The Curse of Time (Harry Potter Fanfic)

End of the first year

"Wow, how many more secrets does this school have?"

"A lot, in my opinion. According to the history of Hogwarts, Salazar Slytherin supposedly created a chamber that only his heir could open."

"Is that real?"

" 50 years ago, this Chamber of Secrets was opened. I don’t know exactly what happened, but as long as it doesn’t open during our time at school, I’m happy."

I showed and explained what the Room of Requirement was to Marie, who, as usual, was impressed by the magic.

I explained that we would go there to relax but also to work, so we wouldn’t be as overworked.


Months passed without anything notable happening. I forced the Slytherins to attend my support classes with the others, and I warned the other houses that I had Dumbledore’s authority to take points from their houses if their behavior towards the Slytherins was inappropriate. This rule also applied to the Slytherins because my support classes were for better understanding, not for competition.

Soon, it was Christmas break, and I decided to stay at school with Marie. I stayed at the school instead of going home because I could spend more time doing research without being interrupted to give support classes.

The Great Hall was decorated with 12 Christmas trees, which was beautiful. I almost wanted to paint the scene if I knew how to paint.

On Christmas Day, I received some books from my family, and the research group I had supervised in South America sent me a notebook with all their recorded discoveries.

I received a beautiful scarf from Marie, and I gave her a pair of gloves in return. I received a book from Hagrid about magical creatures that interest him, which are, of course, very dangerous creatures.

The Christmas meal was delicious, with a touch of magic. Marie, as usual, was impressed by all the Muggle Christmas objects that had been adapted into magical versions.

After the holidays, classes resumed, which was quite difficult for many students. The fifth and seventh years were already preparing for their exams, feeling understandably stressed since those exams could determine their future careers.

Time passed again. (Author’s note: This is how a year at Hogwarts should be spent, without a major incident every year.)

During Easter, I decided to go home and brought Marie with me, with her parents’ permission. I think it was the best holiday she ever had. She got to experience the lifestyle of a normal wizarding family.

After the holidays, it was exam period, and I had to inform everyone when I would be able to help them since I also had exams to take. All the theory-based exams were not a problem, but the ones that stressed me out the most were those where practical skills were tested more than theory.

I spent my time studying with Marie, helping her, and she helped me when I had difficulties with the practical aspects of the spells.

I didn’t go to Professor Snape to present hypotheses, knowing that he wouldn’t answer since I had exams to study for. However, I took the opportunity to visit him if I had a question about increasing my understanding of a potion's effects and limitations.

I also visited the other professors for a deeper understanding of the subjects. Although I would ask them questions as a support teacher, it was less thorough than with Professor Snape.

During the exam, I took my time to answer the questions thoroughly and added some bonus details.

The practical part of the exams was easier than I had expected, especially after receiving help from Marie.

In the end, we passed our exams with perfect scores, and with the bonus points, I broke the record for the highest grades in each subject.

A few days later, it was the end-of-year banquet, and the Great Hall was decorated with our house banners.

The final result was that Ravenclaw had over a hundred points more than the other houses, which was a record.

Most of the house points were earned by me and Marie, and we were celebrated as heroes.

Author note: The end of this first year is a bit too fast but I didn’t have enough topic to make a full chapter so I decided that if I had ideas, I would put them for the next years.

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