The Crimson Throne - A Grimdark Tale

Chapter 129: Gradual

Elaine engaged in a few more of the harem's affairs in the next several months, weaving herself into the intricacies of the Croix's estate politics. Some were minor incidents of petty jealousy and greed, yet others were more severe, with one or more parties involved becoming deranged or even killed. Each event had little in common with the other except the abstract memories those associated kept afterward. Although Elaine was uncertain about the tumult before her arrival because of the original Estella's lack of interest, the numerous incidents of murders between the mistresses rendered her disturbed. It was as if a storm cloud had descended upon the estate and swept away its dirt and soil, unearthing the deep resentments and buried secrets within everyone. Despite the high body count of women, the Duke never lacked candidates for the vacancies. Those seeking favors with the House of Croix were always willing to offer their daughters as replacements in the Devil's lair—a small sacrifice for the future prosperity of their families.

Who is it? What would the mastermind gain from stirring chaos among Gerard's mistresses? Elaine wondered.

"Milady, I have brought your afternoon tea." A young girl's voice pulled Elaine from her reveries.

She nodded and glanced at the ornate tray filled with tea and sweets. "Thank you, Mariam." Elaine's gaze studied the freckled young maid before her. Despite losing a little weight from several months of harsh manual labor, the girl still retained her bright, cheerful demeanor. "How are you readjusting?" she inquired.

"Everyone has been very kind," Mariam beamed with sincerity in her eyes. "I am extremely grateful to you, milady."

"I am glad to hear you are faring well." Elaine picked up the teacup and took a small sip. After several months, she concluded the Duke was satisfied with the punishment served and reinstated the young maid to her original position. Her gaze then switched to the writing desk and the large stack of documents on its surface.

Gerard kept his word and gradually allowed Elaine to participate in the House of Croix's business contracts. However, most of the transactions associated with her were superficial and had insignificant influences. Many months had passed since Elaine interfered with the Léonas First Prince's affair, and she had not had another fortunate contact. The Duke kept his most crucial dealings under strict secrecy and still refused to involve her. Elaine placed the teacup back on the tray and sighed. Unfortunately, despite Estella's body being his flesh and blood, Gerard's skepticism of others did not diminish with her.

"Milady, are you feeling unwell?" Mariam's worried voice sounded beside Elaine. "Should I summon the physician?"

"No, I am fine." Elaine sprung from the cushioned seat and walked toward the writing desk. After settling down, she told the young maid, "You may leave," and began flipping through the documents.

"As you wish, milady." Though the concern remained on her countenance, Mariam bowed and exited the antechamber.

After several hours of completing the routine paperwork, Elaine noticed a familiar mention. Many events had happened since their explosive encounter, pushing aside her memories of the late Viscount and the House of Marius. However, stumbling on the name again sparked her curiosity. Who inherited the Viscount title? Was it his firstborn son? Elaine perused the document before stopping at an unrecognized name.

The person who currently held Viscount Marius' title was Cedric Ramia de Marius.

Elaine raised a brow and rummaged through her knowledge for the man's information. Similar to the Duke, the late Viscount had several offspring. The sadistic torturer, Kail, was the Lady of House Marius' only son. Many would expect him to inherit his father's title. Yet instead, his relatively unknown younger brother, Cedric, now led the household. Why would the House of Marius' members concur with his ascension? Was there a struggle before the change?

"Lady Estella, please forgive my impudence." A series of polite knocks on the door disrupted Elaine's contemplation.

"What is it?"

"His Grace has summoned you, milady," a servant replied.

"Is that so?" Elaine placed the documents back on the desk's surface and rose. "Send for the carriage," she ordered.

"Yes, milady."

Inside the carriage journeying to the main manor, Elaine speculated on the reasons behind Gerard's summoning. Though they were father and daughter, Elaine rarely saw the Duke. Unless the matters were important, he would convey most of his instructions and commands to her through Yusef.

"What could it be?" she mumbled. Elaine recalled the events of these past few months and could not think of anything notable. Two weeks ago, she had attended the Crown Prince's birthday celebration. However, unlike the original Estella's brass assassination attempt on the Third Prince, Elaine was sociable yet inconspicuous. Estella's fiancé, Louis, was engaged in his habitual debauched behaviors, flirting with any warm-bodied females he encountered, including the highly desirable, starry-eyed female protagonist. Though they were in opposite corners of the chamber, she shared a few undetectable conversations with Alexander. Elaine did not believe Gerard had discovered their secret alliance. The male protagonist, Elias, was commanding another expedition and did not attend the celebration. She assumed the entire night had progressed smoothly.

Is it because of Estella's soon-to-come fifteenth birthday? Would he make me kill another prisoner for the accursed tradition? The mere recollection of Estella's coming-of-age ceremony shuddered Elaine. She would prefer not to celebrate rather than be forced to decapitate another human being. Elaine's hand gripped her chest, calming the accelerated palpitations and taking shallow breaths. Capture in her thoughts, she failed to realize the carriage had stopped before the main manor.

"We have arrived, milady," the coachman notified her.

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