The Curse of Time (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Sorting ceremony

The teacher took us into a large hall, which is probably the main entrance of the school. There were stairs on the left, and when I tried to see how far they led, I was amazed.

'How many floors does this school have?'

Because looking at it, I could already see five floors, and there were probably even more.

The teacher opened the door in front of us, revealing what must be the famous Great Hall.

We entered, passing between two tables on each side with students grouped by house at each of them.

Looking at the room, I saw the famous enchanted ceiling that showed the sky outside. While most were amazed by it, I was shocked because I knew that creating a ceiling like this requires a lot of magical control, a significant amount of magic itself, and extensive knowledge.

The four founders who created this school were truly miraculous beings.

We were stopped in front of the teacher’s table, and the girl named Katie Bell started to panic again because she thought we would be sorted in front of everyone. So I reassured her again.

A small teacher, who carried himself with a certain elegance in his robe, placed a witch’s hat on a stool. I noticed that all the students were watching it closely.

A tear appeared on the hat, giving the impression that it had eyes and a mouth. Then the hat began to sing, and like with the ceiling, I thought about the power of the four founders.

Apparently his name is the Sorting Hat and the song was simple; it talked about its creation, the role it was given, and how it distributed the students. After its song, a hail of applause erupted from the students and teachers. In my opinion, it’s either very popular, or it sings a new song every year, which would be a huge task to come up with different rhymes all the time.

"When I call your name, you will come forward, I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses"

She took a parchment and began to call out the names. The time it took for each student varied. Some took about ten seconds, while others took more than a minute. After the Sorting Hat made its decision, he announced the house loud enough that everyone could hear. The table of the house that had just received a new student applauded loudly, and finally, the student went to their house's table.

"Katie Bell."

It was Katie’s turn to go to the stool. The Sorting Hat took about forty seconds before announcing,


The Gryffindor table, where the students wore red and gold, erupted in cheers to welcome her.

"Cho Chang."

It was the turn of the Asian girl with whom I was in the boat. It took no more than ten seconds before,


There was applause, although more calm and reserved than that of the Gryffindors, as Cho went to the Ravenclaw table, where the students wore blue and bronze.

Many students passed, and some were sorted into Slytherin, with its green and silver colors, or into Hufflepuff, which is often underestimated and whose colors are yellow and black.

Finally, it was my turn.

"Evelyn Longbottom."

Some students who already knew my identity, most of whom were from Ravenclaw, paid much more attention to the Sorting Hat’s choice.

When the teacher placed the Sorting Hat on my head, it was so large that it blocked my view.

"Let’s see… I sense a huge desire to learn and also an ambition to uncover the origins of magic, even if it means studying dark magic. Very interesting."

I was a little shocked because, with all my thoughts at once, the Sorting Hat should have had a headache at least.

"Headmaster Dumbledore has put a spell on me to process information faster. At first, I didn’t understand why he did it, but now I know it was for you. As for the choice, even though I’m still hesitating a little, I think you’d be better off in RAVENCLAW."

After saying that, the teacher took the Sorting Hat off my head, and I saw the Ravenclaw table clapping loudly, as they knew it was the best choice for me to be placed in this house.

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