The Curse of Time (Harry Potter Fanfic)

The smile of Snape

Apparently, there was an accident during Neville’s first flying class, and now he’s in the infirmary with a broken wrist after falling from his broom.

"So, what happened? Did you panic and lose control of your broom?"

"Yeah, I’m not cut out for that."

"Indeed, it’s probably best for you to keep both feet on the ground, even though that’s already a challenge with your clumsiness."

"I’m sorry for wasting your time, big sister."

He looked down sadly as he said that.

"Don’t worry, you’re not a bother. If you were, I would have told you long ago."

He smiled, and then Mary came rushing towards me, keeping an appropriate speed and tone of voice for the infirmary.

"Harry Potter has been selected as the new Seeker for Gryffindor!"

I was surprised because normally, first-years aren’t allowed to join the Quidditch team. The last time something like this happened was a century ago.

"Even if I think about the impartiality of the teachers, I still believe there’s a lot of favoritism."

I remembered seeing a trophy with Harry’s father’s name on it as a Seeker.

"What do you think about this decision?"

I turned to Mary for her response.

"It’s not a problem for me since I won’t be up against him. As long as I’m an excellent Keeper and our Chasers are skilled, we can win, even if Harry catches the Golden Snitch."

There was no panic or fear in her voice, as she knew there wasn’t much she could do about it anyway.

The days passed, and Marie started to become a bit overwhelmed with homework because of the teachers and her Quidditch training. Fortunately, we had the Room of Requirement to help her finish her assignments.

She spends a lot of time there and wants me to be with her because, according to her,

"You give me motivation."

I know that some people can feel good being near the person they love, but those people belong more to fiction than reality.

I also noticed that I often wake up with her in my bed, and that our beds are slowly moving closer together. At this rate, by the end of fourth year, they might have merged into one.

At this time, we had Potions class, and as usual, I was analyzing the recipe to see if I could modify it to make the potion more powerful. Today, I finally managed to find a method to make a healing potion more potent.

The result was that the potion was 10% more effective than normal, and when I explained the procedure to Professor Snape, I thought for a moment I saw a small smile.

"5 points for Ravenclaw, but don’t get cocky for a little feat like that."

And once again, I thanked him inwardly for his advice.

After that, I gave support classes while Marie trained with her team.

Upon arriving, I was surprised to meet Harry and his friend Ron, who also wanted my help with Potions and History class.

Looking at the other students present, there was my brother Neville, who isn’t really bad but still wants to improve in theory and Potions.

After answering their questions and warning them that if they didn’t make any effort in class, I wouldn’t help them, I left to do my homework in the Room of Requirement.

I opened the door and immediately closed it, trying to check if I was in the right place. Obviously, I was, so I reopened the door, and what I saw before me was a 5-meter by 2-meter bath.

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