The Crimson Throne - A Grimdark Tale

Chapter 34: Social

"Your Highness, it is impolite to stare at others while dancing with your partner." Similar to Estella, Elaine did not care who the Crown Prince fancied but was still required to keep up appearances.

Louis' smile stiffened, and for a few seconds, irritation flashed in his eyes. "Thank you for the valuable advice, Lady Estella. I will remember it from now on." He again regained his composure, and the insincere smile returned.

Elaine did not reply. She knew he found her cantankerous, and her reminders were like the wind to him, in one ear and exiting the other. He would have punished her for disrespect if she were not a duke's daughter, but a lower noble or a commoner.

The music ended, and the crowd applauded. Gerard stepped forward, complimenting them. "You two were magnificent. I am glad my daughter's fiancé is so capable."

"Thank you, your Grace. I do not deserve such a high compliment."

These two are such skilled actors. Elaine thought. Besides the standard court etiquette, every noble understood the Crown Prince and the word capable had little relation to each other. His late-night rendezvous, which often involved women and unsavory places, were well known within the aristocratic circles, resulting in most of his royal responsibilities falling into the Third Prince's lap. Sometimes, it astonished the original Estella how Louis retained his current position. Though his mother, the Queen, held from a lower branch, her familial ties to the Duke of Geris probably helped the Crown Prince maintain the nobles' support more than his political prowess.

Afterward, they all stayed and chatted, but Louis' furtive glances at Celeste did not escape Elaine. "Father, did you not say you wanted to introduce me to the guests?" She asked. "The Crown Prince is an important man with important matters to attend to. We should not hinder him for too long." She did not wish to involve with him any longer than he was with her.

"Yes, how impudent of me. Please forgive this old man's imprudence, your Highness." Gerard did not refute her and played along.

"No, no. It is my fault for not being able to accompany Lady Estella longer." Louis shook his head, expressing regrets. "Please forgive me, milady. I promise to come back as soon as I complete my duties."

"I will wait for you, your Highness." Elaine inclined her head and performed another curtsy.

"That was a great showing of an understanding fiancée." Gerard praised her while they watched the Crown Prince disappear into the crowd.

"Thank you, father." Elaine's eyes traced Louis' steps and saw him among the many suitors vying for Celeste's hand for the next dance. But, of course, they all backed down at the sight of the Crown Prince. She scoffed at his indiscreet display of affection for others in front of his fiancée. No wonder the fool quickly fell into Alexander's traps in the book, despite Estella's hard work to propel him onto the throne.

"Come, let me introduce you to some of our important guests tonight." The Duke turned to his daughter and signaled her to follow him. They made their rounds, conversing with many nobles from the neutral or the Duke faction. Then, he took her to meet a guest she never thought would attend a Croix's sponsored event.

"It would be a lie if I said it did not surprise me to see you here." Gerard laughed.

"Would it? We are old friends, are we not?" Replied a middle-aged man. He had a similar height and build as Gerard, but he was a bit more muscular. The man's short strawberry blonde hair parted to the side, contouring his dignified features, while his crimson eyes illuminated under the radiant diamond chandelier.

"Yes, old friend." The Duke stressed the last two words. He then turned to Elaine. "Though I'm confident you already recognized our esteemed guest, you both haven't had a proper introduction. This fine gentleman is Cornelius Afonso d'Amboise, the current Duke of Lévis."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, your Grace." Elaine inclined her head and curtsied.

Cornelius leaned forward to study Elaine, then chuckled. "You have a lovely and elegant daughter, old friend. Too bad she is not very fortunate, forced to marry an incompetent fool. If I were her, I would rather break the engagement." Though his voice was calm, the lack of respect for the Crown Prince was apparent.

All the surrounding nobles gasped at the Duke of Lévis' comment but did not dare to utter a peep. The man was influential enough to criticize even the Emperor. To him, the measly title of Crown Prince meant little.

"Straightforward as always, I see." Gerard rubbed his chin as the corner of his mouth curled upward.

"Thank you for the invaluable guidance, your Grace. Though I am quite pleased with the current arrangement." Elaine did not lift her head, hiding her smile. The Duke of Lévis seemed like a fascinating person. If they were not enemies, she would like to converse with him more.

I can see where Elias inherited his personality.

"Ha ha ha, I see!" Cornelius thundered laughter spread throughout the enclosed space. "You are an interesting young lady. Oh yes, I have not introduced my heir, have I? He and his subordinate had just returned from a successful expedition. Although I believe you all already met." He signaled the two people standing behind him to step forward.

"It is a pleasure to meet you again, Lady Estella." Elias tilted his body. Unlike his rough military appearance back in the forest, today, he wore a deep blue aristocrat outfit with golden decorations, complimenting his dark, gorgeous features.

"Mr. Ares?" Elaine faked a shocked expression. But, deep inside, their appearance did startle her. The Estella in the book would not meet Elias until two years later at a royal ball. Even then, he never attended her birthday celebrations afterward. Elaine knew her unexpected meeting with him would alter some events' timeline, but she hoped the changes would be minor. She never expected him to emerge on her doorstep a month later.

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