The Downfall Of The Darling

Chapter 10: Flies

Marco flashed a triumphant grin as they moved to a table by the window. The aroma of sizzling steak wafted into the air, making Blair’s stomach growl silently in response.

“Hamm… Look at that!” Marco exclaimed, eyeing the perfectly cooked steaks.

Blair giggled as she picked up her fork and knife, admiring the juicy steak before cutting into it. The first bite nearly melted in her mouth, the rich flavor bursting with delight. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment. It was far better than the steak their home chef prepared at Wilson’s mansion, but it still made her happy.

“Delicious, right?” Marco asked as he looked at her with keen interest.

“Absolutely,” Blair said with a radiant smile. “I had completely forgotten how delicious steak is!”

Resting his elbows on the table, Marco’s gaze never moved away from her beautiful face. “It brings me joy to see you smile so often, Blair. You deserve this treatment, especially for what you’ve been through.”

“Thank you.” She could barely respond as she focused on her meal.

His smile widened, the confidence in his demeanor radiating as he dug into his own steak. “You know, if you liked this, we could do this every day. I could buy you a steak for lunch whenever you want.”

“Every day? That sounds nice, but it could get expensive. So, what does your family do for a living?” She took another bite of steak, the savory making her feel guilty about how much she was enjoying it.

Blair couldn’t shake the notion that he was pushing a little too hard, but the thought of regular steak lunches was tempting. She calculated the cost of each meal in her mind; if she was getting a steak every day, that was… a lot of money.

For a moment, Marco’s confident grin faltered, replaced by a flicker of turmoil that quickly morphed into something deeper. His family was just regular office workers, far removed from the privilege Blair had grown up with. It was the reason he had never pushed hard to pursue her before.

He didn’t respond right away. Instead, he plastered a smile back on his face, but this time it didn’t reach his eyes. The smile with a hidden scheme, taking shape in his mind.

The last bell rang and Blair hurried, packing her things, eager to escape the suffocating confinement of the campus. But as she stepped outside, a group of men, all from different departments, were standing near the exit.

Blair’s brow furrowed. She recognized a few of them from class, but they had never spoken to her before.

“Blair, hey!” One guy took a step forward, a confident smirk plastered across his face. He was tall, with neatly styled hair and an arrogant air. “I was wondering if you’d like to grab coffee sometime? Maybe this weekend?”

Before Blair could respond, another guy chimed in, cutting off the first. “Actually, I was thinking the same thing! I know this great place downtown. It’s got the best pastries.”

She blinked in confusion; her gaze darting between the group of eager faces. They were hounding her with attempts to hang out or grab meals.

“Thanks, but I’m busy.” Despite her attempt to decline politely, they didn’t seem to pick up on her cues.

One guy stepped closer, practically blocking her path. “C’mon Blair. You’re always so focused on your studies. You should take a break and have some fun.”

Blair felt uncomfortable. She had never encountered a situation like this before. Normally, people kept their distance, either respectful or intimidated by her, but now it felt off the way they were acting. Were they interested in her, or was it because of her sudden availability after Ezra’s engagement?

“I’ll think about it,” Blair said hastily, trying to step around them again. She attempted to squeeze past the growing circle of guys, who seemed more determined to keep her there than let her go.

“Come on, Blair. Don’t be like that. We’re just trying to have a little fun.” His voice was low and smooth, as if trying to coax her into staying.

She could feel her heart racing. Her throat felt parched, stifling the words she wanted to say. As time went on, her unease intensified and transformed into fear.

Right when her panic was about to overwhelm her, a familiar voice cut through the tension like a sharp blade.

“Blair!” Spencer’s voice echoed across the courtyard, cutting through the crowd with startling clarity.

Blair turned, her eyes widening in disbelief. There were very few moments in her life when she would have ever felt relieved to hear him, but this was one of them.

Spencer strode over, his usual laid-back swagger barely masking the sharpness in his eyes. “There you are!” he said, his voice laced with mock camaraderie. He ignored the guys surrounding her and walked right up to her, standing close enough.

“I’ve been looking for you. You should watch out for tomorrow’s results,” Spencer said, his grin widening, “because I’m pretty sure I did better on that exam, and you’re going to cry when you see how I beat you.”

The exam Blair and Spencer had just completed was more than just an ordinary test. It was a highly competitive selection process for the prestigious International Medical Conference. For students, being chosen to present research or findings at the conference was a monumental achievement.

The selected students for the International Medical Conference received a full-time scholarship from the organization that covered their tuition fees and provided a generous monthly living allowance, allowing them to fully dedicate themselves to their academic and professional development without worrying about financial constraints.

