The Damned Demon

Chapter 697 Moving In The Dark

697  Moving In The Dark

The noon sun blazed overhead, casting long shadows through the dense canopy of the forest as the armored truck rumbled down the narrow road.

Inside, the atmosphere was tense despite the glaring sunlight outside. The large truck carried Lenny, Remy, Jim, Amelia, and five heavily armored guards, each seated a few feet apart. The rhythmic hum of the engine was the only sound breaking the thick silence.

Amelia sat quietly, her gaze drifting over to the guards, sizing them up. Two women and three men.

These weren't your typical WHA Hunters—these were private Hunters, veterans for hire, and, in this case, working for Derek. She recognized the type: mercenaries who had honed their skills for profit rather than principle. Four of them were seasoned mid- to high-level A Rankers, but the fifth, the one sitting closest to the door, had the unmistakable aura of a low-level S Ranker.

Her instincts were sharp, and she could feel the weight of their attention—even if they weren't looking directly at her. Derek's doing, she thought with an inward frown.

The leader of the guards, a tall man with dark skin and a thick black beard, stood near the front, lowering his wrist device after checking the surroundings. He appeared to be in his forties, a seasoned warrior with the kind of experience that made him cautious.

"It'll take us about an hour to reach the Bridge Station now that we're on land," He, said, his voice gruff and serious. "Let's stay sharp until we get there."

Lenny clicked his tongue, leaning back with an exaggerated sigh. "Jeez, don't be so tense, Lawrence. With all of us in this truck together, no one in their right mind would dare try anything."

Lawrence, however, didn't budge. "Apologies, Commander. Orders are orders," he said, his tone firm as he turned and walked toward the driver's cabin.

Lenny scoffed, shaking his head as he muttered under his breath, "What a stuck-up bastard."

Amelia remained calm, outwardly composed, but inside, a storm brewed. She had sensed the shift in the air long before they boarded the truck.

Derek had put her on this mission for a reason, and it wasn't just to escort Remy. He was testing her—perhaps even baiting her. If she made one wrong move, everything she and Asher had worked for could unravel. But she had discussed this sudden development with Asher, and though he had initially resisted her plan, he eventually agreed.

Lenny's voice broke her thoughts, his smirk stretching as he looked over at her, "So, you and Rachel are thick as thieves, huh? I've heard a lot about you from her."

Amelia smiled back, keeping her tone light and friendly. "Of course. Rachel's my only friend."

Remy, sitting beside her, raised his brows in surprise. He hadn't expected someone as renowned as Amelia to only have one friend. She seemed larger than life—a Hunter with a reputation that preceded her. Yet, her words painted a different picture, one that made her seem more human.

Lenny's grin widened as he leaned closer, his voice dropping into a more conspiratorial tone, "Well, as her best friend, you should come along and join my guild. We have plenty of 'interesting opportunities' for someone as talented as you, especially a peak A Ranker like yourself. I'm sure Rachel wouldn't mind tagging along either."

Amelia kept her smile, though her stomach churned with disgust at Lenny's leering tone, "I appreciate the offer, Commander, but right now, I'm focused on honing my skills solo. If I ever feel the need for more 'opportunities,' I'll be sure to give you a call."

Lenny gave her a wink, clearly oblivious to her discomfort, "You know where to find me," he chuckled, leaning back in his seat, clearly satisfied with himself.


Meanwhile, deep in the thick forest surrounding the road, four feminine figures stood among the trees, their presence hidden by the dense foliage. The sunlight filtering through the trees did little to reveal their forms as they lay in wait.

Grace stood at the front, her face partially obscured by her red hood, her brown eyes scanning the road in the distance. Beside her, Rebecca shifted slightly, her dark red eyes gleaming from beneath the black mask that covered the lower half of her face. She wore a seductive, black battle-ready armor that hugged her curves, the chilling aura around her betraying her icy powers.

Emiko and Yui, the two shorter figures standing just behind them, were cloaked in dark blue, their silver staffs clutched tightly in their hands. Their black eyes flickered with anticipation and tension as they exchanged glances, the wind lightly stirring around them, controlled by their powers.

"It's almost time," Grace muttered, her voice steady but laced with a hint of anxiousness. She could feel the tension in the air, the weight of what was about to happen pressing down on her, "They'll be here any minute."

Rebecca noticed the slight tremble in Grace's hands as they waited in the thick forest. Her sharp eyes caught how tense Grace's entire body seemed, making her scoff quietly, "I never thought I'd see the day when the great Firestorm Huntress looked as nervous as a rabbit."

Grace, her eyes scanning the approaching truck in the distance, slowly nodded. Without turning, she replied, "Are you saying you wouldn't be worried if someone you care about, like your son, was in the same situation?"

