The Corrupted Gamer: Harry Potter

13 Hogwarts Library

Harry looked in through the open door and saw a couple of fifth year students were already at their desks, so it was technically safe to enter. He knocked anyway.

Bathsheba Babbling looked up from her desk to peer at him. She was a slightly harsh looking woman with long dark hair and a sharp nose. Harry instinctively knew that cheek and talking back were not going to be welcome in her presence.

“Yes, what is it?”

“May I bother you for a few moments before your class starts, Professor Babbling?” Harry asked.

The woman gave him an appraising look and waved him into the room. “You were polite to ask.”

Harry walked over to her desk. “I didn't want to just barge in, professor. First impressions and all that.” He said. “I'm Harry. Harry Bones.”

Bathsheba nodded. “What can I do for you?”

“What year do you start using engraving tools for creating basic ward schemes?”

“The very basics are started during fifth year, after a student learns the three main alphabets by heart and can reproduce them on paper.” Bathsheba asked. “Why?”

“I'm very interested in Ancient Runes and...”

“First years are not allowed to study them.” Bathsheba interrupted him. “It takes the first two years of learning in a magic school to let the mind adjust to not only casting magic, it lets them settle into a certain way of thinking that is necessary for the proper execution of the demands an elective course requires.”

Harry stopped talking to think about how to say it right without annoying the woman further. He wanted to see what the class was like without drawing attention to himself.

“You bought the books, didn't you?” Bathsheba asked.

“Not the current edition, because Flourish and Blotts wouldn't sell me any of the higher year books.”

“Second hand, then?” She asked and Harry nodded. “How are they working for you?”

Harry decided to not lie. “Terribly. Even though I've memorized all seven runic languages, I can't buy an engraving kit to try anything.”

Mutters came from the students that had been entering the classroom behind me.

“All seven, even if this course only requires three?” Bathsheba asked.

“I didn't know which languages were most commonly used, so I bought books for everything I could.” Harry admitted. “The problem is, I need to learn to use the engraving kit before any of the books past the basics are any good to me.”

Bathsheba nodded as the bell rang. “They are written specifically that way to stop amateurs from blowing themselves up or their house.”


“No buts, Mister Bones.” Bathsheba said and waved me towards the door. “Your time is up. Please leave.”

“Can I sit in on a class and just watch? I promise to do nothing except sit in the corner.”

“Having you learn by second hand is even worse than teaching someone so young directly.” Bathsheba said and stood to take him by the arm. “You may know the languages and you may know their meanings; but, you do not know their interactions or their explosive potential if carved improperly.” She said and led him to the door and into the hallway. “The imminent danger inherent in a misplaced rune sequence could spell the doom of you and anyone around you.”

“I wouldn't be in danger if you agreed to let me join the third years, considering they are technically first years in your course.”

“You asked to join my fifth years.” Bathsheba said.

“I asked to sit in on a class. You assumed I meant this one.” Harry said and immediately knew it had been a mistake to point out that she was wrong.

“Then I suggest you be more clear in your own wording in the future, Mister Bones.” Bathsheba said with a scowl. “If I hear about you trying to learn engraving on your own, I will have words with the headmaster about young men trying to learn above their station.”

“Above my station?” Harry asked and the woman's face lost the scowl. “My mother is the head of the DMLE. She would be very interested to know that a member of her family is below the station of a teacher.”

Bathsheba let out a sigh. “I apologize for my comment. I misspoke.”

“I don't believe you did and none of your students in the class, especially the Slytherins, believe you did, either.” Harry said and she looked back into the classroom to see everyone staring at her. “You should keep your word and take your concerns about me to the headmaster, considering you just heard about me wanting to learn engraving.”

Bathsheba turned back to face him. “I meant after this.”

“Really? Then I suggest you be more clear in your wording in the future, professor.” Harry parroted her words back at her and she pursed her lips. “Let me be clear. I am going to learn Ancient Runes and you are not going to stop me, despite my station. I came to you and asked politely. I was willing to do anything you wanted me to do to learn. I was even going to offer you money for extra lessons.”

The chattering from inside the classroom picked up at Harry's words.

“All you had to do was listen and keep an open mind. You didn't. You had already made your decision before I even opened my mouth.” Harry said and saw he was right by the look on her face. “That's your fault, not mine. I came to this school to learn and I am going to learn. You have no right to tell me I can't.”

“I am the Ancient Runes teacher.” Bathsheba said.

Harry smiled. “Yes, but you yourself said first years are not allowed to study them. Since you are not my teacher and have no authority over me, you cannot tell me I can't learn it.”

