The Consequences of Meeting a Dragon

Chapter 55 - Work and More Work

"So you think the Order might have switched our real target with a golem that looks like him to lure us into a trap?" Namyis didn't seem surprised by the idea, but she frowned a little as she looked down at the frozen golem lying in front of her. "I've felt like something was off ever since we started the raid last night. The base's security was relatively light, and the guards weren't well-trained. We got in and caught this guy...this thing? Whatever. We caught him much too easily. But if it's a trap, it's not a very good one. It's too obvious, isn't it?"

"Well, yes. That's part of why we're not sure," Mideis said. "If they knew about our plans, they should have known that Ariom was going to be in charge of the analysis and that someone like him would notice the enchantment was different right away. So it doesn't really make sense for it to be a trap. But it doesn't make sense for it not to be a trap, either."

"That's why we're going to continue with the analysis. We need more information." Ariom walked back over to the examination table. "But we'll do it as carefully as possible. If this is like a typical golem, the most important parts of the enchantment will be in the center of the body. So that should also be where the most dangerous traps are. I honestly doubt we can get through the whole thing without setting one off. So we'll do the limbs first. They should be easier and will let me get more familiar with the enchantment style. And disarming the traps in those parts will decrease the power of the eventual explosion. It will take longer, but it's the safest method."

"You're the boss!" Namyis said cheerfully. "We'll do it however you think is best." She glanced at the observation window and added in a lower voice, "I suppose Garem is looking into the possibility of there being a spy among the researchers?"

Mideis nodded. "Yes. He's going to contact Captain Lysien about doing a thorough check of everyone who could have leaked information about last night's raid. And he and a few other Guard members that he knows he can trust will stay around to keep a close watch on the research team while we're working."

"Good." Namyis gave him a sympathetic smile. "I hope for your sake that we're wrong about that part. It must be hard to have to suspect your own coworkers...."

"It is. But it's not the first time I've experienced it," Mideis said with a sigh. "You always have to be vigilant in this line of work. But I definitely trust the vice-captain. And Ariom is confident that his uncle and Grandmaster Sephior can look after Thenio, so we shouldn't have anything to worry about while we're working."

"Ah, right." Namyis nodded in agreement. "I've heard that Grandmaster Sephior can make really strong barriers. Strong enough that even high-rankers have trouble breaking through them. So they should be fine."

"Right. So let's focus on the problem in front of us. Figuring out this enchantment should help us figure out where this golem came from and how we ended up with it." Ariom sat down in his seat by the table. "Let's get back to work. We'll do the right arm next."

One hour...two hours...three hours....

By the time they'd finished the analysis of both arms and one leg, they'd been working for more than four hours. They took a break for lunch, and after eating, Amisi curled back up inside her blanket to take a short nap, and Bero took Iggy out of the room to go find a place where the restless little dragon could fly around and work off some of his extra energy before the afternoon analysis session started.

Grandmaster Sephior produced a bedroll and blanket from his space pocket, and Thenio used them to also take a quick nap on the floor next to Amisi's bench, assisted by a little bit of sleep magic.

Healing magic could take care of his headaches and the soreness in his wrist and hand, as well as helping to replenish his magic power. But for relieving mental fatigue, there was no good substitute for actual sleep.

Thenio had a pleasant dream.

He dreamt that he was lying on the branch of an enormous tree with dark brown bark and green and gold leaves that grew in long, weeping clusters. Bits of sunlight filtered down through the branches, and a soft breeze made the hanging leaves sway and spread a gentle, familiar scent through the air.

Where had he smelled this before?

It was a bit like vanilla, with hints of cedar. A nice scent. It made Thenio feel relaxed and safe.

He was sure he'd smelled this somewhere before. But he couldn't think where....

As he gazed up through the sunlit leaves, trying to remember, he heard what sounded like a hooved creature walking down on the ground below him. A deer? A horse? Maybe a unicorn?

