The Crimson Throne - A Grimdark Tale

Chapter 134: Journey

Elaine recalled the task she had entrusted to Cecil. It had been a while since his last report to her. Did he unearth additional information? Perhaps she could send Tasha to assist him. No. Elaine rescinded the idea. Though the maid had proved helpful in recent months, she remained Estella's mother's former servant. Elaine did not trust her. Even with Cecil, who demonstrated his loyalty numerous times, there were secrets she could not share.

Elaine sighed and pinched her forehead, again suppressing the affair from her mind. She had many conflicting priorities, but her current focus was the upcoming Léonas Empire's ascension ceremony. Though not mentioned in the book, it was a triggering event with cascading ramifications throughout the storyline. Nickolas' thirst for vengeance would eventually lead him to invade Étoile, plunging the two empires and their neighbors into seas of corpses and destruction. However, she would not live long enough to experience the chaos since the House of Croix would have fallen by the time the invasion happened. Elaine neither wanted to interfere nor stop the event. Her only goal was to weave herself between Gerard's and the new Léonas Emperor's agreement and maneuver the future events to her desired outcomes. Without Estella's father's surveillance and interference, she could use the opportunity to convince the young monarch she was the best candidate among the Duke's children and subordinates to represent the Geris Dukedom in their mutually beneficial relationship. Elaine moved to the writing desk and opened her secret journal. She would need a refresher on Nickolas' related details.

Yet, before she could begin her review, Elaine suddenly remembered another obstacle. She immediately dropped her head, face buried in her palms. How could Elaine forget such a significant hindrance to her plan? The male protagonist, Elias, would also attend the Léonas Empire's ceremony. She groaned and massaged her temples to quell an incoming migraine.

How might she communicate with the Léonas Emperor without rousing suspicion from the male protagonist? Though Elaine could only count their interactions on one hand, she would be foolish to underestimate Elias' intellectual prowess. She did not expect him to volunteer to accompany her on the dangerous journey. Did he figure out her motive?

That's impossible.

It was a far-fetched possibility she immediately rested. No matter how acute the male protagonist's intuition was, he could not have guessed her true intention. Perhaps he wanted to monitor her since she was his enemy's daughter. Elias' presence in Léonas would restrict Elaine's actions. She would need to minimize interaction with him as much as possible and employ more caution when initiating contact with Nickolas. Elaine returned her attention to the secret journal, adding Elias to her mental list of characters to study before the journey.

Another peaceful week passed, and the departure date finally arrived. After careful deliberation, Elaine brought along Mariam instead of Tasha. In terms of ability and usefulness, the scale tilted heavily toward Liviane's former maid. However, Elaine still maintained some reservations regarding her previous employment. Besides, Tasha was more qualified to monitor the manor in her absence. Elaine had separately assigned the head maid and Tasha to surveil one another, keeping everyone and themselves in check.

Choosing Mariam, however, did not mean she fully trusted the clumsy young maid. Elaine had not forgotten the girl's origin. Though she could not find other suspicious aspects besides Mariam's questionable background, Elaine would rather keep her doubts, for she had learned several valuable lessons living as Estella in the past year.

Since many viewed attending the Léonas Empire's ascension event as a noble sacrifice, the Duke organized an elaborate send-off ceremony for Elaine. He invited everyone, even the lower-ranking mistresses. A performance was in session before an attentive audience in the main manor's courtyard. Gerard's countenance oozed with pride as he lauded Elaine's commitment and service to the Empire. After her husband finished his speech, the Duchess hugged Elaine. Her eyes brimming with tears, displaying the motherly affection she rarely showed her daughter in private. Though rolling her eyes at Estella's parents' exaggerated acting, Elaine played along. Her face forced an emotional expression as she promised to return safely.

When it was time to leave, the Duke offered to assist as Elaine boarded the carriage and whispered a caution only within her earshot, "Do not get close to the d'Amboise heir."

The corner of her lips slightly curled. She glanced back at him and replied, "I understand, Father."

Gerard nodded and returned next to Liviane, leaving the door open for Mariam to enter. After the young maid closed the carriage's door, the coachman whipped his horses and steered them outside the estate, heading to Orion. Half an hour later, Elaine's entourage exited the magicians' portal and arrived at the Capital. Because of the event's significance, the Étoile Emperor would provide the elite royal troops to escort her on the journey. Thus, other than Cecil, Elaine only brought five knights from the Geris Dukedom.

Before the Lumière Palace stood a troop of several hundred. Among their ranks were dozens of servants carrying extravagant and exotic gifts from the Étoile Empire to congratulate its strongest ally. Elias rode his steed to the front of the troop, holding his head high and displaying his noble yet mighty stature. Based on the attire, the Emperor seemed to have appointed the male protagonist the envoy's commander. The royal family descended from the palace's entrance and greeted Elaine. Once again, she joined another performative stage.

Her gaze examined the Étoile's monarchs. Most high-profile Castellane family members were present, except for the Crown Prince. So much for the fiancé, Elaine scoffed. The Third Prince stood next to his mother, the High Lady. His lips wore a charming smile, yet the jollity did not reach his eyes. Their gazes locked on each other briefly before shifting in different directions.

'I pray the reason propelling you to substitute for my older brother is worth risking your life for,' Alexander said. His voice lacked the familiar jestful tone.

'I assure you, Your Highness. I do not take unnecessary risks,' she replied.

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