The Divine Anime System

Chapter 143. Departure part 2

Rei burst out with an explosion of energy as he awoke from his *dream*.

"What the hell....." He muttered.

'Who were the two women next to me...why was Bai Wu and Eve there?.....They seemed much more powerful than Divine ranks.... That shouldn't be possible?' Rei thought with countless questions in his mind.

Thinking for a few moments, Rei sighed as he decided to think about this another time.

Walking out of the separate space Rei sent out his senses to find where Bai Wu and Xiao Wu were.

Locking on, he teleported besides them.

"Dad." Xiao Wu called out in surprise.

"Un, how was the final round?" Rei asked understanding that it should have finished by now.

Xiao Wu started to explain what had happened as Rei kept an thoughtful expression on his face.

"Hmm, Tang San did well with the uses of his instance. BUT, the rest of you shouldn't always fall back onto Tang San." Rei said turning to the rest of the Shrek's seven devils.

They slightly lowered their heads in shame as they knew he was right.

"From what I've heard, all of you focused most of the plans around Tang San. But you all know that individually, you are all powerful but you cannot use that power properly causing it to be wasted on you." Rei berated with a sigh. It was annoying to him seeing their power being mishandled so much that they had to rely on Tang San to make up for that.

"Hubby, why don't you give them some advice?" Bai Wu asked with a smile.

"Yeah! Dad, why don't you help them out a little. Maybe give them something to assist them too." Xiao Wu asked as she thought inside.

'Dad is going to leave but he has so much useful knowledge, would be a shame if they guys didn't get some benefits from him.' She snickered inwardly with a slightly greedy grin.

But having lived so long, how could Rei not understand what Xiao Wu is thinking?

Smiling slightly, Rei looked at Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, how long do you think, your father, I have lived for?" Rei said with a slightly raised eyebrow.

Xiao Wu blushed in embarrassment at being found out and hid behind Bai Wu which caused her to laugh a little.

"Darling, if you asked your father to give you a country, he would do it instantly." Bai Wu said as Rei nodded slightly to show that he indeed will.

Turning his head back to the Shrek's seven devils, he decided to address Mu Bai's problem first.

"Mu Bai, your problem lies in the fact that your control over your energy is not good enough, it causes you to waste a lot of energy in your attacks which also decreases their power. This should give you training methods on how to increase your energy efficiency and power. They'll be ten stages and each stage would give you a reward." Rei said as he made a seal. The rewards he talked about would be ways to amplify his power in stacks. The first stage would give his power and additional 2% boost, second 4%, Third 10%. Each new level would give a larger increase until the tenth level which would boost his attack power by 250%. In addition to this, Rei had also made duplicates of certain Noble Phantasms as extra rewards from stages 7 onwards. These would help Mu Bai as he would be able to summon them at any moment.

As for the stacking ability, it was what Rei had always used subconsciously as it could be described like an engine warming up before bursting with power.

"Fatty, you're the same as Mu Bai. Lack of energy control and efficiency. But you're also lazy and possess not enough will to get stronger. I am giving you the same thing I did with Mu Bai but this time I'll throw in some extra. You get to be able to temporarily possess the power to create my best dishes for food as well as me curing your phoenix spirit so that you won't be fat."

But before fatty Hong could rejoice, Rei cut him off.

"HOWEVER, if you were to slack off, not only would you become fat again you would also increase in weight the more you slack off and your power will be sealed slowly overtime as you slack off."

"WHAT!! Please, I'm fine with it as it is. I don't need the help." Fatty Hong quickly begged as he didn't want this fire lit behind him.

"Fatty, you should take it. Just think about it, you can always stay handsome, cook godly food and be powerful all at the cost of working slightly harder." Mu Bai suggested as he was surprised at the rewards the tiers gave him. Little did he know, that the 'working slightly harder' would work fatty to the bone. But once he was as powerful as he could be in this world the 'curse' would wear off and he wouldn't need to have this fire lit up behind him anymore.

"Hmm." Fatty scrunched up his face as he thought long and hard.

"Arg! Fine! Isn't it just working a bit harder?! I can do it." He said as Rei sent over the seal.

"As for you Zhu Zhu Qing, you need more power behind your attacks, speed and stamina. Oscar, Ning Rong Rong, you guy's need better efficiency, better power of the support abilities and defensive manoeuvres." Rei called out as he made them seals one by one.

Zhu Zhu Qing would unlock the ability to send the impact of her attacks through the enemies' defences, how to use energy to reinforce and how to use that to increase her speed dramatically. Footwork to reduce stamina expenditure and training techniques to gain stamina.

Oscar and Ning Rong Rong would unlock ways to redirect the attacks launched at them back at the enemy, how to amplify their abilities and how to support each other without the backlash of support taboo caused by a support ability amplifying another support ability.

"Done." Rei said as he finished giving everyone their presents.

"Dad what about brother?" Xiao Wu asked.

"Xiao Wu, I've already gave him my personal technique." Rei said to remind her.

"But that doesn't count." She replied causing Tang San to scratch his cheek with a finger in embarrassment.

"Xiao Wu -"

"Bro shut up." Xiao Wu said before Tang San could continue.

Seeing Xiao Wu stare at him so intently, Rei gave a small chuckle as he sent a seal to Tang San.

"I don't know how much you know about your parents but when you see your father again ask to see your mother and use the seal." Rei said as the seal is something he created to revive Ah Yin.

"Thank you master." Tang San bowed as he knew Rei won't give him something useless.

As Rei turned around to leave with Bai Wu, Xiao Wu grabbed out to the hem of his sleeve.

"Dad...can you make me something to remember you by?" She asked as Rei nodded and aimed his palm to the sky.

With the use of his energy, Rei gathered the surrounding energy in to hand sized crystal which radiated with colours.

Snapping his fingers, he broke off certain parts of the crystal to form a sculpture of Xiao Wu in the middle between him and Bai Wu.

"Would this do?" Rei said as he made it so that the crystal will always form whenever Xiao Wu wanted. The original would be in her soul sea whilst the one outside would be a replica.

Xiao Wu nodded as Rei explained.

Finally, with everything done, Rei walked beside Bai Wu.

A portal opened up in front of them as a figure walked out.

"You done?"

It was the Berserk War God.

"Tch, I am." Rei replied with slight irritation as he was annoyed at how the War God was forcing him.

Nodding at his response, the war god waved his hand and sent bother Rei and Bai Wu into the portal before they could even complain.







In the chamber of the strongest god in the higher realms, the True God Emperor slowly opened his eyes.

"So you've returned once more..... Will the outcome be different from last time or will it still be destruction....."

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