The Corrupted Gamer: Harry Potter

10 Battle of the Beasts

Professor Flitwick was stunned. The elusive and impossible to find famous wizard was right in front of him. “I assume you've been hiding for a reason?”

Harry pointed right at Padma's shocked face. “That's why. Harry Potter as everyone knows him, doesn't exist.”

“What?” Flitwick and Padma said at the same time.

“I've read those books and they are complete fabrications. My real story was published in the paper. The only adventures I've ever been on were to the hospital after a beating and to the library to avoid the bullies.”

Both the professor and student stared at him as he carefully applied the skin again and waved his wand at it to make it settle as if it had never been removed.

“You don't know how frustrating it is that there are no libel laws or copyright laws in the wizarding world. They are using my old name and its fame to make money and I don't get a knut of it.” Harry admitted. “I had my mother look into it for me and there's nothing I can do about it.”

“Wow.” Padma whispered and stepped close to hug him. “I always thought... you know... magically powerful... rich... and you grew up having fun.” She said and let him go. “I'm sorry for not realizing the truth, even though the truth was right there.”

Harry smiled at her. “It's all right. You grew up with those stories, so I can't hate them for giving so many young witches and wizards hope.”

“That is very wise of you.” Flitwick said. “Now what is this about Quirrell being possessed?”

“It's simple, sir. The magic that caused my scar reacted to the being inside Quirrell. I don't know if it recognized him or if my mind is trying to make me fear the danger. In either case, I know that he-who-must-not-be-named is right here in the school.”

Acting skill check passed!

“What should we do?” Padma asked and took Harry's hand.

“Two things.” Flitwick said. “No one must know who Harry Bones used to be.”

“Especially the headmaster.” Harry added and both Flitwick and Padma nodded.

“Second, I will need to make up something to tell Minerva and enlist her help.” Flitwick said. “If Quirrell really is possessed, we will need to contain him and try to exorcise the spirit.”

“What if it's a willing possession?” Harry asked and both Flitwick and Padma gasped. “What is it?”

“If it's willing, then Quirrell is doomed. Even if the spirit leaves, Quirrell's magic entered a contract and his life will be forfeited.” Flitwick responded.

“Is there a way to check?” Harry asked.

“Yes. I ask him.” Flitwick said. “If he lies and says that he wasn't willing, it breaks the contract and he dies. If he says yes, he's dead anyway and when he's disposed of, it ends the contract.”

“How do you deal with a spirit?” Padma asked.

“Since they are incorporeal, only a banishing spell will work, since it pushes everything away and not just physical things.”

“You mean Depulso?” Harry asked and both Padma and Flitwick looked surprised. “I read ahead.”

“How far ahead?” Flitwick asked before Padma could.

“I wasn't allowed to buy the current editions of the books for all seven years at Flourish and Blotts.” Harry said and saw Flitwick relax and Padma look a little sad. “So, I bought all of the previous editions from the secondhand bookstore and read them instead.”

Flitwick made a choking sound and Padma looked very excited and happy.

“I can help if you need it, professor.” Harry said and took out his wand.

Flitwick shook his head. “This is something the professors need to handle. Although, you should return to class. I need to tell my own that I will be delayed and...”

“What spell are you teaching today?” Harry interrupted.

“The Cheering Charm.” Flitwick said and then jerked when Harry performed it perfectly and cast it on Padma. She burst out laughing and held her sides for several seconds until Harry cast the General Counter-spell to end it.

“While you handle Quirrell, I'll start your class for you.” Harry said. “I would rather not be around when you confront him.”

Flitwick nodded and unsealed his office. The three of them went to his classroom and he gave a brief introduction of Harry Bones and his assistant, Padma Patil, then he left at a fast walk.

“How low have the standards of this school become that the professors are allowing a first year to teach third year classes?” A drawling voice asked.

Harry activated his Supreme Actor skill and chose Professor as he pretended to look at Flitwick's desk at the roll call sheet before he turned to look at who had spoken. He managed to dismiss a bunch of blue boxes to read the Slytherin boy's name, Adrian Pucey.

“Fairly low, Mister Pucey. They've allowed you to attend, haven't they?” Harry said with an authoritative voice.

The Griffindors all laughed and some of the Slytherins smiled briefly before they schooled their faces.

Pucey looked murderous. “You'll pay for that.”

“Why? You were the one that gave me the opportunity to insult you after you insulted me first. Shouldn't you make yourself pay for being so arrogant that you think no one is going to insult you back when you give them such a great opening to exploit?” Harry asked.

A lot of the other students nodded, including some of the Slytherins.