Blair blinked, momentarily stunned, but Spencer’s playful tone and teasing jab cut through her fear. She latched onto his words like a lifeline.

“In your dreams,” she replied, her voice shaky but determined as she fell into their usual banter. “You could beat me if you had the answer sheet.”

Spencer smirked confidently. “Let’s see tomorrow, then.”

Blair finally exhaled as the boys who had encircled her gradually departed.

“Thanks.” Her voice was calmer now. “I… I didn’t know how to get out of that.”

Spencer’s gaze flicked to her. “Why do you think those guys started wooing you with nets?”

Blair bit her lip in a guilty expression, slowing her steps. “Maybe they heard I accepted Marco’s steak offer and thought they could lure me in with a literal honey trap?”

Spencer raised an eyebrow as he thought. So, she’s listening to the rumors, huh?

As they reached the entrance of the library, Spencer paused, glancing over his shoulder at her. “Treat me to steak tomorrow if you lose our bet!”

The next day, Blair stood in front of the bulletin board, her heart pounding as a crowd of students gathered around, every student craning their necks to glimpse the list. Today wasn’t just about grades for Blair; it was about her future.

She pushed her way forward, her eyes scanning the list, heart hammering in her chest as she searched for her name.

Her finger moved down the list once… twice…


She blinked, her vision blurring as she rechecked the names. Her heart seemed to sink lower with every passing second.

Blair held her breath as she read the bulletin again and again with her eyes, but no Blair Wilson written on there. She had worked too hard for this, poured everything into it. How could she not be on the list?

Her legs running of their own accord. Her vision clouded as hot tears stung her eyes, and she didn’t care where she was going.

Blair’s mind kept replaying the bulletin image without her name over and over. Before she knew it was standing on some unfamiliar corner of the campus. She sat down on a nearby bench, clutching her face in her hands as the tears steamed down. She sobbed, feeling more lost than ever from the unfairness she experienced.

Her confidence, her hope, obliterated in a matter of moments.

Suddenly, the sound of shouting pulled her from her sorrow. Blair wiped at her eyes, blinking through her tears as she looked up. A crowd had gathered nearby, and within the commotion, she spotted two figures grappling with each other.

It only took her a second to recognize Ezra and one of his classmates from the business administration department, Mike. They were engaged in a heated fight, throwing fists as other students tried to intervene.

Ezra looked furious, his face twisted with rage, as he fought and landed another punch on Mike’s face.

Blair’s heart raced, confusion swirling in her mind. What was Ezra doing? He wasn’t usually one to act out like this.

As she stepped closer, a shrill voice cut through the chaos.

“Ezra!” Samantha screamed, panic and disbelief etched into her face as she rushed toward them. “What’s gotten into you? Why are you acting like this suddenly?”

Blair stopped in her tracks, her breath catching in her throat.

Ezra didn’t stop, didn’t even flinch at Samantha’s cries. He swung another fist at Mike before finally stepping back, his chest heaving as he glared down at his opponent.

Finally, Ezra turned toward Samantha, his voice cold and biting. His usually calm and composed expression was gone, replaced by a fierce, unyielding look that sent a chill through the crowd. His blue eyes were sharp and icy, radiating a ruthless determination.

At that moment, Ezra looked every bit as dangerous as he was captivating. His tall, athletic frame loomed over Mike, his fists still clenched, knuckles bruised from the punches he had thrown.

“Is it wrong for me to defend my fiancé?”

Ezra’s voice sounded as if daring anyone to challenge him. There was no hesitation, no softness left in him. But as he looked past the crowd, his eyes landed on Blair. She stood frozen a few feet away, her face pale, her body rigid. Her wide, tear-filled eyes locked on Samantha, who was clutching his arm desperately, her soft hands resting on the man Blair had loved for so long.

Samantha’s fingers tightened around Ezra’s biceps, trying to pull him back from the chaos.

Blair’s heart cracked, the pain intensifying with each heartbeat. She had never seen Ezra like this before. He was always so composed, so careful with his words and actions. The only time she had seen his temper flare was when she pestered him about their future together, about clinging to him like a leech.

But now... now, he was different as he defended someone else with a passion she had never been the recipient of. The rage in his eyes, the protective way he stood between Samantha and the world, was killing her.

Blair’s tears brimmed and fell silently down her cheeks as she took in the scene before her. The man she had loved, the one she had always believed to be hers, was standing there, defending another woman as if she were the most precious thing in the world.

Her thoughts spiraled, her emotions crashing like waves as she ran.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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