Bathsheba opened her mouth to refute the young man and realized she couldn't. If she agreed to take him on as a student in order to tell him he can't learn, she would be contradicting herself, because he would be her student and she wouldn't be teaching him. If he wasn't her student, then she really had no authority over him.

“I hope you have a good afternoon.” Harry said and walked away. “Say hello to the headmaster for me.”

Quest Partially failed! Discover the teacher for Ancient Runes and somehow talk your way into the classes.
Partial Failure: No access to Ancient Runes classroom, full access to students, must buy study materials at price x2.

Hidden Quest: Earn Bathsheba Babbling's trust, Failed!
Reduced reputation with Bathsheba Babbling. Debuff of 25% to learning Ancient Runes.

Harry went to the school's library and approached the librarian. “Excuse me, Madam Pince.” He said in a whisper. “My name is Harry Bones. I love libraries. I've helped care for two of them while growing up. They've been my refuge, my shelter, and opened my mind to all of the possibilities that are locked between a book's covers.”

Madam Irma Pince initially thought the handsome boy was making fun of her, until he said that last sentence. “It's nice to meet you, Mister Bones.”

Reputation with Irma Pince increased!

“Before I was adopted by my mother, she did a form of magical transportation that shocked me.” Harry said with as much sincerity as he could. “She told me it was called apparition.”

Irma nodded. “Go on.”

“Would you happen to know of a book that describes what I went through? I know I can't have lessons until the end of sixth year or get my license until I'm seventeen.” Harry said and she nodded again. “That's all I know. I would appreciate if you could help me find out as much as possible about it.”

Irma gave him a calculating look for several moments. “It is a very advanced concept to grasp and you are to never attempt implementing it until you have a license.”

“Being squeezed through a straw isn't something I ever want to feel again.” Harry said in a harsh whisper. “It was really weird!”

Acting Skill check passed!

Irma smiled and stood. “Follow me, young man. I know just the book for you.”

“Thank you, Madam Pince.” Harry said and eagerly followed her. The sea of books almost made his eyes water as he desperately tried to dismiss all of the popups that contained the book names and detailed descriptions.

Irma came to a stop and reached up to a high shelf to grab a book.

“This will be my first book from the school's library.” Harry said with reverence to cover up him wiping the tears from his stinging eyes.

Acting Skill check passed!

When Irma looked at Harry's slightly wet face, she felt her heart flutter a bit. “Let's find you a quiet table to read.” She whispered and put a hand on his shoulder to lead him to one of the desks that were barely ever used because it was near her own desk. “No one uses this space.”

“Thank you.” Harry said and sat down. He made a show of drying his hands off and showed them to her, which made Irma like him a little bit more. She handed him the book and went to her own desk to subtly watch him read his first school library book.

Harry flipped the pages very slowly and carefully, even with his Speed Reading nearing the max level. He could almost feel the librarian's eyes on him as he read the book. Thankfully, it wasn't a very long book at barely a hundred pages. He flipped the last page and then carefully closed the book to rest it on the desk as he lightly rubbed the cover.

Bonus Automatic Quest Completed! Learn to apparate on your own.
You have read an extensive book about the method of travel, the procedures to follow to perform it and gain a license, and what to expect if anything goes wrong when you don't concentrate.
Reward: Instantaneous movement from one place to another, 10,000 XP, one free Skill upgrade. Child Bonus x2 XP

You have learned a new Skill! Apparition. You can now teleport instantly to any location you remember or can visualize. Distance travelled is limited by the magic spent.

Harry didn't hesitate when he chose what skill to upgrade.

Basic Ancient Runes (Level 25) has been upgraded to Ancient Runes (Level 25)! For bypassing an intentional flaw in the learning of this skill, you have gained a 50% bonus to learning Ancient Runes.
Level restrictions still in effect. Skill book restrictions still in effect.
Please learn to use an engraver's toolkit to unlock restrictions.

“What did you think?” Irma Pince asked in a soft whisper.

“It was even better than I expected.” Harry whispered back as his Supreme Actor skill activated for Privileged Aristocrat and turned his head to smile at her. “Thank you very much for allowing me the privilege of reading such a great book.”

Irma felt a little warm inside at his sincerity. “You are quite welcome, Mister Bones.”

Harry stood and carried the book over to her. “Please, call me Harry.” He said and handed her the book that was still in pristine condition, despite him reading it. “I intend to spend quite a bit of time here over the next few months and I may rely on your expertise to direct me properly when I need your help.”

Irma felt pleased to be able to do so. “I will do my best.”

“Thank you, Madam.” Harry said and ducked his head slightly. “Do you accept monetary donations or book donations?”

Irma squinted her eyes at him. “Are you trying to bribe me?”

