The Crimson Throne - A Grimdark Tale

Chapter 42: Closing

"I…you…" The girl's entire body trembled, staggering backward. Her mouth quivered, unable to form coherent words.

Elaine stalked forward, going in for the kill. "Lady Marine, your dress tonight is beautiful. It is the latest style?" She touched the fabric. "I heard your father made quite a fortune from his textile trade with our dukedom. I wonder what would happen if we cut off his largest source of income?"

The young girl tripped on her heels and fell to the ground, but no one intervened. Instead, her friends stood nearby, merging with the masses, and a mixture of shocked and terrified expressions covered their countenances.

Elaine crouched down, grabbed the girl's ginger hair, and yanked it back, ignoring her shrieks and tears. She then rested a hand on the girl's neck and leaned close to her ear, whispering. "Next time, speak again without thinking, and your head might not remain intact." Afterward, Elaine released the crying girl and stood up, dusting her dress while glancing at the surrounding nobles, her silver eyes like daggers. "Does anyone else has other comments to add?"

The aristocrats' faces turned away, avoiding her glacial gaze. Lady Estella was no saint, and neither was her father. Some might even consider him the devil incarnated. If one displeased the Duke of Geris, he would destroy all aspects of that person's life. Rumors circulated that some of the fallen noble houses were his accomplishments.

She waited for a few minutes, but no one spoke. Elaine nodded, then pointed at the young girl's friends. "You three over there, take that impudent girl away and don't let me see her the rest of the night."

"Y, yes, Lady Estella. For, forgive us." They bobbed their head like chickens and dragged the disheveled girl out of sight.

"My apologies for the minor commotion I caused, but being a suitable host sometimes required me to deal with the troublemakers." Elaine addressed the crowd, her eyes softening. "Please return to your activities and do not let this incident spoil the rest of your evening."

The nobles nodded, and a few spoke pleasantries, giving her artificial praises. Then all returned to their previous discussions, proceeding to erase the episode from their recent memories.

Hopefully, that was a strong enough example to deter others. Elaine exhaled in her mind. She already had enough on her plate without some jealous girls spreading false gossip about her. For the remaining time, not wanting to attract further trouble, Elaine selected a secluded spot to continue her observation.

A few hours later, the night blanket gradually receded, tucking away the moons and stars while the sun peeked out its giant head beyond the horizon. Finally, the bell tower chimed five consecutive sounds, and it was time to tally the result.

The older aristocrats returned from their hunt with satisfaction filled their expressions. Some even brought back souvenirs, a piece of their prey. Among the returning aristocrats was Lady Marine's father, Count Michel, a stout middle age man with hair the same color as his daughter. However, the delighted look drained from his face when his servant reported the previous night's incident. He gave Elaine a nervous glance, then back to Gerard.

The Duke stepped onto an elevated platform. "Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you all enjoyed last night's event. Though exciting, every good thing must end, and we will now decide on a winner." He signaled Yusef forward. "Those who took part, please place your hand on this stone. It will read your memories and count your kill."

Yusef advanced to the center, holding an oval turquoise stone with both hands. White veins ran through its surface, crackling with magical energy. The participating nobles fell into line and placed their hands on it. Each time, the stone glowed in different hues, with vapors seeping from its veins and transforming into a number. After everyone went through, a servant handed the Duke a piece of paper.

"We got our winner!" Gerard's voice thundered. "Congratulations, Viscount Marius. Ten kills. You have outdone yourself this year."

"I am honored, your Grace." A tall man rose from the crowd and bowed before Gerard. He had hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, combined with a perfectly groomed mustache covering his thin lips.

Elaine recognized the man, especially that insidious smile. She recalled watching him on the screen, employing one of the cruelest killing methods toward his victims. Her eyes drifted down to a small cage his servant carried. Elaine remained doubtful of the species, those tiny jumping black dots inside, thousands, maybe millions. However, she was certain of their deadly attribute. She saw Viscount Marius unleash them during the hunt. Like a plague of locus, they swarmed the forest ground and overwhelmed his prey. Once one of them crawled onto the skin, it was over. Small holes appeared where they touched and spread throughout the body, piercing the flesh. His victims experienced excruciating pains before they died, feeling thousands of carnivorous creatures devouring their way inside, from the skin and muscles to the organs, not sparing even the bones. When the creatures finished their meal and returned to the cage, none of the original person's body parts remained. Only pieces of tattered inmate clothing testified to his existence.

Elaine swallowed, forcing herself to stay calm. Even memories of the scene unnerved her. The Viscount's gaze shifted to her, and he again inclined his body. "Milady, thank you for inviting me to this wonderful event. I am very honored."

She smiled, wearing her good host facade. "No, the honor is all mine, Viscount Marius. Thank you for providing us with an enjoyable show last night."

"It was my pleasure, milady." They exchanged a few more words, then Marius retreated into the crowd.

"Thank you to all those who came and participated in my daughter's coming of age ceremony today. I hope everyone enjoyed their time tonight and wish you all a safe journey home." Gerard again spoke, concluding the event.

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