The Divine Anime System

Chapter 88. Elaine

Rei was soon woken up by Jenna calling for him.

"Hey Rei, they've finished their training. Are you going to help Merlin now." Jenna said.

Rei opened his eyes as he got up.

"Sure." He said simply as he got up.

Soon Rei saw the statue of Merlin and started to examine it.

"Hmm, it's just a high level seal. Nothing I can't undo." Rei said causing Merlin to watch in curiosity.

Pointing a finger upwards, a magic circle appeared above the statue as the petrified parts start to flake off.

"Hou~ you knowledge in seals have surpassed mine now." Merlin smiled proudly.

Rei chuckled slightly.

"It's all thanks to you Merlin, if you didn't teach me the basics I would be lost." Rei said as her hologram disappeared and his eyes fluttered open on her body.

Rei hugged her before she fell onto the floor.

"Ara." Merlin said as he hugged Rei back.

"Sorry I didn't huge you early Merlin. I would have fell through your hologram." Rei said to which Merlin only laughed slightly.

"It's fine, you're making up for it now arn't you Rei chan." She said as they separated.

"Right, are we going to look for Ban nii san now?" Rei said.

"Not yet, we haven't got a clue where he is yet but we might know where Diane is." Merlin said as they went back to the group.

"I should be able to break Gowthers spell on Diane nee san once we find her." Rei said.

"Say Rei chan, so I heard that you escaped the demon king in purgatory. Can you tell me in detail?" Merlin asked.

"Hmm, only for you Merlin. Keep it a secret ok?" Rei said as he smiled.

"Of course." Merlin responded.

"So it started with me arriving, the overgrown prick wanted me to be his successor instead of dad so I refused and held off against him erasing my emotions and changing my mind set. So a few centuries went by and the overgrown prick wanted to try my cooking." Rei started to talk about his time in purgatory whilst Merlin listened patiently.

".....So when he tried to eat the food, I had one of my strongest weapons to restrain him giving me enough time to jump down the gate and landed here." Rei said as he finished his story.

"So what's this strongest weapon you have that managed to retrain the demon king?" Merlin asked interested about what Rei said about his weapon.

Summoning Enkidu, Merlin saw a spiral on golden chains appear around Rei.

"This is Enkidu, the chains of heaven. The stronger someone is or closer to god. The tighter the chains bind them and seal away their power. So for someone like the demon king this is their worst enemy." Rei said showing Merlin the chains.

"Rei chan, be careful ok? You never know if someone of the goddess clan will find out and kill you because of these chains." Merlin warned causing Rei to smile widely as Merlin didn't forget to remained him of the dangers.

Rei retracted Enkidu as they were about to reach the rest of the group.

"Yo Merlin, you got your body back." Meliodas called out.

"Yes captain, it's thanks to Rei chan over here." Merlin said pointing to Rei.

King suddenly perked up as he muttered.


He was about to fly off when Rei grabbed hold of him.

"Let me go Rei." King as frowning slightly.

"King nii san, I'll come with you. I'll be able to teleport you over there and help in case a commandment shows up." Rei said as King paused.

"Merlin, dad. You two go look for Escanor nii san and I'll go help King nii san." Rei said as Meliodas just smiled.

"Be careful out there." Merlin said.

Rei nodded as he walked out with King.

"So King nii san can you tell me roughly where to go?" Rei said as King nodded. Pointing to the direction, Rei held onto King's shoulder as he started to teleport them towards the location.

Rei stopped once they reached the fairy kings forest.

King looked around nervously but he couldn't find her.

"Gerheade! Where is Elaine!" King called out is slight panic. Gerheade only pointed to a direction before King flew off leaving Rei looking over to the direction where he flew off before looking at Gerheade.

She was a fairy with a long yellow dress that covers her legs and a green hat that covers an eye.

"You're brother is Gloxinia right." Rei said shocking her as she went on guard.

"How did you know?" She said frowning.

Rei only shrugged.

"So do you know that he is still alive?" Rei said shocking her.

"Impossible!" She cried out as she tried to use nature magic against him but shocked to see the trees refuse to attack him.

"It's not impossible. He was forced to become one of the commandments and he should be showing up soon." Rei said sitting down on a make shift chair he made using magic.

"How can I trust you." She said in caution.

"You can't, I'm just telling you this because if any of my current family was missing but alive. I would want to see them again." Rei said simply as he felt pity for the pair of brother and sister, especially since he knew of Gloxinia's ending.

Gerheade frowned in deep thought.

Rei only shrugged as he told her what he wanted to say and stood up. He was about to teleport away when Gerheade called out once more.