Thenio sat up and looked down over the side of the thick branch he'd been lying on, trying to see what was making the sound.

But just as he caught sight of movement down below, he felt something tapping at his cheek.

He opened his eyes and found himself back at the Royal Guard headquarters. He was lying on Grandmaster Sephior's bedroll, and Iggy was standing on his chest, patting Thenio's cheek with his tiny paw.

"Thenio, wake up! Uncle Bero says that Humerus says that Ariom says that it's time to start working again!"

Thenio blinked for a moment, trying to work out the meaning of that confusing sentence. It was time to get up. He could understand that much, at least.

He lifted Iggy off his chest and sat up slowly, looking around. "How long was I asleep?"

"About half an hour." Grandmaster Sephior was standing nearby. He seemed to have lifted the blanket off Amisi and was gently scratching her head and neck to help her wake up. "Did you have a good rest, boy?"

"Yeah, I did."

Thenio set Iggy on the end of Amisi's bench, then got to his feet and stretched his arms out in front of him. He did feel well-rested, in spite of only sleeping for a short time. His head had cleared, and he felt alert and energetic.

"I'm glad to hear that," Grandmaster Sephior said with a wrinkly smile.

Thenio gave him a slightly suspicious look. Why did it feel like the doctor had something to do with his restful nap? Was it just the sleep magic he'd used? Or had he done something else after Thenio was asleep?

Come to think of it...didn't that tree in his dream look like a much bigger version of the one Thenio had unintentionally drawn the other day when he'd been using dream magic to draw Sano? The tree that Bero said was in Grandmaster Sephior's garden? Was that just a coincidence...?

"Here, drink this."

Thenio turned to see Bero handing him a cup of water. He took the cup automatically and stared at it blankly for a moment before taking a drink.

"Humerus says Ariom wants to start again in a few minutes," Bero continued. "So move around a little and finish waking up, all right? They'll start working on the second leg as soon as you and Amisi are ready."

Thenio nodded and took another drink of his water before setting the cup on the desk and bending down to roll up the bedroll and blanket.

He'd have to wait and ask Grandmaster Sephior about trees later. Right now it was time to get back to work.

Garem Ranior stood in front of the window in the observation room, arms folded across his chest. He was wearing his usual gloomy expression, but right now it matched his actual mood much more than it normally did.

He'd been in his current position at the Royal Guard for almost thirty years, and he'd worked as an inspector before that. Plus a stint as a combat wizard in the Magic Corps when he was young.

He'd spent most of his life dealing with demons and the type of vermin that were attracted to their power. Of those, the Order of the Ravener was by far the worst. Fighting against actual demons had been much easier than trying to fight against those underhanded parasites.

It wasn't really a surprise that they'd infiltrated the research team and messed with the investigation. They were always playing nasty tricks like that. But it was annoying. He'd been so careful, put so many checks and precautions in place....

But the bugs had still found a way in. They always did. No matter how hard he worked, he was always a step behind.

So annoying....

He heard a faint whine next to him and felt Kino's large, shaggy body press lightly against his leg. Garem unfolded his arms and patted the storm hound's head.

I'm all right. Just frustrated. Have you smelled anything strange?

No. No one seems unusually nervous. The people that Bero warned us about are acting normal.

Well, they wouldn't expose themselves that easily. Just keep watching for now. Getting through this analysis safely is the most important thing. We can worry about hunting down all the rats later.

Why is there always so much work? I like work. But I want to go play with the black dragon and the chaos boy again....

I know. But the boy is working right now, too. You can take a break and visit him for a few minutes after he's done, all right?

Garem patted Kino's head again and turned his attention back to what was happening in the analysis room.

They'd been working on the golem's right leg for the past couple of hours, and it looked like they were nearly finished. They'd probably take a break and then finally start on the head and torso—the most important and difficult parts.

