quivered with emotion as she begged for my mercy. "Please, forgive my brother. I implore you to spare his life."

“No,” I replied coldly.

"Please, I beg of you," Glasha implored, her voice cracking with emotion. "I understand what my brother has caused. But I ask for your forgiveness, not just for him, but for all the atrocities committed by the orcs. We can change. We can strive for peace and redemption."

"No," I replied firmly, my voice tinged with resolve. "The atrocities committed by your brother and your kin are too grave. They cannot be absolved with mere words. The bloodshed and devastation caused cannot be undone."

Without hesitation, I reached out and firmly grasped Glasha's hand, a surge of determination coursing through me. With a swift motion, I pushed her aside, her body stumbling and falling to the cold stone floor.

Glasha's eyes widened with shock and disbelief, her plea for mercy shattered by my resolute rejection. She lay on the ground, her expression a mix of sorrow and betrayal. The weight of the decision bore heavily upon me, but I knew that granting forgiveness without true repentance would only perpetuate the cycle of violence and suffering.

I turned my attention back to Burz, his defeated form still on the ground. But then Glasha suddenly spoke again.

“I’m willing to be your wife, Your Majesty!”

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