"Take me with you to find my brother please." She said looking at Rei.

"Sure." Rei nodded as he held her shoulder and teleported over to where Ban and Elaine is right now.

Rei looked around and saw that Escanor just woken up and fighting Galand with Melascula watching.

Galand and Melascula paused in slight fear when they saw Rei appear.

"Yo~ Escanor nii san. Need a hand?" Rei asked and he grinned widely.

"Rei, I can deal with this easily." Escanor said pridefully as he looked down on the two demons.

"Sure, I'll talk to Ban nii san in the back." Rei said as he took Gerheade with him. Galand and Melascule looked at Rei as they considered the options on running. But Escanor won't give them that chance.

Walking through the vault, Rei saw Ban, Jericho and Elaine huddled in a corner.

"You look like you've seen better days, Ban nii san." Rei grinned as he sat down on a table and crossed his legs. Gerheade sat silently unable to see Elaine in the eyes due to the fact that she stabbed her lover through the chest.

"So you're finally back kiddo. Took ya long enough." Ban said weakly.

"Yeah, say is this sister in law?" Rei asked lifting an eyebrow.

"Yep, kiddo meet Elaine and Elaine meet kiddo. Vampire, immortal, nibbled on my neck when he was a kid." Ban said grinning.

Rei quickly created a small pebble with magic and flicked it through Ban's skull shocking Jericho.

"Fuck off with that." Rei said watching Ban regenerate.

Ban only shrugged before he laughed slightly.

"So you know sister in law is going to disappear right after we kill the demons right." Rei said as he looked at Ban who seemed conflicted.

"I know..." He said slowly with a sign.

"So Ban nii san, if Elaine nee san were to get a sustainable body, immortal like yours. Would you want it?" Rei asked.

Ban widened his eye's before he nodded.

"Well you in luck. I can make her a vampire body with my bloodline so she is immortal. As a plus the nibbling rights on the neck belongs to her new body." Rei said whilst grinning shocking everyone present.

"How do you know how to create a body?" Ban asked.

"I've done it before once." Rei smiled.

"Who was it for?" Ban asked curious.

"Someone called Eve." Rei smiled as he replied on instinct even though he can't remember much about Eve.

Elaine looked at Rei as she saw a familiar smile. One that she saw often on Ban's face.

"You love her don't you, and you want to see her." Elaine said causing Rei to widen his eyes before smiling wearily.

"I don't know, I don't even remember her face. I just have small instances when I remember the things I did but not detail." Rei said.

Everyone stayed silent for a few seconds in pity for Rei.

"Right enough about that, let's make Elaine nee san a body now shall we?" Rei said as he smiled dispersing the negative mood.

Ban nodded as he tried to stand up.

"Rest for a bit Ban nii san, I'll sort it out." Rei said as he started made a few seals. He was much stronger than the time he made Eve's body for her so it was easy for him this time which is made easier with his control in mana.

Rei looked around and saw that the defensive seals were in place as he summoned out Avalon.

Gesturing Elaine to walk over, Rei applied a seal to her back as a light blue orb appeared.

Ban watched in nervousness as he wanted to see everything.

"Ban nii any suggestions for the body? Older, more bust? Or stay the same?" Rei asked with a shit eating grin.

"Stay the same." Ban said.

Rei made a ok sign with his hand before clasping his palms together as rainbow energy swirled around the sheath and started to form a body, Rei then made a slight cut on his hand as he infused his Alucard bloodline with the body.

Lighting roared out as it attempted to strike down at where Rei stood wanting to stop the process.

"Fuck off!" Rei shouted as he waved his hand easily dispersing the lighting and created a hole in the ceiling.

Stamping down hard, Rei applied the final burst of energy as the grounds cracked with a burst of light shooting to the sky.

Quickly making a large piece of cloth, Rei covered up the body of Elaine before anyone could see.

The light died down, as Elaine's body could be seen wrapped up. Her eye lids fluttered open as she looked around.

"Tada~ now I suggest you get your first feeding now." Rei said pointing over to where Ban is. Elaine nodded as she thanked Rei. She walked over to Ban as he opened up his neck for her. Watching Elaine bite into Ban's neck, Jericho watched with a red face as Elaine started to moan from the pleasure of the first feeding.

Rei grabbed Jericho and Gerheade as he walked out. Turning around, Rei gave Ban a shot eating grin.

"Go for it, I'll make sure no sound comes out." Rei said as he gave Ban a thumbs up and made a silencing seal and vision seal blocking out all sound from the room and no one can see them either. Ban only returned a thumbs up before Rei left with Gerheade and Jericho in tow.

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