Rebecca's features hardened instantly, her mind flashing with the image of Oberon. Her son, lost in a dangerous world, surrounded by enemies and betrayers. The familiar ache stirred within her chest, a reminder of the peril he had put himself in, and how much of it was beyond her control.

Grace noticed the shift in Rebecca's aura, the tension darkening the demoness's crimson eyes. Grace sighed softly, "That's what I thought. And… if I could have helped you out somehow, I would have. You're helping me try to save my grandson, after all. It's a pity I'm not in your world."

Rebecca blinked, momentarily thrown off by the sincerity in Grace's voice. She hadn't expected such genuine words from her, not with her usual smug attitude. The softness in Grace's eyes unsettled her. Clearing her throat, Rebecca scoffed and tried to reassert her usual demeanor,

"Don't pity me, human," Rebecca said, her tone sharp but lacking its usual venom. "I don't need anyone's help, and I will save my son on my own. Also, don't get this twisted—I'm not doing this for you. My Master is forcing me to help his precious human pets, that's all. Hmph!" She crossed her arms and looked away, as if trying to avoid eye contact.

Just as Rebecca thought she had successfully regained her composure, she felt a gentle touch on her hand. Startled, she looked down to see Yui, her delicate fingers wrapped around her hand, her eyes shining with sincerity.

"Even if that's true, we're happy that you're here with us," Yui said with a bright smile, her genuine kindness breaking through the tension like sunlight through dark clouds.

Emiko stood beside her, nodding slowly, adding a soft, "We really are."

Rebecca's sharp retort died in her throat. She opened her mouth to scold Yui for speaking nonsense, but the warmth in Yui's gaze and the sincerity in Emiko's nod made her falter. She clenched her jaw, stiffly shaking off Yui's hand, though her heart wasn't in it.

"Hmph! Of course, you little humans should be happy that a powerful demon like me is here to make sure you don't get yourselves killed," she muttered, crossing her arms tightly and raising her chin in a haughty manner, though there was a flicker of something softer in her eyes.

Before the conversation could continue, Grace's voice cut through the moment, her tone serious. "Everyone, focus. They're getting close. Master contacted me."

The light conversation quickly dissipated as a heavy silence fell over the group. They all pulled their hoods back over their heads, preparing for the operation to begin.

"I'll go activate the array," Rebecca said, her voice back to its usual sharpness as she swiftly moved away into the shadows.


Inside the truck, the atmosphere grew thick with tension. Remy sat still, his brows furrowed as he felt a strange, subtle shift in the air around the vehicle. It was faint, almost imperceptible, but something didn't feel right.

Jim, sitting across from him, suddenly spoke, his voice heavy with concern. "Something's not right."

Lenny, who had been lounging lazily, suddenly straightened in his seat, his brow furrowing. "My senses are getting muffled outside," he mumbled. "You've got to be kidding me… which demon bastard dares to pull this?"

"I feel it too," Amelia said quietly, her eyes narrowing as she stood up. "It feels like dark mana is surrounding us."

"Yes, but it's strong," Jim added, his expression darkening. "Powerful enough to suppress our senses entirely. This isn't ordinary dark mana. The demons the president warned us about… they're close. Be prepared for anything."

Remy's pulse quickened. He hadn't expected demons to target this truck. But why? There was nothing particularly valuable inside the truck as far as he knew. The fact that he could only see darkness through the windows in the driver's cabin—he couldn't see what was going on outside, and his senses, like the others, were dulled by the oppressive energy swirling around them.

Lawrence's voice cut through the tension as he stepped out from the driver's cabin, his expression grim but composed, "Everyone stay inside. We'll keep moving as long as we can."

Lenny sneered at him. "You think moving forward in the dark is going to save us from an ambush? Really?"

Lawrence remained unfazed by Lenny's arrogance. "This truck is protected by a powerful barrier. If you step outside, you'll feel it—the air is dark and cold. The only reason everything feels normal here is because of the barrier. But don't worry. We have a Radiant Pulse device. One pulse, and we'll disperse the darkness and weaken any demon that's trying to ambush us, even if it's a Soul Devourer or two."

Amelia's heart skipped a beat. Radiant Pulse? She glanced at Lawrence, her expression betraying her worry, "How powerful is the device?" she asked, though she dreaded the answer.

"Powered by a million mana shards," Lawrence said with a confident smile, "More than enough to cripple any demon nearby for nearly a minute. It's more than just protection. It's their death sentence if they still try to attack us."

Amelia's stomach twisted in knots. A pulse powered by that many shards would be devastating, even to a demon as powerful as Rebecca or Grace. It could render them helpless, making it impossible for them to rescue Remy in time. She swallowed hard, trying to keep her anxiety from showing. She could only pray Asher could handle this despite the overwhelming odds.

Ooh :#

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