Harry shook his head no. “Both libraries I've worked at accepted donations of money to buy new editions of books and book donations to fill any missing spots in their information or to replace older and more expensive books.”

Irma's face changed to surprise. “Truly? They didn't have to rely on a school's meagre budget?”

Harry shook his head no again. “They had things called 'book drives' and ask students and community members to donate books or money for books. Sometimes they would even bring in some rare books and have a bidding auction in a nearby classroom or storeroom.”

Irma was shocked. She had never thought about doing things like that and they were such great ideas! Of course, as soon as she realized the library would make money doing them, she knew that her budget would be slashed if she had another source of income.

Reputation with Irma Pince increased!

“I'm sorry, Harry. I can't afford to do those things and lose the school's support in exchange.” Irma said.

Harry took her hand and nodded. “If you do up a list of the library's contents, or know of a book or two you would want to have suddenly and mysteriously appear on the shelves without explanation, please let me know.”

Irma looked down at her gently held hand and back at Harry's face. “Are you sure you are not trying to bribe me?”

Harry covered his mouth with his other hand and muffled his laughter. “I apologize if I have overstepped, Madam. The last librarian I worked for... well... she and I had an odd relationship.”

Irma couldn't stop her smile. “Was there a lot of hand holding?”

“And hugs, an occasional kiss, warm loaves of homemade bread, tea and biscuits, and a shared enjoyment of reading as many books as the library could hold.”

Irma's eyes widened at the boy's admission. “Surely, you don't expect me to be like her?”

“No, Madam.” Harry said and let her hand go. “I only expect to build another beneficial relationship with another accomplished librarian over time, as I have twice before.”

Irma nodded. “I look forward to it, Harry.”

“As do I.” Harry said and checked his watch. “I'm going to be late for my meeting with my Head of House. Will you excuse me?”

Irma nodded again.

Harry gave her a little wave as he left the school's library. He felt his acting skill disengage and he wondered why it kept changing automatically. The system didn't respond, so he would need to be more careful about what situations he got himself into. The last thing he needed was to cause another incident like with Madam Hooch.

Harry made his way across the castle and went up to the floor with Flitwick's office on it. He knocked and opened the door like he always did, then stopped as two blue boxes he had never seen before popped up and two he recognized from the month he had stayed with his adoptive family.

“Harry! What the hell is this?” Amelia asked with a raised voice and waved his lengthy letter around.

“I tried to explain.” Susan said with a shrug.

“Hi, Susan. Hi, mum.” Harry said and smiled at them.

“Don't 'hi' me, young man! How can you be engaged?” Amelia asked. “You just started school!”

“We would like to know as well.” A distinct accent from India said.

“Mr. Patil, Mrs. Patil.” Harry said and felt the same acting skill called Privileged Aristocrat activate. “It is an honor to meet an old family of your stature.”

Both the Patils and Amelia looked surprised.

“Harry, what are you doing?” Amelia asked, concern in her voice.

“Formally greeting my future in-laws.” Harry responded. “I did it right, didn't I? I don't want to insult them or their culture by not paying them the proper respect.”

“I told you he was serious about it.” Padma said and her sister Parvati nodded.

“You're eleven!” Amelia exclaimed.

“There's no law against engagements, apparently.” Harry said with a shrug. “Is there a problem?”

“Is there a problem?” Amelia asked and walked across the room and walked back. “You. Are. Eleven.”

“We don't have the physical maturity needed for what you're implying. Not for another three years at least.” Harry said and Amelia sighed. “We don't have to do anything then. That's just when our magically enhanced bodies will be pushing us to mature faster.” He explained. “Honestly, I'm not worried about it.”

“I am!” Amelia shouted.

Harry walked over to her. “Mum.”

Amelia put her arms around him to hug him tightly, like she had every day he had been at the manor.

“Don't worry about me being in a loveless marriage or something. We already care a lot about each other and I already gave her an engagement ring.” Harry said and Padma showed it off. “If we do drift apart later, which I will fight against with my dying breath, we are only engaged. We can't legally get married until we are 16 with your consent and 17 without. That's a minimum of 5 whole years before anything can happen.”

Amelia sighed. “You are severely underestimating the impact that puberty has, Harry.”

“I hope so, because Padma is a strikingly beautiful 11 year old and I can't wait to see what she blossoms into in a few years.” Harry said. “What do you call someone that is beyond beautiful? Spectacular? Gorgeous?”

The sounds Padma and Parvati made put a smile on Harry's face. When he complimented one about their looks, it applied to the other. They were twins, after all.

“I'll figure it out when it's time.” Harry promised.

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