Garem watched the three people inside the room working for a few minutes, his brows slightly furrowed. He wasn't an enchanter or a crystal mage, so he couldn't tell exactly what they were doing, but he could more or less tell how the analysis was going from the expressions on their faces.

They were getting tired. The analysis strategy that Ariom had chosen prioritized safety, but it made for a very long day. They'd been here for more than seven hours already, and the worst was still ahead.

Namyis had the ridiculous stamina of a sixth-rank battlemage, so she was still doing all right. But it was harder for the other two. They were professionals, of course, so they were able to maintain their focus. And the medicines that Grandmaster Sephior had contributed were helping. Ariom and Mideis had both been drinking small amounts of moondust during their breaks to keep their magic power levels up. And the ambrosia was helping everyone stave off physical fatigue.

But it was hard to say how much more they could get done before Ariom's mind or hand slipped and he set off one of the golem's traps.

Not that it was anything to criticize him for. Most enchanters wouldn't have even made it this far. And every bit of information they could glean from this unexpected research subject was valuable. They'd take whatever they could get.

Garem felt someone enter the observation room and turned his head toward the door. He didn't have Kino's keen sense of smell, but as a wind mage, he was very sensitive to movement and the flow of the air around him.

The man who had just entered was Rimeus Telven, the doctor who was in charge of the medical team. Garem had asked him to make some additional preparations, since it looked like the enchantment they were dealing with was more dangerous than they had expected.

Ariom and Bero both seemed sure that Bero's revenant could deal with it, but...well, it never hurt to be prepared. Revenants were dangerous in their own way, after all.

Rimeus came over to where Garem was standing. "We just finished making the arrangements you asked for," he said in a low voice. "The military hospital sent over a couple of transport vehicles, along with the appropriate staff. They'll be waiting in case there are any injuries we can't deal with here. And I double-checked the recovery rooms to make sure everything was in order and then locked them to make sure no one can tamper with them while they aren't being used."

"Good," Garem said with a nod of approval. "Hopefully the protective gear does its job and we don't need the transports. But at least this way we should be ready for whatever happens."

"Well, I think we've done everything we can for now. And we can be glad that the head of the Stability Center decided to join us." Rimeus looked over at the door leading into the transcription room. "It's quite a comfort to know that one of the best doctors in the country is here. And the medical staff were all thrilled to be able to meet him." He turned back to Garem with a slightly embarrassed smile. "Focilo Sephior is a bit of a hero in the world of healing magic, you know. I've been hearing stories about him for years."

"Yes, it was quite lucky that Ariom's assistant turned out to be one of his patients."

"That boy is rather interesting himself." Rimeus looked at the door again. "How did a kid that young end up as a grandmaster enchanter's assistant, anyway? Shouldn't he still be in magic school?"

"There were...circumstances. Grandmaster Denifor is actually his guardian. The assistant part is mostly for show, I think. Though the boy does seem to be quite talented."

"I see." Rimeus continued looking thoughtfully at the door for a moment. Then he turned to Garem again. "Well, feel free to let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to do. Otherwise...we just wait, I guess."

"Yes. That's really all we can do for now." Garem looked back at the two wizards bending over the examination table with looks of intense concentration on their faces. "Watch and wait."

They'd finally reached a stopping point on the second leg.

Ariom signaled for a break and then leaned back in his chair with a sigh. "There. That's all four limbs done. Let's take ten minutes or so. Stretch your legs and get something to drink, everyone. I have no idea how long it will take us to reach another safe place to stop once we start again."

Namyis stood up and stretched, while Mideis poured two cups of health juice, added in a small amount of ambrosia, and brought them over.

"Thanks," Ariom said, taking the cup Mideis handed him. "How are you and Amisi holding out?"

"A little tired, but not too bad. The moondust and ambrosia that Grandmaster Sephior gave us have been helping a lot. It's much better quality than the stuff I normally use. He gave Amisi some as well, and your uncle's been feeding it to her a little at a time. Makes you wonder just how much precious medicine that guy's carrying around with him...." Mideis shook his head. "Anyway, we'll probably need to take tomorrow off to recover, but I think we can last the rest of the day. What about you?"