“You should behave like a true Slytherin as your classmates are doing. They are calm, composed, and don't spout their opinions so openly. Now everyone will know if anything happens to me because of our playful banter, you are responsible.” Harry said and looked at the pair of redheads with 'excessive pranksters' in their descriptions. “I believe the Weasley Twin Terrors may take exception to it as well.”

Both of them looked quite pleased at the name.

“We don't really need another reason to prank them.” Fred said with a smirk.

“We'll take it anyway. Thanks, Harry.” George said with an identical smirk.

“How often do you practice in a mirror to do that?” Harry asked and they exchanged knowing looks.

“Who needs a mirror?” They said as one and the Griffindors laughed.

Harry marked their names on the sheet without actually taking roll call, because he could tell everyone was here. “Professor Fitwick said he was covering the Cheering Charm today.” He said and several students nodded. “How many of you already know it?”

Six of them put up their hands, including two Slytherins and the Weasley Twins.

“I'm afraid this will be a review class for you, unless you don't know the General Counter-Curse spell.”

“We know it.” Fred said.

“Anyone else?” Harry asked and the other students shook their heads. “Excellent. Fred, George, you're my unofficial helpers. I'll show the general counter-spell first and then show the Cheering Charm before I let everyone practice. You'll be in charge of stopping the charm after five seconds.”

“Sweeet.” Both twins said.

“Try to not abuse my trust, gentlemen. If you behave yourselves, a small monetary reward will be given.” Harry said and stacked five galleons onto the desk and then put five more beside it.

“Us? Gentlemen?” George asked and faked confusion.

“Money, George.” Fred said.

“Right! We're gentlemen for today!” George said and a few people laughed.

“Thank you.” Harry said and stepped up onto the oak desk like Flitwick did. “Can everyone see me?”

That had nearly everyone laughing, even the Slytherins.

“If you open your books to page 68, it details the general Counter-spell.” Harry said and then gave them the theory behind it and showed them what it looked like to cast, then taught them how to do it themselves.

After that, he did the same with the Cheering charm, gave them the page number in the book without having a book, and then had Padma be an example. He used the general counter-spell on her and let Padma cast both spells on him. She had been a quick study and did both, which really urged the class to get it, too. They couldn't let a first year outshine them, not realizing that Harry was also a first year.


Minerva didn't need any convincing. Just the possibility to get that damned garlic smell out of the castle was enough for her to agree to attack and subdue Quirrell. The suspected possession was actually secondary in her thoughts. She hadn't tasted food properly for a week!

She and Flitwick formed a quick strategy to pincer the man on both sides while trying to talk to him, then they would deal with the consequences. To their surprise, the simple tactic worked.

Quirrell had accepted their offer to talk in the hallway and barely a sentence into Flitwick asking about one of his students, he asked if Quirrell was a willing possession. The man barely had 'yes' out of his mouth when Flitwick and Minerva both cast stunning spells and he collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

They removed the man's turban and the half-formed grey face on the back of the man's skull almost made them throw up. Two more stunners to that face ensured he wasn't waking up. Hopefully.

“I'll call the Aurors.” Minerva said and walked with purpose back to her office.

Ten minutes later, they had six Aurors, a Healer, and a figure wearing solid black robes and a blank white mask in the hallway. They checked Quirrell over and then carried him out of the castle, bound in ropes and with a black bag over his head.

“What is going on here?” Albus Dumbledore asked as he arrived at the Entrance Hall.

“We were doing your job for you.” Minerva said and his eyes widened. “How could you not know that one of the professors was being possessed by an evil spirit?”

Albus opened his mouth to respond that he did know, because it was part of his plan. He stopped himself before he blurted that out, though. With no Harry Potter to entice into investigating things, the plan was pretty useless. He hadn't figured out what to do with Quirrell being there without Harry to focus on.

“In any case, the Aurors took him. He's their problem now.” Minerva said. “Your problem is what to do about his classes.”

Albus sighed. Finding teachers was always difficult and it was getting more difficult each year. Finding another one with the year just starting? He might be better off just making it a free study class for everyone except for the fifth and seventh years. They needed to study for their Owls and Newts.

“I need to get back to my class.” Flitwick said.

“As do I.” Minerva said and put a hand on the small man's shoulder as they walked up the main staircase together. “Thank you for bringing it to my attention, Filius. Merlin knows what could have happened if that thing was allowed to stay around here for an entire year.”

