The Crimson Throne - A Grimdark Tale

Chapter 30: Truth and Lies

Elaine lowered her gaze and gripped her dress, replaying the story she had prepared for Gerard inside her head. She had been thinking about the matter since leaving the palace. Of course, she could not tell him the truth. The outcome would be worse than a mere slap. But would he believe her lies? Gerard was no fool. Despite the Croix's central family's history and prominence, he did not maintain an iron grip over all the lower branches by trusting others.


Elaine lifted her head, staring straight into the Duke's eyes. "His Highness wanted to know what I saw on that night."

"What did you see?"

"I told him I did not remember," she admitted. "After hitting my head, I forgot everything from that night."

"How convenient," Gerard mocked.

"Father, you saw my state after the Crown Prince's birthday celebration. I almost could not remember my identity after waking up. How can I remember something fleeting as the Third Prince's rendezvous?" Finally, after many renditions of the current conversation in her mind, Elaine resolved to disclose the facts to Gerard, with a few tweaks and omissions. Fabricating the event would invite the Duke to find faults in her story. But if she only told him the surface truth, he would not know where the holes lay.

"How did the Third Prince respond?" He glowered. His eyes were like a predator stalking its prey, waiting for her slip of the tongue.

"He did not believe me." Cold sweat drenched Elaine's back while she forced herself to remain calm. Dealing with Gerard was more intimidating than Alexander and Elias combined.

"And he allowed you to leave?"

"What other choices does he have? After all, my sole guilt was showing up in the wrong place at the wrong time." She told her first lie and controlled her expression. "Though I suspect he will watch me closely from now on."

The Duke slipped into a pensive silence while Elaine stood motionless, subduing her fidgeting fingers and waiting for his judgment. She was treading on ice. One slight mistake could incite an unwarranted reaction and derail the storyline, not to mention her fate.

"Don't think you can hide information from me." Then, after a long pause, he finally spoke.

"I assure you, father. I only speak the truth." And she did, mostly. Besides, he would have caught her lies if he had known, since his spies would have reported it. Elaine also believed in Alexander's intelligence. Since he was confident enough to force her into an alliance, he would not allow their discussion to reach Gerard's moles.

"This conversation is adequate for now. You may leave. Do not shame me again." Gerard's hand waved for her dismissal.

"What about my guard?"

"I said I would not kill him, but the fact that he failed his responsibilities remains. Hence, I will release him once he has served his punishment." He picked up a pen and started scribing on several pieces of documents.

"But, it was my-"

"Leave before I change my mind." Gerard did not look up, but the authoritative tone in his voice cautioned Elaine from protesting further.

"As you wish, father." She performed another perfunctory curtsy and walked out the double door. Although Elaine abhorred her current helpless state, she understood her position. Unfortunately, the price of going against the Duke was one she could not afford and would only worsen the situation.

Yusef stood outside the door, waiting for Elaine. "Princess, please allow me to escort you back."

She looked at the man in black and nodded, too tired to decline his offer. "Let's go."

"Please follow me, milady." Yusef showed Elaine his commercial smile and led her back to Estella's manor.

A young maid ran toward Elaine when they arrived, holding her hands.

"Welcome back, milady. Are you alright? You looked exhausted. Have you eaten?" Mariam bombarded Elaine with questions.

"Mariam!" The head maid gave Mariam a stern look.

"I, I, I apologize for my rudeness, milady." The young maid sunk to the ground and gave a deep bow.

"It is fine. You may stand up," Elaine chuckled, stretching out her hand. Even though she did not trust her, the klutzy maid was still a breath of fresh air to an otherwise stressful day. After returning to the estate, she was also the first to inquire about Elaine's well-being.

"I, I am unworthy. Thank you, milady." She accepted Elaine's hand and slowly rose. Her ears were the color crimson, embarrassed by her previous conduct.

After some usual formalities, Yusef dismissed himself, and Elaine entered the manor.

"Summon the physician," she ordered after reaching her quarter. Elaine must first recover from her injuries before all else.

"Certainly, milady," the head maid answered, then directed one of her subordinates.

"Leave me. I want to be alone until the physician arrives." She needed some time to gather her thoughts.

"As you wish, milady."

She walked through the double door at the end of her chamber toward the balcony. A gentle autumn breeze greeted Elaine, kissing her hair and bringing sweet scents from the flower garden below, soothing her tense body. When she looked up, the night already blanketed the sky, brightened by the pale and crimson moons, a constant reminder to Elaine that the world she currently resided in was no longer Earth.

She recounted the events since her arrival—most were far from pleasant. Elaine placed her arm on the balcony, resting her chin on her palm. She heaved a sigh, wondering how long she could continue the charade. Elaine inherited Estella's memories, but could not wholly imitate the original. She had made several critical mistakes in a short time, almost costing her life. Though Elaine knew about the future, she could not predict how her interactions with the characters, from villains to heroes, would change the main events. Everyone followed their own agendas, including herself. And the more they clashed, the broader the ripple effect.

Elaine again gazed at the double moonlights, hoping she could survive long enough to return home.

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