"About the same. Tired, but I can keep going."

Ariom took a sip of his juice and wrinkled his nose at the taste. Health juice was a thick drink made from a mix of fruit, vegetables, and grain, and it was popular among crafting wizards as a quick and easy substitute for meals during long work sessions. It was reasonably palatable, and Ariom had relied on it a lot in the past. But he'd gotten a bit spoiled lately because of having Thenio around to cook and bring food trays up to the workroom for him.

Toflyn had only cared about cooking when it came to dragon food. The meals he made for humans were...a little questionable. Health juice had seemed like a relatively good alternative back then.

"Is Thenio still doing all right?" Ariom asked, glancing at Mideis, who had gone back to the supply table to get a cup of juice and ambrosia for himself.

"Yes. Napping a little during the lunch break seems to have helped him a lot. He didn't even get a headache during this last section. Though I'm not sure how well he'll hold out if the next one takes much longer. I may have to take over partway through. I can't do it as fast as he can, but since you've been going at a slower pace than we did in the practices, I think I can keep up well enough. Have you decided what part to start on next?"

"We'll do the head next. That's usually where a golem's sensory mechanisms are located, so it will be more complicated than the limbs were. But the traps probably won't be much worse, and there's likely to be a good break point somewhere in the neck."

"Makes sense. It's a good thing you know so much about golems." Mideis sighed. "That's one more topic to add to my neverending study list for this project. I want to go back to my Pre-War artifacts...."

"Just study Pre-War golems, then. Look up the Brelioc Clan—they built some pretty impressive ones. This guy's design is more like those than it is like a modern golem's. Though the basic structure is pretty much the same for all of them."

"Hasn't one of the professors in the research group been studying that clan? I remember there was a presentation about them in one of the meetings I went to a year or two ago...."

"Right. Professor Hibien. Her research isn't focused on golems, but she could probably help you find some materials on them. She recommended a few references to me when I was doing a job for the Delmao Workshop a while back."

"Ah, good idea. I'll ask her. Assuming I can ever find the time...." Mideis sighed again.

Ariom drank the last of his health juice and stood up to take the cup back over to the supply table. He also went around the protective wall to check on Humerus, who had jumped down behind the wall, out of sight from the window, to pretend he was eating a snack. He'd been doing the same thing during all their breaks.

"Are you doing all right, Humerus?" Ariom asked, bending down to stroke the revenant's back.

"No," Humerus said in a sulky voice. His back was to Ariom, but he turned his head around to glare at him. "I'm hungry."

Besides not having snacks, Humerus actually hadn't eaten anything since the day before, in preparation for today.

It was normal for wild revenants to go for days at a time without eating, and as long as Humerus limited his magic use, it wouldn't hurt him. But it was also normal for revenants to be anxious about their food supply, so skipping meals always put him in a very bad mood.

"I know," Ariom told him soothingly. "I'm sorry. I didn't know this was going to be such a difficult job. Just hang in there a little longer. You'll be able to have a nice, big meal later."

Humerus made an annoyed huffing sound and turned away. Ariom patted him, smiling wryly.

He knew that Humerus was doing this of his own free will. Uncle Bero had asked him to, but he hadn't forced him into it. He was also aware that it was a difficult task for the revenant, though, and he was grateful.

"We should probably pay a visit to Thenio's friend Eteon again soon. How about I commission him to make you a new puppet? Then I'll put some enchantments on it for you. Any kind of puppet you want. Would you like that?"

Humerus huffed again. But the tip of his tail waved a little.

Ariom rubbed the revenant's head affectionately. "All right. You think about what kind of puppet you want. We'll talk more about it later."

Having successfully appeased the cranky Humerus, Ariom straightened up and headed back to the examination table.

Break time was almost over. There was still a lot of work to be done.

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