The Curse of Time (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Consequence of the tragedy

The incident involving Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom and their little girl spread across the country within half a day. It was so shocking that the public immediately demanded life sentences in Azkaban.

The couple regained consciousness at St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries a few days later, but tragically, they had lost their minds completely and couldn’t even recognize their close family.

Their daughter remained unconscious, her body continuing to age and rejuvenate randomly. Some doctors feared she might die from this strange condition when she appeared as an 80-year-old.

The four accused—Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan Lestrange, along with Bartemius Crouch Jr.—had a swift trial where their crimes were reported. They were convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban.

Some people doubted that Crouch Jr. was guilty, but his father didn’t hesitate and condemned him as well.

His reputation took such a hit that there was little hope of him becoming Minister of Magic.

The couple's second child -Neville- was placed in the care of his grandmother, Augusta Longbottom, Frank’s mother. Being only one year old, the child couldn’t understand what was happening and thought it was just another visit to his grandmother, even if it was a bit longer than usual.

Every day, Augusta visited her son and daughter-in-law, hoping for a miracle that would restore their minds. She also visited her granddaughter, though she was less worried about her since she was just in a coma, even if it was a particularly long one.

Due to her fluctuating age, they couldn’t dress her in a proper outfit because, as soon as they finished putting it on, she might change age, making the clothes no longer fit.

Eventually, after a few months, the little girl woke up but experienced such intense head pain that she screamed and fainted.

The doctors rushed into her room, but there was nothing they could do once she had passed out. The same situation repeated a few times before they assigned someone to stay with her and attempt to cast a calming spell.

The next time she woke up, they immediately cast a spell that managed to prevent her from slipping back into a coma, but she still had a massive headache, holding her head as if it were about to explode.

The doctors immediately examined her condition but found nothing abnormal. When the girl tried to speak, her words were incomprehensible, as if she were speaking ten different conversations at once.

A year passed, during which time she began to change her age less and less until she finally settled at the age of a 10-year-old girl.

With much effort, they managed to understand what was happening; apparently, she had several parallel thoughts of different mental ages.

She quickly tried to control her age changes because each time she changed age, a new parallel thought corresponding to the age she transformed into was created. But the side effect was that with all these parallel thoughts, it created a real mess in her head.

This ability allowed her to better understand the world and gain a wisdom that only someone who had lived a long life could possess.

When the doctors conducted tests, in spite of her being two years old a year ago, she can solve problems that were even difficult for an adult.

When she saw the condition of her parents, she felt guilty because she had been the hostage, and if she hadn't been there, they might not be in this state.

"Frank and Alice wouldn’t want you to suffer because of their condition. After all, they did their job as parents by protecting you, Evelyn."

"I know, but it’s easier said than done. If I didn’t have this understanding, I might feel less guilty, but I understand their condition, and I know there’s very little hope that they will return to how they were before."

To drown her sorrows, she asked for books to learn more. Because even though she is much more intelligent for her actual age, she only has the intelligence she had before the tragedy and what she has learned since waking up.

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