The Crimson Throne - A Grimdark Tale

Chapter 36: Sport

"This is a barbaric act. How could we do this to other human beings? We need to stop th-" In the background, Elaine heard Celeste's protesting. But someone muffled her voice before she could continue further. If there was a time and place for her caring act, this was not one of them. Criticizing the host at his abode was an unwise choice, especially if that host held immense influence over the empire. Celeste was only a Marquis' daughter, and her absurd naivety could spell disaster for her family. But Elaine digressed. The female protagonist's good-natured stupidity was the least of her problems.

I don't have a choice.

Elaine closed her eyes and sighed in resignation. Gerard failed to inform her about the ceremony because he wanted to force Elaine's hand by not allowing her a chance to refuse. And for better assurance, he even used her servants as bargaining chips. From the beginning, Elaine had no opportunity to escape. He calculated everything, including her reaction. Gerard was the puppeteer, and she was his puppet. No wonder, instead of the Crown Prince, Alexander always considered the Duke of Geris his most significant threat and obstacle.

"I will do it."

"I knew you would come to the right decision, milady." Yusef released her and ordered a servant to step forward. The servant knelt before them, presenting a large wooden box in his hands. Yusef then opened the box, showing a sword inside. "We made this sword from the finest materials with you in mind, milady. It is light to the touch but extremely sharp, allowing you to slice through the flesh with ease." He proudly explained.

Elaine scanned the deadly object, hesitating. Excluding the time she cut Cecil's rope, neither she nor Estella had ever held a sword before. Therefore, she had no physical memory to guide her through this ordeal.

"Do not worry, milady. We will make the process as easy as possible for you." Yusef reassured her.

How can murdering someone be easy? How many people has he killed for him to be this nonchalant?

Elaine immediately laughed at her foolishness. No doubt Yusef slew countless people. He was Gerard's right hand, after all. She glared at the dark-clad man but still grasped the sword. "What do I do next?" Elaine asked.

"Please choose a prisoner." He pointed at the row of chained humans.

I need to pick someone that I could kill with minimal effort. Elaine's skin crawled at her thought. How could she stay so eerily calm and meticulous in such a situation? Was Estella's personality affecting her, or was she slowly changing through living in this world?

"I want that man." Finally, Elaine decided on a scrawny prisoner sandwiched in the middle of the group.

"As you wish, milady." A knight came to the man's location and dragged him forward.

"Pl, pl, please spare me..." A small croaky voice escaped from the faceless man's throat.

"Take off the bag on his face," Gerard ordered.

The knight tore the bag and threw it to the ground, revealing the prisoner's appearance. The man looked about forty to fifty years old, with sunken cheeks and haggard eyes. A few strands of hair left on his balding head scattered chaotically on his shoulders. The man recoiled in fear at the circling spectators, like the prey amidst a pack of wolves.

"We have little time. Bring him over." Gerard again commanded.

Two knights lifted the scrawny man and hauled him toward the manor's courtyard center. They then pinned his head on an elevated platform, exposing his bare neck.

"Although you deserve the severest punishment, today is a special day. Thus, I will allow you an honorable death under my daughter's sword." The Duke addressed the soon to be executed prisoner with eyes of contempt.

Elaine inched closer, sword in hand. Her grip tightened while sweat soaked her palms. Though they buried most of his face on the platform, Elaine could still see his terrified and bloodshot eyes. The man whispered incoherent words, begging for salvation. But Elaine, engulfed by her thundering heartbeats, could distinguish nothing.

"No need to feel hesitant, milady. This trash lured several village girls about your age to his house, promising them steady work, but drugged their drinks. After committing the sins of raping and killing the girls, he carved out their hearts and preserved them as trophies. If we hadn’t caught him, who knows how many more innocent girls would fall victim?" Yusef recounted the man's history. "Think of this as a good deed you are performing."

If he was attempting to make her feel better about killing a man, it backfired. Instead, Yusef's story made Elaine feel even more nauseating than before. She glanced around, except for Celeste and a few others looking horrified, Alexander with the prevailing smile on his face, and Elias remaining expressionless, everyone else all fixated on her with eager anticipation. Elaine closed her eyes, drowning out the surrounding noises, including her thoughts. She then swung the sword, ignoring her churning stomach and throbbing pulse. Her trembling hands slashed down the man's neck, aiming for a swift decapitation.

A paralyzing scream echoed through the surrounding vicinity, shattering the once serene night sky. The disturbed birds flapped their wings, seeking safety from the hellish procession. Dark, warm liquid splattered Elaine's face and white dress, distorting her beautiful appearance into a more sinister visual. She waited a few seconds, but the scream did not cease. Eventually, she mustered the courage to open her eyes, peeking at the aftermath. The horrific scene before Elaine petrified her.

Her sword stayed planted inside the man's neck, but it did not thoroughly chop it off. Instead, the blade remained stuck between the outer flesh and inner muscle, revealing her lack of strength and inexperience in decapitating another human. No matter the quality of the sword, Elaine could never be able to perform the task as expected.

"The tribute is still alive. You need to proceed." Gerard urged, his voice impatient.

Elaine understood his words but could not continue. Her shaking hands still held onto the sword, though her rigid body refused to listen. Again, she took in shallow breaths, but this time, nothing could suppress the stirring anxiety and panic rising within her.

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