The Criswell's Curse

Chapter 12: Past Mistakes

“Duke Wharton, it is a pleasure to meet you.” I bowed after entering my father-in-law’s study room. Once he saw me, a wide smile appeared on his lips, pulling some wrinkles from the bottom part of his face upwards.

“Lady Ophelia, please, have a seat.”

His polite manner clearly matched his outer appearance. Long yet sharp brown eyes, held by slight dark circles, contrasted his light gray hair that fell straight from his scalp; a clean beard, a tad lighter than his head, rested on the bottom half of his face. And his pale skin showed off the great gift of aging, an extensive set of wrinkles that made him look wiser yet kinder.

“Thank you for your hospitality, Your Grace.” My body sat on the comfortable cushion, causing it to sink with my weight. A butler placed a tea set on the table before grabbing a kettle, slowly dripping its liquid onto the handmade porcelain cups. A pleasant aroma of lemon verbena tea soon filled the room.

“Please, call me Father. We will soon be family, after all.” His words made an unknown restlessness disappear from my soul. The Duke was still the kind-hearted man I used to know, the only one who ever cared for me and did his utmost to ensure my happiness in such a terrifying place.

“In that case, thank you for having me, Father.” I replied, followed by a soft head bob. His tired eyes curved downwards, contrasting the crescent moon drawn on his rather dry lips.

In a rather desolate tone, he continued the conversation. “Terrel is currently in the palace. I’m afraid you won’t be able to get acquainted so soon.” His hand signaled me to try the tea he had so carefully prepared. “He will be back in a month, but in the meantime, feel free to do whatever you wish. If you need anything, ask John.”

I glanced at the head butler, who quickly bowed down his torso. Even though he was rather young, Edgar Wharton clearly trusted him.

“Thank you.” My hands placed down the cup on the table, feeling the Duke’s powerful gaze on me. “Is there anything you wish to ask me, Father?”

The man was clearly debating with himself, not knowing if he should seek answers or remain quiet. “What happened to your cheek?” He finally asked, after some minutes of silence.

“I fell.” His eyebrows furrowed down, drawing a straight line on them. Of course, he didn’t believe my words; he’d be a fool if he did but, even though doubt roamed his mind, he did not inquire any further.

As the Duke’s butlers escorted me to my chambers, several thoughts settled on my mind.

Neither members of my so-called family came to set me off. Not even the servants who were obliged dared to show their faces. Hypocrisy rooted so deeply into their hearts that even their minds fogged with sin. But such scenario had not fostered disappointment as it was to be expected from such individuals.

A strong hint of annoyance gradually rang repeatedly within me. Why was Terrel in the palace?

That would only put my goals to a halt, delaying my well-deserved peace for God knows how long. Feeling the gaze of others, my roaring emotions settled like a lake amid Blistering, calm and graceful, unable to be disturbed by any currents or winds.

My chambers were far different from the ones they’d previously assigned me, being far more luxurious and majestic. Tall pearly white walls and a bright wooden floor spread across my gaze, glimmering with every ray of sun coming from the large windows. The light pink bedsheets were carefully hand sewn, just like the slightly darker magenta carpet which appeared to be made of a dyed animal’s fur.

In complete harmony, the maids standing on the right side of the room bowed down their heads, torsos leaned forward as a way of paying their respects. “Welcome, milady.”

“These will be your servants from now on, milady. Your handmaids will arrive with your personal belongings tomorrow afternoon.” The butler said quietly before his arm extended towards a warm pink couch, clearly brand new. “His Grace has sent these gifts. I hope they are to your liking.”

A large stack of boxes, all wrapped and piled up, stood on top of the couch, partially hiding its beauty. The bigger ones, however, sat on the ground, rising to almost my full height.

“Thank you.” At my words, the butler bobbed his head before turning and leaving.

My attention then shifted towards the gifts I had received. As my fingers slowly unwrapped each box carefully, my soul became bewildered by their contents – beautiful dresses, expensive jewels and even a mixture of decorative furniture rested within the cardboard vessels. Surely, Edgar had always cherished me, but this was the first-time grand gifts such as these had been delivered at my doorstep.

“Is she really a noble...?” Once I heard a maid speak, my body stiffened. Becoming too engraved on such unknown situation, my mind completely forgot where it laid, in the middle of a lion’s den, an uncharted territory with untamed animals.

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