Flitwick smiled and nodded. They split up at the top of the stairs and went to their respective classrooms. Flitwick was about to open his door when he froze at the sight of Harry Bones on top of his desk. He felt a bit of outrage at this, then realized Harry had copied his own teaching style by getting the attention of all the students.

In fact, the students were staring at him intensely as he described the Cheering Charm and then he performed it very slowly and perfectly on Padma Patil. He then cast the general counter-spell and let the young woman cast both spells on him, despite just teaching her both.

Flitwick thought it was masterful, because the determined looks on the faces of the students had him convinced that they would all get both spells down by the end of class. He chuckled and conjured a tall chair for himself and sat down to watch the rest of the class through the classroom door's window.


Your Teaching Skill has levelled up! Child Bonus x2 XP
Your Teaching Skill has levelled up! Child Bonus x2 XP
Your Teaching Skill has levelled up! Child Bonus x2 XP
Your Teaching Skill has levelled up! Child Bonus x2 XP
Your Teaching Skill has levelled up! Child Bonus x2 XP
Your Teaching Skill has levelled up! Child Bonus x2 XP
Your Teaching Skill has levelled up! Child Bonus x2 XP
Your Teaching Skill has levelled up! Child Bonus x2 XP
Your Teaching Skill has levelled up! Child Bonus x2 XP
Your Teaching Skill has levelled up! Child Bonus x2 XP

Your Teaching Skill has reached Level 50! You can teach large groups much easier and impart your knowledge as if talking to them personally. Reward: 5,000 XP. Child Bonus x2 XP

You have gained another level! You are now level 39 and 5 free points have been awarded.

Harry stared at all of the popups without giving himself away when the class bell rang. He dismissed them all and hopped down off of the desk to stand in front of it as all of the students filed past. Most of them greeted him or nodded as they did and Harry handed five galleons to Fred and five to George when they approached the desk.

“I think we have a new favorite teacher.” George said and his brother nodded.

“Are you sure you're a first year?” A very pretty dark-skinned young woman named Angelina asked.

“Only in name. Hogwarts doesn't allow students to advance years.” Harry said and she blinked her eyes several times. “I still have to do the assignments and reports, so no skipping classes for me, either.”

Angelina looked at Padma. “Is he joking?”

“No.” Padma said and took his hand. “And he's mine. Get your own prodigy.”

Both Harry and Angelina looked surprised and the twins laughed.

“Good luck keeping that secret.” A girl named Alicia said.

“Why would I keep it a secret?” Padma said and turned to look at Harry. “We're just getting to know each other and we're only young. That doesn't mean we don't know what we want.”

“Padma.” Harry whispered.

“You're handsome, you're interested in me and my culture, you're scary smart, and you have books!” Padma said loudly. “If it wasn't against the law because we're so young, I'd ask you to marry me.”

Harry knew she was being sincere, because he didn't detect any lies. He was also touched by it, because even though Amelia and Susan had accepted him as family, the girl in front of him wanted to dedicate her life to him.

Not to Harry Potter, not to his fame, and not to his money. To him.

Harry stepped close and gave her an intense look, then he put his arms around her and gave her a kiss. It wasn't his first one, since Maisie the librarian had taken that. It was the first one with someone his age, though.

Padma made a soft sound and her arms went around his neck and she kissed him back with enthusiasm. As she had promised herself, she did her best to make it the best kiss ever.

“Well, damn. That ends the betting pool.” Fred said. “George? Who called it?”

George took out a piece of parchment and checked it. “Ha! Her sister, Parvati.”

“Her sister?” Fred asked and looked at the still kissing eleven year old first years. “Heh. We can't argue that it wasn't genuine or that they planned it. Look at them go.”

“Ah, young love.” George said and put an arm over his brother's shoulders.

“You're thirteen.” Angelina said.

“Yep, and they're eleven.” George said. “Besides, I don't think he could handle someone like you.”

“Oh? Do you think you can?” Angelina challenged.

“I've got five galleons in my pocket that says you like chocolate peppermint sticks from Honeydukes.”

Angelina blinked her eyes several times. “How did you know that?”

“Only an idiot wouldn't want to know his future girlfriend's favorite things.” George said.

Angelina gave him a pointed look for several seconds before she nodded.

“Yes!” George said and did a little dance. “I'll have a box of sticks on your pillow by tonight.”

“You better.” Angelina said with a smile and she left the classroom with Alicia.

“When do you think they'll come up for air?” Fred asked and nodded at Harry and Padma.

“Who knows.” George said. “Come on, we've got a mission to complete.”

“Right-O.” Fred said and they waved to the lightly chuckling Professor Flitwick, who still sat in the hallway and looked into the classroom.

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